England Awakes

A quote from Labour MP Frank Field in The Daily Telegraph, 29 September 2007

Yet it is not on Scotland that all eyes should be turned but on England itself. The few polls that have asked the same question of the English as well as the Scots show that English voters want greater independence from the Union than their counterparts north of the border.

A Newsnight survey found that a clear 61 per cent of English voters think they should have their own parliament and that this proposition was supported by a majority of Scottish voters. Another poll revealed that a greater proportion of English voters wanted independence for England than did Scottish voters for Scotland.

The English question is the great giant in British politics that is now beginning to awake from slumber induced by the first devolution of power to Scotland.

Liberty .

As an English man I say ... give us an English Parliament and then let us sport out the Muslim problem , for that is what independant governments do . Have some faith , Amsterdamsky , that there are some Englishmen withthe will to do what is necessary .

Mistaken belief that this will create self determination

I think this desire is basically the mistaken belief that the new english political elites created from the split will somehow actually represent real english people and not the waves of muslim immigrants flowing into the country from third world shitholes that used to be under British rule.