arab dick / ideal playground

these people amaze me: how can they go on believing their own lies??? it's just amazing

I knew some of those lefties going to work for NGO's in arab countries, full off anger for Israel and sympathy for the so-called 'Palestinians'. That's the way I understand it:
1. many of them just love arab dick. I know it sounds cheap but it is what it is. I knew a lot of arabists (women) in my time who went to Egypt/Jordan/PA/marocco just to get banged by arabs (or sudanese refugees), nothing more.
2. many of them love to see themselves as freedomfighters, liberators, adventurous, and ofcourse, it's quite easy as a wealthy westerner to play for enlighted liberator in an arab country with lots of parties in european embassies, and (hotel)bars of the corrupt elite and rich oilarabs. Sudan (and other african countries) ofcourse is a bit less luxurious, and moreover, it is really dangerous out there. The arab world on the other hand is their ideal playground.