Good Lord

Islam means being pissed off that Christianity and Judaism mean progress, science, and modernity.

Arrogant pretend dhimmitude

He appears to think he can tell the Moslems whatever they want to hear and never pay the price.  He does not believe they will ever hold him to account for his submission.  In that he is a typical liberal, living in his dream world of invulnerability and unaccountability.  The sad thing is, it is almost always someone else who pays.

What Islam means

Islam has meant submission throughout history, and it hasn't changed, nor will it change. Islam's opportunistic approach to the implementation of its various jihads can be seen over 1400 years of its history. Simply look at the architectural changes that have been made in the countries( formally known as sovereign Europoean countries)of the European Union.

How does President Sarkozy spin his "urbaines sensibles" and the burning vehicles throughout France? I know he is pandering, just as the President of the United States is, but until we address this jihad of opportunity in a proper way, the West will continue to be in great peril.

If you take OIL out of their

If you take OIL out of their GDP, every moslem nation is an economic basket case, the only progress they seem to make is in how to kill people. Exactly WHAT scientific discoveries have come out of the moslem world in the last 100 years? If you include the pride in finally conquering the western world through the blatant ignorance and stupidity of its leaders, aside from that there is pride in the fact that moslem countries are backward, repressive and almost all run by brutal dictators? Aside from a few gulf oil countries spending their petrol dollars on opulent palaces (hotels) for the mega rich tell me what exactly is modern in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, across the countries of north africa, Syria or Iran to name just a few countries where the only thing modern is the new mercedes limo the dictator is driven around in.


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