Reverse Colonization
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Sat, 2008-06-28 15:04
A quote from Diana West’s blog, 28 June 2008
Well, I went to [the Brussels borough of] Molenbeek earlier this month and brought back this slide show of snaps. What you will see may call to mind something more like Little Marrakesh or Istanbultown than the so-called capital of Europe. To some, it will be possible to see in Molenbeek a fairly bustling display of non-indigenous culture certainly not unfamiliar to Americans who have both lived through and been a part of historic immigration waves. […] What is different here, of course […] is that what is going here is not a traditional process of assimilation to the host (European) culture, but a quietly revolutionary procedure best described as reverse colonization: Europe is being colonized by Islam.
The difference between your
Submitted by qwerty123 on Mon, 2008-06-30 14:39.
The difference between your photographs in Bruxelles and what I saw in Tangier, Morocco is that in Tangier one can see more ladies that are not wearing muslin paraphenalia (headscalves)!
Submitted by onecent on Sun, 2008-06-29 19:47.
I agree with what you've posted about our southwest being overrun. At least we Americans are having a very public debate about this issue. It's out in the open and loud enough to cower the fools in Congress. My point is that Europeans haven't even gotten that far. Their mouths are muzzled, any utterance about the Muslim immigration problem is rebuffed as racist by the lefty elites and their enforcers. Worse, you can get yourself arrested in the EU for what would be free speech for us. Pretty soon Europeans won't have elected officials with any voter accountablilty. That's a mess of their own making.
Mexicans, if we can't get a handle on this, trust me, aren't going to be the detriment to our culture that the ever growing Muslim masses are to Europe. Wait until Europe stares down the barrel of Iran's "Muslim" nuclear bomb. Oh, but, wait, they'll curse Israel or the Americans for fixing that threat for them.
There isn't a lot of sympathy coming from me about the predicament Europeans are in. I just fight the good fight here that we never become like them.
Submitted by FRW on Sun, 2008-06-29 19:22.
Mexification is certainly not as bad as Islamification but it is still a big problem and it will become worse.
The video shows Juan Hernandez who works for the John McCain campaign.
Also the US isn't immune to Islamification, it's just a few decades behind Western Europe. Just like Eastern Europe. Every nation is at risk as long as it wants to be tolerant and diverse.
Having lived in both
Submitted by Ernest on Sun, 2008-06-29 16:53.
Having lived in both places I think the muslim/african invasion of europe has far greater consequences than the "Reconquista". Europe will be europe in name only in another generation or two where the US will probably soldier on for at least another century.
It certainly can be argued that Europe’s immigration issue is more of an immediate nature and threat but to me it is like arguing about being murdered with a gun or slowly with poison. The end result is the same if we lose what makes us what we are. If you look at a map of the spread of the invasion and Hispanic population in particular over the last 30 years it is like a metastasizing cancer with their culture taking precedence where they have become a majority.
Elizabeth Wright has a very poignant piece on what happens as LaRaza and it's crew takes over.
Immigration: Betrayal By Black Elites
We are friends with one Mexican family whose 7 year old son speaks nothing but English.
You anecdotal story is fine and well but all areas that are now inundated with Hispanics and the Hispanic culture all started out in a similar fashion. As the Hispanic population increases they is little incentive for them to do anything other then what is happening right now. When they are few in numbers they have little choice and are "meek" but as their numbers increase They demand bi-lingual education, their history and culture.
There is also a lot of intermarriage which as stated in a previous post is one secret to successful assimilation
Huh? So becoming borg is what we need to do? I don't know how you define "assimilation" but as their numbers increase along with thier birth rate it is we who will be doing the assimilating not them.
Europe's immigration problem is not primarily confined to one region.
Neither is ours anymore as cites like Atlanta, Charlotte, Wash DC, Chicago and many other places are now dealing with all of these issues.
The Hispanic population is growing in most metropolitan areas, but the rate and location of increase varies widely. Four distinct patterns of growth can be discerned. Established Latino metros such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Chicago posted the largest absolute increases in Latinos between 1980 and 2000. However, new Latino destinations like Atlanta and Orlando charted the fastest growth rates, despite their historically smaller Hispanic bases. Metros with relatively larger Latino bases, such as Houston, Phoenix and San Diego, meanwhile, became fast-growing Latino hubs during the past 20 years, with population growth averaging 235 percent. Small Latino places, such as Baton
Rouge, posted much lower absolute and relative growth than the other locales.
By that definition, many of the 'youths' who burned up the French suburbs or the suicide bombers who blew up the London Underground are not immigrants. They are French and British citizens by birth. They are the children or even the grandchildren of the original immigrants
Well we have the same issue with anchor babies and visa lotteries and a myriad of ways that work to change our landscape. I guess that we are supposed to just throw up our hands, lay supine and say have at it? Errant, misguided and underhanded immigration policies should not dictate how we react or deal with this problem. Teddy Kennedy and his ilk passed the 1965 immigration act that very much paved the way for the invasion. Of course they assured the populous that these issues would never come to pass. Jut like they lied in 1986 when they said that amnesty was the amnesty to end all amnesties. They lied then and they are lying now including John McCain. Both Obama and McCain are pandering to LaRaza and promising help with amnesty and the continued invasion. Some folks act like the invaders culture, race and families are important but ours not so much. I refuse to drink that kool-aid.
Ernest, yes, the influx of Mexican illegal is a big problem, but, it is being met with a loud public response or haven't you noticed.
Yeah that is true except to this point the invasion continues almost unabated. Thousands continue to come into this country everyday. Anchor babies are born everyday. When the border is secured or reduced to a trickle we may have "won" something but as of right now the only thing that has happened is a perverse kind of standstill that is largely the status quo. Not to mention as long as our government and corporation can continue to supply race based groups like LaRaza etc with tax dollars and support we are a long way from winning anything.
The US immigration problem
Submitted by BollekeBoy on Sun, 2008-06-29 14:44.
The US immigration problem is huge, but the European immigration problem is catastrophic. The problem is worst in the US along the border region just as Ernest said. I spent time in El Paso, and it was a real eye-opener. However, up here in central Pennsylvania where I live it is a different situation. One local church offers Holy Mass once a month in Spanish, and there are enough immigrants in the local area to pack the church. They spend the rest of the month living and working in English. We are friends with one Mexican family whose 7 year old son speaks nothing but English. There is also a lot of intermarriage which as stated in a previous post is one secret to successful assimilation. Along the border the immigrants remain in their own communities where they continue to speak Spanish, and the liberal leftists ensure things like Spanish-only education so that they don't assimilate. Most of America's immigrants are first generation so it is still just a guessing game as to how this will all work out in the end.
Europe's immigration problem is not primarily confined to one region. It spans the entire continent. The only intermarriage that occurs is when a Western women converts to Islam and marries a Muslim man. That was the case with the women from Charleroi who became the first Western born and raised female suicide bomber in Iraq. A Muslim woman in Europe who decides to date an infidel might just become the victim of an honor killing. The biggest problem in Europe is that many of the so-called 'immigrants' in Europe are not really immigrants at all. An immigrant is someone who leaves one country and moves to another. By that definition, many of the 'youths' who burned up the French suburbs or the suicide bombers who blew up the London Underground are not immigrants. They are French and British citizens by birth. They are the children or even the grandchildren of the original immigrants.
So we can only guess what the outcome of America's immigration problem will be, but the outcome of Europe's immigration problem is already apparent. Europe's 'immigrant community' grows larger and less assimilated with each new generation.
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sun, 2008-06-29 13:01.
Having lived in both places I think the muslim/african invasion of europe has far greater consequences than the "Reconquista". Europe will be europe in name only in another generation or two where the US will probably soldier on for at least another century.
Whenever an occassion arises
Submitted by Ernest on Sun, 2008-06-29 12:48.
Whenever an occassion arises for the numbskull Kapitein Andre to take a swipe at Americans he takes it. Enough said.
I can't speak to KA and taking a "swipe at Americans" but he is absolutely right. You are naive to suggest that the colonization by Mexico specifically and Hispanics in general won't and isn't having the same effect of destroying our communities, culture and country. It already is. It is happening in S CA. large parts of NM, AZ, TX, S FL and whole sections of cities and towns across this country. They may not strap bombs on their backs but they don't need to as long as we offer little resistance to the invasion. Spanish is becoming prevalent and if given enough time will overtake our language; "Latino studies" is becoming an issue with a healthy trashing of Western history and the evil white man, Most Hispanics even though "Christian" have no problem with socialistic & Marxist policies. LaRaza, MEChA, LULAC et al are not bridge clubs.
Mexicans aren't feeding at the welfare trough here
That is either an outright lie or you are ignorant. Most of these immigrants are of the peasant class. Multitudes of hospitals are in financial trouble and many have shut down as a result of being burdened with mandated "emergency" health care. Children of these immgrants whether citizens or not qualify for free school meals. Many illegals pay little to no taxes. Many of those who do and file largely qualify for EIC. Anchor babies open the door for all kinds of welfare benefits.
In addition they don't come here to be "American". They want to remain loyal to Mexico. The marches of spring 2006 showed very clearly where their loyalties lay and their mindset of being Mexican.
Maybe you should read up on "communites" like Cudahy CA which is a glowing example of what happens when they take over.
Submitted by onecent on Sun, 2008-06-29 15:00.
Ernest, yes, the influx of Mexican illegals is a big problem, but, it is being met with a loud public response or haven't you noticed. The Shamnesty Bill was taken of the table because of public backlash, a far cry from the sheeple silence in Europe. We aren't providing housing, cash, and food stamps to illegals as in Europe and because of that many go home when the economics aren't in their favor. Emergency hospital services should not be denied to anyone, anywhere in the world.
When our legislators try to pull the wool over our eyes we respond aggressively unlike the passive, worse, self-loathing self-destruction that permeates the EU. We are building a border wall as demanded by voters, it's legally funded, and, all be it slow going, it's progress.
Europeans have a long way to go before they even get close to Americans in making their will known and curtailing their political elites. Do most of them even care? They've been so thoroughly brainwashed and it doesn't seem to bother most of them one wit that Brussels is destroying all vestiges of free speech.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sun, 2008-06-29 06:53.
Armor: Americans' ancestors recreated Europe in America.
Indeed. American political culture has robust British foundations supplemented by other values derived from the Continent. And only a Herculean effort could dislodge American politics from its founding tenets. However, American culture has proved much more fluid, and is responsive to the ethnic and thereby racial composition of the country. Adapting to successive waves of European immigrants, its Anglo-centric bias became a Western European one. Time allowed for generations of Whites to be born on American soil, and for Whites of various European ancestry to intermarry, thereby blending and diluting foreign loyalties and affinities. These demographic processes worked hand-in-hand with a unique political course and created a natural rift between the United States and Europe, one more salient than between other "settler societies" (e.g. Australia, Canada) and their ancestral homelands.
Armor: They did not assimilate into the Indian local culture. Former immigrants to the USA had no trouble assimilating into a European culture because they were European too.
Agreed. Nor did the Dutch and other European colonists of South Africa assimilate into the existing African societies. Moreover, they created South Africa as a nation and a state.
Armor: So, Arab immigration to Brussels is different from traditional immigration to the USA, but not from today's Mexican immigration to the USA.
As Huntington notes, Latin American cultures are closer to Western ones than Islamic cultures are. However, it is interesting to note that Latin American countries have varying degrees of Whiteness which are fairly commensurate with their socio-political and economic fortunes. And closeness is not sameness.
Armor: What matters is not the replacement of christianity by islam, but the displacement of our own people by foreigners. If my neighbors are not even European, I don't want to know about their religion.
'Nuff said.
Armor: ...the driving force is actually European lefism [sic]...
No. The driving force is that non-Whites covet Whiteness.
Mexican/Latino Immigration
Submitted by Poker Player on Sun, 2008-06-29 01:35.
I would be the last to say that this isn't a problem, but it is not near the problem facing Europe from the Muslims.
Remember that the Mexican/Latino influx is Christian based and have no equivalent to Sharia law to cause mischief. In addition they do not come with their own "Imams" to keep them "in line" and concerned about being insulted about everything from clothing styles to cartoons of the Prophet.
The question with the Mexican/Latino influx is, have they reached the tipping point that will prevent them from assimilating? In addition to sheer numbers they have easy access to spanish speaking radio, TV and almost no need to speak English in day to day activities.
In addition, the US general populace is in high dungeon over the 13 million (not 10) in country and will force a solution.
Europe, on the other hand..... and I hate to say this...appears to have surrendered.
@Poker Player
Submitted by onecent on Sun, 2008-06-29 03:39.
Whenever an occassion arises for the numbskull Kapitein Andre to take a swipe at Americans he takes it. Enough said.
Illegal Mexicans are a problem, but, their attitudes and culture aren't going to bring America down like the Muslms are and will do to Europe. You nailed the obvious reasons that won't happen. And, we Americans aren't the socialist welfare dependent sheeple that Europeans are. Mexicans aren't feeding at the welfare trough here. Hey, fascism had its origins and reincarnations in Europe. We Americans are a vocal and risk taking group that won't tolerate elite fascism for very long.
Oh, and, what's more amusing is that poker is part of our national heritage, a great game of wit and risk. Mark Twain understood it as a democratizing force. Yep, you can loose your shirt playing poker or break the bank, an alien concept to risk averse Euroweenies. Most of them will don their burqas in an orderly manner loathing themselves into oblivion.
race of immigrants
Submitted by Armor on Sat, 2008-06-28 20:34.
I think KA is right. Race is the important factor.
Americans' ancestors recreated Europe in America. They did not assimilate into the Indian local culture. Former immigrants to the USA had no trouble assimilating into a European culture because they were European too. But Mexican immigrants are not about to become European Americans any more than Arab immigrants will become Europeans. Taking a walk in Los Angeles or Detroit, you will notice the de-europeanization, just as in Brussels, except that Mexicans and Blacks do not wear jellabas. So, Arab immigration to Brussels is different from traditional immigration to the USA, but not from today's Mexican immigration to the USA.
What matters is not the replacement of christianity by islam, but the displacement of our own people by foreigners. If my neighbors are not even European, I don't want to know about their religion.
Saying that Europe is colonized by islam suggests to me that islam is the driving force of the colonization. But the driving force is actually European lefism. It is our own governments who impose mass immigration, fail to protect Europeans against immigrant crime, and would like to impose halal food in the schools, and laws against islamophobia. Immigrants do not have to build houses and mosques, and work to raise children: everything is provided by our governments.
Europeans never tried to create population settlements in China or India. I think what made it possible for our ancestors to settle in America and Australia was the sparsity of the local population. In fact, there are more American Indians today than 500 years ago. On the contrary, European cities have big European populations which are going to go down dramatically as a result of the third-world invasion.
KA: "this situation does not rank that far behind the "Muslim problem".
In fact, the population change is more advanced in the USA than in Europe, even though the birth rate of European-Americans is still higher than the birth rate of Europeans living in Europe.
@Diana West RE: "Reverse Colonization"
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sat, 2008-06-28 18:49.
West: ...a fairly bustling display of non-indigenous culture certainly not unfamiliar to Americans who have both lived through and been a part of historic immigration waves. […] What is different here, of course […] is that what is going here is not a traditional process of assimilation to the host (European) culture, but a quietly revolutionary procedure best described as reverse colonization: Europe is being colonized by Islam.
I agree that Islamic and non-White immigration to Europe in general represents a "revolutionary" process of "reverse colonization".
However, assimilation is only possible within specific cultural and yes racial parameters, and the American "melting pot" concept is a myth and a failure. Of course, Britons who believed that the so-called "American nightmare" is solely the result of racial discrimination, slavery, Jim Crow, etc., can now rest assured that there is nothing particularly American about the folly of assimilation. Nor is there anything particularly European about it either...
The United States is undergoing a colonisation process of its own, mainly from Latin America - Mexico in particular. Over ten million non-citizens staged mass demonstrations and protests in an effort to bully legislators of a foreign country in which they were residing. Paramount was the display of Mexican flags not the Stars and Stripes. And neither the American government nor the people did anything to stop it.
Given the violent conflict between Mexican authorities and the cartels, and between Latin American governments and paramilitaries, this situation does not rank that far behind the "Muslim problem".