Dare To Think
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Thu, 2007-03-08 16:40
This is a promotional video trailer from the (state-owned) University of Ghent, Belgium. "Durf denken" means "Dare to think" and "Denk eens wat anders dan wat je denkt" means "Think something else than what you are thinking."
Rumours that Dinesh D'Souza will soon be appointed a professor at Ghent University appear, however, to be unsubstantiated...
Honestly, I don't know what
Submitted by Luc Van Braekel on Fri, 2007-03-09 22:20.
Honestly, I don't know what to think of this video. Maybe it says "if the terrorists had dared to think, they wouldn't have crashed their plane into the WTC"? So essentially it says that the terrorists were brainless idiots. Right?
@ Luc
Submitted by Eddy Burke on Sat, 2007-03-10 12:52.
Oh please Luc, who are you kidding? The point is that the University is trying to make money with a tasteless video disrespecting the thousands of people who died on that horrible day. I'm sorry to hear that you don't know what to think of this video. Maybe your pro-liberal inclinations (the RUG is "liberal", right?) have gotten the better of your conscience?
War of perception
Submitted by dosser on Fri, 2007-03-09 18:55.
Is it possible that, one day, rational thought will lose in the war of perception to conspiracy theorists? Words cannot describe my confusion at the loss of rational thought. *shaking my head*
No respect of human life
Submitted by perfektm on Fri, 2007-03-09 19:16.
what should i say... the title say it all....
people live in past, and blame today ..... though new generation has nothing to do with past.
Infact, the right way is... Learn from past, but live in future....
At one side we have moohamadians, which want to put conspiracy theories... so once again blood thrusty mohammadians can make the Masscares again....
At one side we have moonbats, which want to put conspiracy theories.... so once again useful idiots can join moonbats, and later cry with white guilt.
There is no saitan, but Allah, and Mohammed is messanger of saitan
video vs cartoons
Submitted by George2 on Fri, 2007-03-09 14:49.
Did you see any Americans setting Belgian embassies or consulates on fire? How many Belgians were killed by Americans over this? With other words, the debate we had in the media over the Danish cartoons had nothing to do with the core of the issue (cartoons depecting the Prophet, may 'peace' be on Him). It had all to do with the violent reaction of Muslims. The issue was not in the papers and on tv until the violent and murderous reactions started.
So if you are non-white and you want to commit a crime, just commit the crime and shout: "I am a victim of the white world elite!" You'll be fine. Be ware: only for non-whites.
"With other words, the
Submitted by peter vanderheyden on Fri, 2007-03-09 18:40.
"With other words, the debate we had in the media over the Danish cartoons had nothing to do with the core of the issue (cartoons depecting the Prophet, may 'peace' be on Him). It had all to do with the violent reaction of Muslims. The issue was not in the papers and on tv until the violent and murderous reactions started. "
Then why is this clip in here George2? As a non issue?
Submitted by George2 on Fri, 2007-03-09 21:47.
TBJ reported the cartoon issue long before it became an issue for the other media. It reported the cartoon issue because it was an issue. And so is this video.
The other media reported about the cartoons when people were being killed and embassies were set on fire. Americans will not go around killing Belgian citizens and setting Belgian embassies on fire. Therefore this video will never become an issue for the ‘regular’ media.
The issue at hand here is that when white Westerners joke with a Muslim symbol, then it is a non-issue. When Muslims start killing, suddenly it does becomes an issue. The political correct press will give it favorable attention, not because of the cartoons (they did not report them in the first place) but because of the killings. White Westerners joke with an American ‘symbol’, if I may call the heinous act of 9/11 so. Right now it is a non-issue for you and political correct media. It is not for TBJ. PVDH, do you really need killings before something becomes an issue? And if Americans would start killing Belgian citizens, I am convinced they will not meet the same favorable political correct press as Muslims did (their symbols need to respected, not because of the cartoons but because of murders).
Think something else than what you are thinking
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Fri, 2007-03-09 11:59.
""Think something else than what you are thinking.""
Think something else other than the leftist PC west hating socialist feminist crap ALL western universities try to shove down your throat.
Being a Belgian I would like
Submitted by Jo Bellens on Fri, 2007-03-09 02:37.
Being a Belgian I would like to apologize for this tasteless and insensitive video.
Submitted by Eddy Burke on Thu, 2007-03-08 18:42.
I still shiver when I see the images of these planes penetrating the towers... And then to find out that this Godless, cynical, we-stand-for-nothing so called "University" abuses these images for a promotion campaign, just leaves me shocked beyond belief. Vultures!
Submitted by George2 on Fri, 2007-03-09 00:28.
Can you imagine that the same state who sponsered this video also sponsored a documentary about the holocaust that claims that during WW2 the US government knew about the death camps and what happened there and although the US army could do something, the US government chose not to do anything at all. You know our state television has to stay critical. Of course, in order to stay critical, they forgot to mention one single American soldier who died liberating Europe including Belgium. Yes, the claim of the makers of this documentary would not have been supported by the truth. So they just forget the truth.
This documentary has been re-aired several times.
How good it is, to have true friends.
And I have to pay taxes to support these liers who in name of being critical journalists, spout the most dirty shit you can imagine.
The state television station who supported and aired this 'documentary', currently shows at least two documentaries on nazism every week (they don't like the political right). And at the same time they refuse to name the people who rampaged this week in Copenhagen: leftist thugs.
Can you imagine what it is to be indoctrinated like this?
Nobody is perfect
Submitted by marcfrans on Thu, 2007-03-08 18:41.
Two points.
1) Dinesh D'Souza has in the past made significant contributions in the struggle to debunk naive-left thinking in terms of the internal 'culture war' within the USA. But, there is no denying that in terms of foreign policy, and particular w.r.t. Islam, he seems to have gone off the rails of common sense. However, the (indirect) suggestion that his kind of 'dhimmitude' could be in any way compared with the one of Herman De Ley of the University of Ghent, is in my opinion way overblown. Funny it may be though...
2) The CFIA center of the Rockford Institute provides a useful counterweight and vehicle to debunk neocon illusions about the nature of the rest-of-the-world. Also, its rejection of the 'one-world globalist' foreign policy model is very sensible, but its characterisation of the necon model as "imperialist" is not fair. In order to advance a "realist" foreign policy model, one does not have to misrepresent alternative models. It suffices to point out the disagreement about presuppositions or underlying assumptions.
Dare to Think
Submitted by USAntigoon on Thu, 2007-03-08 18:17.
Is this a new "slogan" for the Belgian Left Secular Progressives..
I did "Dare to think" a few days ago with the Mega Million Lotto...But this was for sure short lived.. :)