The Failure of Western Universities
From the desk of Fjordman on Wed, 2006-08-30 19:38
Kari Vogt, historian of religion at the University of Oslo, has stated that Ibn Warraq’s book “Why I am Not a Muslim” is just as irrelevant to the study of Islam as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are to the study of Judaism. She is widely considered as one of the leading expert on Islam in Norway, and is frequently quoted in national media on matters related to Islam and Muslim immigration. People who get most of their information from the mainstream media, which goes for the majority of the population, will thus be systematically fed biased information and half-truths about Islam from our universities, which have largely failed to uphold the ideal of free inquiry. Unfortunately, this situation is pretty similar at universities and colleges throughout the West.
London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), scene to a growing number of anti-Semitic incidents from an increasingly pro-Islamic campus, issued a threat to one of its Jewish students to cease his protests against anti-Semitism at the University. Gavin Gross, an American, had been leading a campaign against the deterioration of conditions for Jewish students at SOAS, which is part of the University of London. SOAS had witnessed an escalation of anti-Jewish activity, in both severity and frequency. At the beginning of the year, the Islamic Society screened a video which compared Judaism with Satanism.
Meanwhile, in a move to “promote understanding between Islam and the West,” Saudi Arabia donated about SR13 million to a leading British museum. The officials said the money from Prince Sultan would pay for a new Saudi and Islamic gallery, which would help to portray Islamic culture and civilization in right perspectives. It would also help fund scholarships for Saudi students at Oxford University.
The Saudis and other oil-rich Arabs are busy buying influence over what Westerners hear about Islam. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, a member of the Saudi Royal Family, is an international investor currently ranked among the ten richest persons in the world. He is known in the USA for a $10 million check he offered to New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani in October 2001 for the Twin Towers Fund. Mayor Giuliani returned the gift when he learned that the prince had called for the United States to “re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause.”
Prince Talal is also creating a TV channel, Al-Resalah, to target American Muslims. He already broadcasts in Saudi Arabia. In 2005, Bin Talal bought 5.46% of voting shares in News Corp, the parent of Fox News. In December 2005 he boasted to Middle East Online about his ability to change what viewers see on Fox News. Covering the riots in France that fall, Fox ran a banner saying: “Muslim riots.” Bin Talal was not happy. “I picked up the phone and called Murdoch [...] [and told him] these are not Muslim riots, these are riots out of poverty,” he said. “Within 30 minutes, the title was changed from Muslim riots to civil riots.”
A survey conducted by Cornell University found that around half of Americans had a negative view of Islam. Addressing a press conference at the headquarters of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Paul Findley, a former US Congressman, said that the cancer of anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sentiments was spreading in American society and required corrective measures to stamp out. It was announced that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) would be launching a massive $50 million media campaign involving television, radio and newspapers. “We are planning to meet Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal for his financial support to our project. He has been generous in the past.”
The World Assembly of Muslim Youth, founded by the nephew of Osama Bin Laden in the US, is sharing offices with the Islamic Society of North America and the Islamic Centre of Canada. WAMY Canada runs a series of Islamic camps and pilgrimages for youth. US Special Agent Kane quoted from a publication prepared by the WAMY that said: “Hail! Hail! O Sacrificing Soldiers! To Us! To Us! So we may defend the flag on this Day of Jihad, are you miserly with your blood?! And has life become dearer to you? And staying behind sweeter?” According to him, 14- to 18-year-olds were the target audience for these teachings.
Harvard University and Georgetown University received $20 million donations from Prince bin Talal to finance Islamic studies. “For a university with global aspirations, it is critical that Harvard have a strong program on Islam that is worldwide and interdisciplinary in scope,” said Steven E. Hyman, Harvard’s provost. Georgetown said it would use the gift – the second-largest it has ever received – to expand its Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Martin Kramer, the author of “Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America,” said: “Prince Alwaleed knows that if you want to have an impact, places like Harvard or Georgetown, which is inside the Beltway, will make a difference.”
Georgetown professor John Esposito, founding director of the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, has, probably more than any other academic, contributed to downplaying the Jihadist threat to the West. Kramer states that during his early days in the 1970s, Esposito had prepared his thesis under his Muslim mentor Ismail R. Faruqi, a Palestinian pan-Islamist and theorist of the “Islamization of knowledge.” During the first part of his career, John L. Esposito never studied or taught at a major Middle East center. In the 80s, he published books such as Islam: The Straight Path, the first of a series of favorable books on Islam. In 1993, Esposito arrived at Georgetown University, and has later claimed the status of “authority” in the field.
In 2003, officials from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) recognized Esposito as the current “Abu Taleb of Islam” and the Muslim community, not only in North America but also worldwide. In appreciation of his “countless effort towards dispelling myths about Muslim societies and cultures,” Dr. Sayyid Syeed, Secretary General of the ISNA compared the role of Esposito to that of Abu Taleb, Muhammad’s non-Muslim uncle who gave unconditional support to the Muslim community in Mecca at a time when it was still weak and vulnerable.
The rise to prominence of Esposito symbolizes the failure of critical studies of Islam – some would argue critical studies of just about anything non-Western – in Western Universities in the 1980s and 90s. Frenchman Olivier Roy as early as 1994 published a book entitled The Failure of Political Islam and wrote of the Middle East as having entered the stage of “post-Islamism.” As Martin Kramer puts it, “the academics were so preoccupied with “Muslim Martin Luthers” that they never got around to producing a single serious analysis of bin Laden and his indictment of America. Bin Laden’s actions, statements, and videos were an embarrassment to academics who had assured Americans that “political Islam” was retreating from confrontation.
At least US Universities are noticing bin Laden now. Bruce Lawrence, Duke professor of religion, has published a book of Osama bin Laden’s speeches and writings. “If you read him in his own words, he sounds like somebody who would be a very high-minded and welcome voice in global politics,” Lawrence said. Lawrence has also claimed that Jihad means “being a better student, a better colleague, a better business partner. Above all, to control one’s anger.”
Others believe we make too much fuss about this whole Jihad business. John Mueller, Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University, in the September 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs asked whether the terrorist threat to the USA had just been made up: “A fully credible explanation for the fact that the United States has suffered no terrorist attacks since 9/11 is that the threat posed by homegrown or imported terrorists – like that presented by Japanese Americans during World War II or by American Communists after it – has been massively exaggerated.” “The massive and expensive homeland security apparatus erected since 9/11 may be persecuting some, spying on many, inconveniencing most, and taxing all to defend the United States against an enemy that scarcely exists.”
Lee Kaplan joined a conference of MESA, the Middle East Studies Association, in San Francisco: “Free copies of a glossy newsmagazine called the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs were being distributed to the academics in attendance. Most people, upon seeing the publication, might assume it was similar to Newsweek or Time.” “What most people don’t know is that the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs magazine and Web site – indeed, the entire organization behind it – are funded by Saudi Arabia, a despotic regime that has been quietly buying its way onto every campus in America, particularly through Middle East Studies centers in the U.S.”
“I met Nabil Al-Tikriti, a professor from the University of Chicago.” “I’d invite those academic Middle East scholars who actually support America’s war effort overseas and security needs here at home. People like Daniel Pipes or Martin Kramer.” I continued, “Why aren’t they here at the MESA Conference?” “They’d be shouted down,” replied Al-Tikriti.
Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald shares his worries about MESA: “As an organization, MESA has over the past two decades slowly but surely been taken over by apologists for Islam.” “The apologetics consists in hardly ever discussing Jihad, dhimmitude, or indeed even introducing the students to Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira.” “Books on the level of [Karen] Armstrong and Esposito are assigned, and feelgood nonsense like Maria Rosa Menocal’s The Ornament of the World.”
“No member of MESA has done as much to make available to a wide public important new work on Muhammad, on the origins of the Qur’an, and on the history of early Islam, as that lone wolf, Ibn Warraq. No one has done such work on the institution of the dhimmi as that lone louve, Bat Ye’or. It is an astounding situation, where much of the most important work is not being done in universities, because many university centers have been seized by a kind of Islamintern International.”
Hugh Fitzgerald is right. The Legacy of Jihad, one of the most important works on Jihad to appear in recent years, was written by Andrew Bostom, a medical doctor who was dissatisfied with much of the material available on the subject following the terror attacks in 2001. Bat Ye’or, perhaps the leading expert on the Islamic institution of dhimmitude, is self-taught. And Ibn Warraq has written several excellent books on the origins of the Koran and the early days of Islamic history while remaining outside of the established University system. This is all a great credit to them personally, but it is not a credit to the status of Western Universities.
It is difficult to understand why American or Western authorities still allow the Saudis to fund what is being taught about Islam to future Western leaders, years after several Saudi nationals staged the worst terror attack in Western history. The United States didn’t allow Nazi Germany to buy influence at US Universities. Although the Soviet Communists had their apologists in the West as well as paid agents, the US never allowed the Soviet Union to openly sponsor its leading colleges. So why are they allowing Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations to do so? The Saudis are enemies, and should be banned from exerting direct influence over our Universities and major media. It is a matter of national security.
Still, although bribes and Saudi oil money represent a serious obstacle to critical Western studies of Islam, they do by no means make up all of the problems. Quite a few academics are so immersed with anti-Western ideology that they will be happy to bash the West and applaud Islam for free.
Few works have done more to corrupt critical debate of Islam in Western institutions for higher learning during the past generation than the 1979 book Orientalism by Edward Said. It spawned a veritable army of Saidists, or Third World Intellectual Terrorism as Ibn Warraq puts it. According to Ibn Warraq, “the latter work taught an entire generation of Arabs the art of self-pity – “were it not for the wicked imperialists, racists and Zionists, we would be great once more” – encouraged the Islamic fundamentalist generation of the 1980s, and bludgeoned into silence any criticism of Islam.”
“The aggressive tone of Orientalism is what I have called ‘intellectual terrorism,’ since it does not seek to convince by arguments or historical analysis but by spraying charges of racism, imperialism, Eurocentrism” on anybody who might disagree. “One of his preferred moves is to depict the Orient as a perpetual victim of Western imperialism, dominance and aggression. The Orient is never seen as an actor, an agent with free-will, or designs or ideas of its own.”
Ibn Warraq also criticizes Said for his lack of recognition of the tradition of critical thinking in the West. Had he delved a little deeper into Greek civilization and history, and bothered to look at Herodotus’ great history, Said “would have encountered two features which were also deep characteristics of Western civilization and which Said is at pains to conceal and refuses to allow: the seeking after knowledge for its own sake.” “The Greek word, historia, from which we get our “history,” means “research” or “inquiry,” and Herodotus believed his work was the outcome of research: what he had seen, heard, and read but supplemented and verified by inquiry.”
“Intellectual inquisitiveness is one of the hallmarks of Western civilisation. As J.M. Roberts put it, “The massive indifference of some civilisations and their lack of curiosity about other worlds is a vast subject. Why, until very recently, did Islamic scholars show no wish to translate Latin or western European texts into Arabic? Why when the English poet Dryden could confidently write a play focused on the succession in Delhi after the death of the Mogul emperor Aurungzebe, is it a safe guess that no Indian writer ever thought of a play about the equally dramatic politics of the English seventeenth-century court? It is clear that an explanation of European inquisitiveness and adventurousness must lie deeper than economics, important though they may have been.”
Martin Kramer points out the irony that novelist Salman Rushdie praised Said’s courage: “Professor Said periodically receives threats to his safety from the Jewish Defense League in America,” said Rushdie in 1986, “and I think it is important for us to appreciate that to be a Palestinian in New York – in many ways the Palestinian – is not the easiest of fates.” But as it happened, Said’s fate became infinitely preferable to Rushdie’s, after Khomeini called for Rushdie’s death in 1989. It was ironic that Rushdie, a postcolonial literary lion of impeccable left-wing credentials, should have been made by some Muslims into the very personification of Orientalist hostility to Islam.”
In his essay The Intellectuals and Socialism, F.A. Hayek noted already decades ago that “Socialism has never and nowhere been at first a working-class movement. It is a construction of theorists” and intellectuals, “the secondhand dealers in ideas.” “The typical intellectual need not possess special knowledge of anything in particular, nor need he even be particularly intelligent, to perform his role as intermediary in the spreading of ideas. The class does not consist of only journalists, teachers, ministers, lecturers, publicists, radio commentators, writers of fiction, cartoonists, and artists.” It also “includes many professional men and technicians, such as scientists and doctors.”
“These intellectuals are the organs which modern society has developed for spreading knowledge and ideas, and it is their convictions and opinions which operate as the sieve through which all new conceptions must pass before they can reach the masses.”
“The most brilliant and successful teachers are today more likely than not to be socialists.” According to Hayek, this is not because Socialists are more intelligent, but because “a much higher proportion of socialists among the best minds devote themselves to those intellectual pursuits which in modern society give them a decisive influence on public opinion.” “Socialist thought owes its appeal to the young largely to its visionary character.” “The intellectual, by his whole disposition, is uninterested in technical details or practical difficulties. What appeal to him are the broad visions.”
He warns that “It may be that as a free society as we have known it carries in itself the forces of its own destruction, that once freedom has been achieved it is taken for granted and ceases to be valued, and that the free growth of ideas which is the essence of a free society will bring about the destruction of the foundations on which it depends.” “Does this mean that freedom is valued only when it is lost, that the world must everywhere go through a dark phase of socialist totalitarianism before the forces of freedom can gather strength anew?” “If we are to avoid such a development, we must be able to offer a new liberal program which appeals to the imagination. We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure, a deed of courage.”
In his book Modern Culture, Roger Scruton explains the continued attraction of left-wing ideology in this way:
“The Marxist theory is as form of economic determinism, distinguished by the belief that fundamental changes in economic relations are invariably revolutionary, involving a violent overthrow of the old order, and a collapse of the political “super-structure” which had been built on it. The theory is almost certainly false: nevertheless, there is something about the Marxian picture which elicits, in enlightened people, the will to believe. By explaining culture as a by-product of material forces, Marx endorses the Enlightenment view, that material forces are the only forces there are. The old culture, with its gods and traditions and authorities, is made to seem like a web of illusions – ‘the opiate of the people,’ which quietens their distress.”
Hence, according to Scruton, in the wake of the Enlightenment, “there came not only the reaction typified by Burke and Herder, and embellished by the romantics, but also a countervailing cynicism towards the very idea of culture. It became normal to view culture from the outside, not as a mode of thought which defines our moral inheritance, but as an elaborate disguise, through which artificial powers represent themselves as natural rights. Thanks to Marx, debunking theories of culture have become a part of culture. And these theories have the structure pioneered by Marx: they identify power as the reality, and culture as the mask; they also foretell some future ‘liberation’ from the lies that have been spun by our oppressors.”
It is striking to notice that this is exactly the theme of author Dan Brown’s massive international hit The Da Vinci Code from 2003, thought to be one of the ten best-selling books of all time. In addition to being a straightforward thriller, the novel claims that the entire modern history of Christianity is a conspiracy of the Church to cover up the truth about Jesus and his marriage to Mary Magdalene.
Australian writer Keith Windschuttle, a former Marxist, is tired of that anti-Western slant that permeates academia: “For the past three decades and more, many of the leading opinion makers in our universities, the media and the arts have regarded Western culture as, at best, something to be ashamed of, or at worst, something to be opposed. The scientific knowledge that the West has produced is simply one of many “ways of knowing.”
“Cultural relativism claims there are no absolute standards for assessing human culture. Hence all cultures should be regarded as equal, though different.” “The plea for acceptance and open-mindedness does not extend to Western culture itself, whose history is regarded as little more than a crime against the rest of humanity. The West cannot judge other cultures but must condemn its own.”
He urges us to remember how unique some elements of our culture are: “The concepts of free enquiry and free expression and the right to criticise entrenched beliefs are things we take so much for granted they are almost part of the air we breathe. We need to recognise them as distinctly Western phenomena. They were never produced by Confucian or Hindu culture.” “But without this concept, the world would not be as it is today. There would have been no Copernicus, Galileo, Newton or Darwin.”
The re-writing of Western history has become so bad that even playwright William Shakespeare has been proclaimed a closet Muslim. “Shakespeare would have delighted in Sufism,” said the Islamic scholar Martin Lings, himself a Sufi Muslim. According to The Guardian, Lings argued that Shakespeare’s “work resembles the teachings of the Islamic Sufi sect” in the International Shakespeare Globe Fellowship Lecture at Shakespeare’s own Globe Theatre in London. Lings spoke during Islam Awareness Week.
“It’s impossible for Shakespeare to have been a Muslim,” David N. Beauregard, a Shakespeare scholar and coeditor of Shakespeare and the Culture of Christianity in Early Modern England, told. Shakespeare “maintained Roman Catholic beliefs on crucial doctrinal differences.” Beauregard notes that “this is not to say that Shakespeare was occupied with writing religious drama, but only that a specific religious tradition informs his work.”
According to Robert Spencer, “Shakespeare is just the latest paradigmatic figure of Western Christian culture to be remade in a Muslim-friendly manner.” Recently the [US] State Department asserted, without a shred of evidence, that Christopher Columbus (who in fact praised Ferdinand and Isabella for driving the Muslims out of Spain in 1492, the same year as his first visit to the Americas) was aided on his voyages by a Muslim navigator. “The state of American education is so dismal today that teachers themselves are ill-equipped to counter these historical fantasies.”
The Gates of Vienna blog quoted a report by The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) on US Universities. Their survey revealed “a remarkable uniformity of political stance and pedagogical approach. Throughout the humanities and social sciences, the same issues surface over and over, regardless of discipline. In courses on literature, philosophy, and history; sociology, anthropology, and religious studies; women’s studies, American studies, [...] the focus is consistently on a set list of topics: race, class, gender, sexuality, and the “social construction of identity”; globalization, capitalism, and U.S. “hegemony”; the ubiquity of oppression and the destruction of the environment.”
“In class after class, the same essential message is repeated, in terms that, to an academic “outsider,” often seem virtually unintelligible.” “In short, the message is that the status quo, which is patriarchal, racist, hegemonic, and capitalist, must be “interrogated” and “critiqued” as a means of theorizing and facilitating a social transformation whose necessity and value are taken as a given.” “Differences between disciplines are beginning to disappear. Courses in such seemingly distinct fields as literature, sociology, and women’s studies, for example, have become mirror images of one another.”
Writer Charlotte Allen commented on how Harvard University President Lawrence Summers caused a storm by giving a speech speculating that innate differences between the sexes may have something to do with the fact that proportionately fewer women than men hold top positions in science. Summers in 2006 announced his intention to step down at the end of the school year, in part due to pressure caused by this speech. “Even if you’re not up on the scientific research – a paper Mr. Summers cited demonstrating that, while women overall are just as smart as men, significantly fewer women than men occupy the very highest intelligence brackets that produce scientific genius – common sense tells you that Mr. Summers has got to be right. Recently, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed a vote of no confidence in Mr. Summers. Wouldn’t it be preferable to talk openly about men’s and women’s strengths and weaknesses?”
Yes, Ms. Allen, it would. Summers may have been wrong, but it’s dangerous once we embark on a road where important issues are not debated at all. One of the hallmarks of Western civilization has been our thirst for asking questions about everything. Political Correctness is thus anti-Western both in its form and in its intent. It should be noted that in this case, Feminists were in the vanguard of PC, the same ideology that has blinded our Universities to the Islamic threat.
It makes it even worse when we know that other Feminists in academia are asserting that the veil, or even the burka, represent “an alternative Feminism.” Dr. Wairimu Njambi is an Assistant Professor of “Women’s Studies” at the Florida Atlantic University. Much of her scholarship is dedicated to advancing the notion that the cruel practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is actually a triumph for Feminism and that it is hateful to suggest otherwise. According to Njambi “anti-FGM discourse perpetuates a colonialist assumption by universalizing a particular western image of a ‘normal’ body and sexuality.”
Still, there are pockets of resistance. Professor Sigurd Skirbekk at the University of Oslo questions many of the assumptions underlying Western immigration policies. One of them is the notion that rich countries have a duty to take in all people from other nations that are suffering, either from natural disasters, political repression or overpopulation. According to him, it cannot be considered moral of the cultural, political and religious elites of these countries to allow their populations to grow unrestrained and then push their excess population onto other countries.
Skirbekk points out that European countries have earlier rejected the Germans when they used the argument of lebensraum as a motivation for their foreign policy. We should do the same thing now when other countries invoke the argument that they lack space for their population. According to him, there is plenty of literature available about the ecological challenges the world will be facing in this century. Running a too liberal immigration policy while refusing to confront such unpleasant moral issues is not a sustainable alternative in the long run. We will then only push difficult dilemmas onto future generations.
In Denmark, linguist Tina Magaard concludes that Islamic texts encourage terror and fighting to a far greater degree than the original texts of other religions. She has a PhD in Textual Analysis and Intercultural Communication from the Sorbonne in Paris, and has spent three years on a research project comparing the original texts of ten religions. “The texts in Islam distinguish themselves from the texts of other religions by encouraging violence and aggression against people with other religious beliefs to a larger degree. There are also straightforward calls for terror. This has long been a taboo in the research into Islam, but it is a fact we need to deal with.”
Moreover, there are hundreds of calls in the Koran for fighting against people of other faiths. “If it is correct that many Muslims view the Koran as the literal words of God, which cannot be interpreted or rephrased, then we have a problem. It is indisputable that the texts encourage terror and violence. Consequently, it must be reasonable to ask Muslims themselves how they relate to the text, if they read it as it is,” says Magaard.
The examples of Skirbekk, Magaard and others are indeed encouraging, but not numerous enough to substantially change the overall picture of Western academics largely paralyzed by Political Correctness and anti-Western sentiments.
Writer Mark Steyn comments on how “out in the real world it seems the true globalization success story of the 1990s was the export of ideology from a relatively obscure part of the planet to the heart of every Western city.” “Writing about the collapse of nations such as Somalia, the Atlantic Monthly’s Robert D. Kaplan referred to the “citizens” of such “states” as “re-primitivized man.”
“When lifelong Torontonians are hot for decapitation, when Yorkshiremen born and bred and into fish ‘n’ chips and cricket and lousy English pop music self-detonate on the London Tube, it would seem that the phenomenon of “re-primitivized man” has been successfully exported around the planet. It’s reverse globalization: The pathologies of the remotest backwaters now have franchise outlets in every Western city.”
It is possible to see a connection here. While Multiculturalism is spreading ideological tribalism in our universities, it is spreading physical tribalism in our major cities. Since all cultures are equal, there is no need to preserve Western civilization, nor to uphold our laws.
It is true that we may never fully reach the ideal of objective truth, since we are all more or less limited in our understanding by our personal experiences and our prejudice. However, this does not mean that we should abandon the ideal. That’s what has happened during the past decades. Our colleges aren’t even trying to seek truth; they have decided that there is no such thing as “truth” in the first place, just different opinions and cultures, all equally valid. Except Western culture, which is inherently evil and should be broken down and “deconstructed.” Western Universities have moved from the Age of Reason to the Age of Deconstruction.
While Chinese, Indian, Korean and other Asian Universities are graduating millions of motivated engineers and scientists every year, Western Universities have been reduced to little hippie factories, teaching about the wickedness of the West and the blessings of barbarism. This represents a serious challenge to the long-term economic competitiveness of Western nations. That’s bad, but it is the least of our worries. Far worse than failing to compete with non-Muslim Asians is failing to identify the threat from Islamic nations who want to subdue us and wipe out our entire civilization. That is a failure we quite simply cannot live with. And we probably won’t, unless we manage to deal with it.
Seven points #3
Submitted by marcfrans on Tue, 2006-09-05 16:58.
@ Kapitein Andre
6) We agree broadly on your point 6. Huntington and others do consider hispanic cultures as a "subcivilisation" of western civilisation, or "closely associated with western civilisation",etc...but not fully western. Of course, that distinction is harder to maintain in Europe today than half a century ago. Also, in Latin America one can see a difference between 'European' hispanics and 'native indian cultures'. The current turmoil in Mexico shows the sharp difference with the USA. Both countries had democratic elections which resulted in very close election results. In the USA the painful election dispute, in 2000, was peacefully resolved through the legal process, and not in the streets. By contrast, the recent election results in Mexico have led to paralysis and to attempts to make mob-rule overrule the constitutional and fair legal process. It would seem that Mexico may be on the verge of losing its democracy for the third time in less than a century. The real question is to what extent this is the result of (a) the ethnic composition of Mexico or (b) the impact of 'European' communism (i.e. the fact that Mexicans have been seduced by a marxist populist to give him ALMOST half of the votes cast)?
7) Of course, any culture's values can and will change over time due to numerous factors. But it is not very smart to focus only on one, like race or etnicity. In any case, I can observe every day in North America that multitudes of non-whites are more in accord with 'European Enlightenment' values than, for example, the white Belgian 'elites' of today.
Seven points #2
Submitted by marcfrans on Tue, 2006-09-05 16:27.
@ Kapitein Andre
4) and 5) -- Your harsh assertion thet the melting pot has not "worked" for any group in the USA is rooted in a group-based ideology, but NOT in empirical observation. What are your standards of measurement? Economically (measured in per capita income terms), the North American continent is about one-third richer than Europe (excluding ex-soviet union), and many times richer than any other continent. Not a sign of failure! And, the disproportionate impact of 'American science and culture' on the rest of the world is so strong that it is widely resented and a major source of anti-americanism around the world. Not a sign of "failure" either, unless cheap popularity is your measuring stick. The American 'creed' does not ignore community, but it is centered on the individual, not on any 'group'. The American constitution aims at safeguarding individual rights, not 'sectarian' group goals. To contrast with Europe, the American constitution aims to preserve the individual's freedom of expression, not to seek "full employment''. The irony is that the USA manages to preserve freedom of opinion/expression AND higher employment levels than Europe at the same time.
-- It is also ironic that you refer to the silly concern of "British proponents of multiculturalism" about an "American nightmare" in Britain. There are NO substantial numbers of alienated 'american' youth who are trying to blow up things in Britain or elsewhere in Europe. But anyone with eyes and a brain should know that there are numerous alienated 'european' youth trying to do exactly that in America (and at 'home' in Europe). The British "multiculturalists" got their nightmare already at home! And it is a multicultural nightmare they got, not an "american" one.
Seven points
Submitted by marcfrans on Tue, 2006-09-05 15:35.
@ Kapitein Andre
Thank you for summarizing your position in distinct points. It facilitates discussion and comprehension.
1) I do not understand your item # 1, beyond the superficial points that we disagree on the US role in WW1 and that, subsequently, there was a rise of totalitarianism in various European countries. We don't disagree on those two separate points, but I don't see what you are trying to say by linking them.
2) We agree on your second point.
3) We agree largely on your third point. But, "more easily" is a relative term and is just a question of time. Southern Europeans are today just as well "assimilated" in US society as Northern Europeans. One simple and singular - but important - example. Today on the US Supreme Court, perhaps the strongest supporters of 'American constitutionalism, federalism, and exceptionalism' are two 'Italian Americans' (Scalia and Alito), whereas the group of moral-relativists and 'deferrers' to "absurd International opinion" on the Court is loaded with 'anglo-saxons'. The culture wars for survival of western values in western civilisation today is a reality. And, in the USA, the intellectual leaders on the 'defeatist' side tend to be white anglo-saxons. So, what remains then of your ethnic basis for "assimilation"? Not much, I would say.
@MarcFrans 3
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Tue, 2006-09-05 04:58.
Expanded mixture #2
Submitted by marcfrans on Tue, 2006-09-05 03:33.
@ Kapitein
-- Indeed, we do disagree on "American demography". I think you fundamentally misunderstand American 'ideals'. They are not formulated and thought of in ethnic terms. American 'Italians, Poles, Germans, Jews', etc...can be as much wedded to these ideals as American 'anglo-saxons'. And, so can be American 'Mexicans, Philippinos, Indians, Japanese', well as other Americans. Self-determination of Americans means self-determination of American citizens in preserving their cultural distinctiveness, which is not ethnic-based, but value-based. Louis Michel and Karel De Gucht may physically look like your ethnic misconception of Americans; but the moment they open their mouths, one knows that they are not, because of the content of their speech and because of their manerisms and comportment.
Expanded mixture
Submitted by marcfrans on Tue, 2006-09-05 03:27.
@ Kapitein
You raise a wide variety of new topics. I will try to summarise the 2 points in contention.
-- I still think that our difference on the outcome of WW1 is purely a semantic one. While you can certainly point to many 'democratic' antecedents in history, and we could endlessly debate issues of "relative democracy and colonialism", I think that WW1 ended "autocratic monarchy" in Europe and replaced it largely by either constitutional monarchy and/or forms of republicanism. While you wanted to focus on European imperialism/colonialism, I wanted to focus on improvements in democratic governance at the top of European governments. These are two sides of the same coin. I think that your fascinating history lesson does not change that. And I think that my original statement stands, i.e. that the US saved Europe from "autocratic monarchy" in WW1. At the same time it is easy to agree with your different point about WW2 putting the final nail in the coffin of European colonialism. None of this contradicts my contention that the US saved Europe in WW1, WW2, and in the Cold War, from undemocratic ideologies and political systems. The question of whether colonialism represented an economic burden or not is a side issue, and has nothing directly to do with the US "saving" Europe. I certainly recognise the benefits of free trade, and also the potential benefits of "trading blocs", but this should not be confused with "colonialism". I am not inclined to engage in an extended discussion on separating positive and negative aspects of colonialism. I will summarize my position as "trade is good, 'colonialism' was costly".
Strange mixture #3
Submitted by marcfrans on Mon, 2006-09-04 20:11.
@ Kapitein
-- Your logic escapes me. It is ludicrous to call "imperialism" a European ideology. The other two, fascism and Communism, may well have originated in Europe as organised structured ideologies, but they have found eager pupils all over the world and are TODAY distinctly "non-European" (in terms of where they are practiced). And, whether they are "European" or not is irrelevant as an argument to disprove that the US saved Europe from them. People can be saved from their own follies, you know!
-- I share your concern about the recent waves of hispanic immigration in the US. Not because of its 'hispanic' nature, but because it takes place against a naive-left cultural background which (much more than in the past) hinders assimilation. The problem, therefore, resides not in the immigrants themselves but in the 'receiving' society. So yes, it is primarily an issue of "education", or rather of miseducation which has had disastrous consequences. Thus, I do NOT share your view that the problem resides in etnicity. On the contrary, the desire to destroy 'american' culture is much more deeply held among american white lefties today than among 'brown' immigrants. Those immigrants by and large know why they are coming, whereas the naive white lefties don't know what they have (precisely because they are so naive about the rest of the world). So yes, it is very much a problem of "education", or rather of "miseducation". And the body politic has got to do something about it. It slowly is.
-- Finally, your notion that the US may well revert again to a colony, that is of course pure nonsense, far removed from empirical observation.
@Marc Frans 2
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Tue, 2006-09-05 01:11.
Imperialism/colonialism is not exclusively European by any stretch of the imagination, however, it is far more European than say American. Socialism, in its democratic or totalitarian forms has long been a presence in European political philosophy and in reality also. Nationalism (at least that based on ethnicity) is naturally very European, as it is what has helped fuel its endless cycles of conflict and competition - it was natural that nationalism would be applied to "totalitarian democracy." Of course, I am separating Europe from the West, as there are many European countries east of the "satem/centum" line, including Russia, Belarus, Romania, the Ukraine, and Moldova.
As far as American demographics are concerned, I'm afraid we fundamentally differ. If I was a White non-Hispanic American, I would naturally be concerned with ideology, etc. However, I would be more concerned if my group became a minority (i.e. less than 50%) and thus lost its self-determination, even if it retained a relative majority. If I was unable to prevent that situation from arising I would emigrate elsewhere.
Strange mixture #2
Submitted by marcfrans on Mon, 2006-09-04 19:49.
@ Kapitein Andre
You continue with a strange mixture of sensible and of misinformed opinions. But they are useful as a pedagogic tool for me.
-- Your first point is semantic. WW1 cannot be easily summarised. You refer to "the endgame of European imperialism". I referred to "autocratic 'monarchism' ". What's the difference? It should be obvious that European colonialism was only possible in an age of European autocratic monarchism. Democratic polities would never have undertaken the massive economic burden of colonialism. WW1 led, among other things, to one-man-one-vote systems and to 'constitutional monarchism' in parts of Europe, and to 'republican government' in other parts. In so doing, it also led to the gradual end of European colonialism. Not the end of European imperialism. The latter will endure in newer and subtler forms.
-- Your second and third paragraphs do NOT disprove my contention that the US "saved" Europe from (different) totalitarianisms in WW2 and during the Cold War. It clearly did, whatever its 'motivations' were.
@MarcFrans 1
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Tue, 2006-09-05 00:59.
On the contrary, colonialism was conducted by various European "democratic polities" including Great Britain (which became a constitutional monarchy following Cromwell's Protectorate), France (a "republic"), and the United Provinces. Even the United States practiced colonialism following the acquisition of various Spanish dominions at the turn of the century. Additionally, one could argue that certain Hellenic city states, the Roman Republic, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were all relatively democratic and also colonialists.
Furthermore, while the First World War did lead to the end of some monarchies or their powers (e.g. Spain, Germany, Austria, etc.), in favour of republicanism, Spain, Italy, France, Great Britain, Russia, Belgium, and the Netherlands retained their colonies. The economic and manpower burden in 1945 was more responsible for the end of colonialism as we knew it than anything else...
Colonies did not become an "economic burden" until the 20th century; prior to that they were a source of excess population, raw materials, and markets for manufactures. The British Empire was a trading bloc above all else; the United Provinces were relatively democratic, liberal, and commercial and recognized the need for colonies in South Africa and in Southeast Asia. Indeed, colonies protected the colonial power from aggression by its neighbours, something that the Dutch worried about as much as the Russians...
looking for real outrage (@traveller)
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Sun, 2006-09-03 19:34.
Traveller: thank you for the pointers to the French press. I'll have a look when I get a chance: it will be fun to learn about French oikophobia. I did not know that it exists, but I learn something new every day.
However, this is not what I am looking for. I am looking for something really outrageous in European universities, like Jews who hate Israel, biologists who hope for a massive reduction of human numbers,
feminists in favor of cliterectomy, theologians who think that bin Laden is "a welcome voice in global politics" (see main article) ... you know, the stuff that one learns in American universities.
Front Page Mag
Submitted by Stuart on Sat, 2006-09-02 08:37.
This post by Fjordman is highlighted and linked on, David Horowitz's conservative site that often focuses on academic leftism in America.
The Brussels Journal is suddenly getting a lot of attention here in the US. Paul, keep up the good work.
Strange mixture
Submitted by marcfrans on Fri, 2006-09-01 16:45.
@ Kapitein
You continue to display a strange mixture of both sensible and of (possibly) misinformed opinions.
As I said earlier, this tendency to posit America and Europe as opposites is not healthy for western civilisation.
I take issue with two of your last points.
-- You claim that America has consistently pursued a "non-European course". That is nonsense. Is that why America saved Europe repeatedly from autocratic 'monarchism', fascism and communism over the past century (in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War)? Your claim is even less sensible w.r.t. Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
-- You are pessimistic about the ability of 'Mexicans' to absorb western (European Enlightenment) behavior patterns and values. Remember that a previous generation of 'Mexicans' was thoroughly 'americanised' in an earlier period (particularly in New Mexico and Texas). Many of those "Gonzales and Menendez"-types are in the forefront today to restore legality and common sense. The current massive problem of illegal immigration is a different phenomenon, resulting from the civilisation-undermining attitudes of 1960's victimology-culture, which is on the decline. Illegal immigration has become the foremost political issue in the USA, on a par with "the war on terror", and the body politic is beginning to push back. You may be wrong on this one too. Time will tell.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2006-09-04 10:16.
The United States did not "save" Europe in the First World War. Nor was this an ideological committment against "monarchism." Rather WWI was the endgame of European imperialism...
The United States profitted a great deal from loans and arms sales to belligerents in WWII, and was already at war with Japan before it invaded German-occupied Europe.
There is no question that America acted "in Europe's interests" but it acted in its own
first and foremost, even during the Cold War.
In fact, Imperialism, Fascism, and even Communism seem to be very European ideologies (especially as pointed out on this blog), so technically there was nothing to "save" Europe from - perhaps just the "Western democracies?"
As far as illegal immigration is concerned, while I would prefer that these Hispanics do assimilate into the USA, I am truly concerned about the declining number of "Europeans" in the country. This demographic problem cannot be solved by education. Ethnicity still seems to run politics, not ideology or anything else, and the USA may very well revert to a colony again, where the colonialists control is determined by the numbers of their electorate in a shifting sea of Hispanic and other competing interests.
Academia #0
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Fri, 2006-09-01 14:08.
Much of what you say is sensible, but I am not learning anything new from this debate. I don't think there is any point in going on, when you won't (or can't) give examples of Western-hating European academics. (It's true that I read news in English only, but I could read Dutch, French, or Italian, if you provided links.)
@Snorri Godhi
Submitted by traveller on Fri, 2006-09-01 15:28.
If you read french, buy the dailies "Le Monde" and "La Libération", you will be served a daily portion of anti-western cum anti-american leftist bull.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Fri, 2006-09-01 07:56.
I am in agreement that there are anti-Western, anti-Nationalist, anti-Christian, and anti-Capitalist sentiments throughout Western academia. Unfortunately, as I have witnessed, these are not true debates but opinions not backed up by fact, anecdotes, and often insults and accusations against various politicians, businessmen, etc.
However, there is a difference between the United States and Europe, between the United Kingdom and the "Continent," etc. The West is a broad civilization with various traditions and movements, languages, cultures, ethno-national groups, and issues. And I'm afraid that Europe (incl. the UK) is and will remain the Western heartland. The United States is not the epitome of the West, for it has deliberately and consistently pursued an independent (and for all intents and purposes) non-European course; so too has Canada and Australasia to a far lesser extent.
The West remains divided between various "civilizational" influences: Greco-Roman and Anglo-Saxon - a fact evident in Western legal systems.
All that the United States claims to stand for was born in England, which will continue to be America's motherland until the Mexicans are 51% of its population...
Academia # 3
Submitted by marcfrans on Thu, 2006-08-31 23:09.
@ traveller
Indeed, one should not underestimate the "desire for selfpreservation" of the established naive-left orthodoxy in the soft-sciences side of western Academia today. The problem resides not in the "desire" itself, but rather in the desire decoupled from any proper sense of personal morality. For them, morality has become an abstract concept, i.e. fancy words, that has nothing to do with personal virtues like honesty, compassion, etc.... They confuse morality with ideological viewpoints on political (and often economic) organisation.
Modern western Academia has become one of the most intolerant sectors of society, with speech codes and enforced ideological conformity. No genuine 'diversity' (of opinion) promotion there anymore. And, as such, in a relatively short time span of less than two generations, it has had a devastating impact on western civilisation' s ability to sustain itself much longer. The best indicators of that can be found in (a) contemporary western demographics and (b) promotion of an absurd version of multi-culturalism, i.e. a version that is morally-relativistic in its refusal to make moral judgements about other cultures and that is truly ignorant about those other cultures.
There are signs of improvement because the American 'body politic' is beginning to push back against this development. In Europe, it is harder to see positive signs, and it may well be too late. In Europe, 'speech codes' are no longer an internal academic issue, but a legally-enforced political reality, both in many domestic legal systems and at the EU level. This, coupled with the present demographics, may mean that it will be too late in Europe to save true 'academic freedom' in the future, and therefore too late to save 'democracy' also. Eurabia will not be truly democratic in nature.
Academia # 2
Submitted by marcfrans on Thu, 2006-08-31 16:01.
@ Snorri Ghodi
European universities, on the whole, are not less "left-wing" than American ones. You have that perception because English is overwhelmingly the language of Academia and science today, and perhaps because American and British universities tend to dominate and lead to some extent. But the moral relativism is just as pronounced in French, Dutch and German academia, and certainly worse in their media (which is in a way reflective of Academia in those languages).
- This problem of extreme moral relativism is largely concentrated on the 'soft sciences' side of Academia, i.e. so-called social sciences and/or humanities.
- In my opinion there is a much bigger 'distance', between academia and 'the people' in America than in Europe, in the sense that Americans generally tend to accept that a lot of academics can do and say foolish things, whereas Europeans still tend to look up more to academics (probably a remnant of the old class systems of 'aristocratic' times, which the USA has never known). In America, 'class' exists only as a perception of economic success; in Europe it is still much more based on 'connections' (in the past based on 'birth', today more based on political power and 'prestige'; Academia fits in the latter category).
- The left-wing attitudes of most Academics (both in Europe and America) are not so much a reflection of conscious moral relativism, but more of a deeply entrenched perverse selfhatred for western civilisation (a hatred that is philosophically rooted in marxism and deconstructionism).
- By contrast, the public in general does not hate its own civilisation, but is - especially in Europe - greatly influenced by the opinions of left-wing academics. It is there that the greater moral-relativism of the European public manifests itself in its political behavior patterns.
Submitted by traveller on Thu, 2006-08-31 21:49.
Do not underestimate the desire for selfpreservation of the left-wing Academia. I could be wrong but my "guesstimate" is that more than 70 % of todays Academia are non-productive in a real merit-society. They indulge in so-called philosophy, sociology, political science etc. etc. without really bringing any added value except for a few gifted ones. Only in a marxist-socialist protected Academia can those "comrades" continue to florish without anybody asking questions. This trend continues than with their "friends" artists who nobody would otherwise know or remark because of their mediocrity. And this incestuous game goes on and on in an ever widening circle until they become the accepted "professors" with irrefutable wisdom, adored by the left-wing press.
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Thu, 2006-08-31 15:48.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Far from positing Europe and America as opposite extremes, I was and am trying to show that they are not very different, that Europe is to the left on average, but the European radical left is to the right of the American radical left; or at least that there is more sanity, more logical consistency, less absurdity, in the European radical left.
As far as I can tell, you have not given any examples to show the opposite.
Fjordman, on the other hand, has given plenty of examples to support my thesis. Concerning Hezbollah: there is more sympathy for Palestinians in Europe than in the USA, but there is much more difference between Spain and Germany than between Germany and the USA in this respect (see last week's Economist). More important: sympathy for Palestinians is not the same as sympathy for Hezbollah.
At this point, I am just trying to make sense of American academia. Remember Sun Tsu: know your enemy, know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will never be defeated.
Submitted by marcfrans on Thu, 2006-08-31 15:30.
@ Snorri Godhi
Western civilisation at large is not well served by this constant tendency to posit America and Europe as opposites in various ways. That is exactly what the enemies of individual freedom, totalitarianism in its various forms, seek. Nevertheless, there are of course differences between both continents, but they are not set in stone and subject to 'evolution and change'.
I have defined "moral relativism" to mean (1) a refusal to make necessary moral judgments, and/or (2) a tendency to posit absurd moral equivalencies. Under that definition there is no doubt that 'Europe' (as a whole) today is much more relativistic than the USA. And I have given numerous examples to support that contention. Start with a very topical one: Americans are much less likely than Europeans to posit an absurd moral equivalence between a democratic polity like Israel (which tries to uphold INDIVIDUAL human rights for ALL its citizens) and a fascistic terror organisation like Hezbollah (which seeks the tiranny of an ideology inevitably enforced by select 'leaders' at the expense of INDIVIDUAL liberties). The examples are endless.
Academia is a different matter........
What part of the West are we talking about?
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Thu, 2006-08-31 15:03.
A few weeks ago I had a debate on these pages with marcfrans. Part of my thesis was that there is much more moral relativism in American and British universities than in continental European universities. This article seems to support my thesis: most of it is devoted to the lunacy of American academia, even though it is written by a Norwegian. On the other hand, the "pockets of resistance" mentioned are in Scandinavia. OK, maybe this article is not representative, but at the very least it does nothing to make me think that I was wrong.
Why should American universities be more left-wing than European universities, let alone the European mainstream? perhaps Hayek had the answer (thanks to Fjordman for the quotation): “The most brilliant and successful teachers are today more likely than not to be socialists.” And of course the most brilliant and successful teachers today are more likely than not to be in the USA.
Veritas at Harvard
Submitted by dchamil on Thu, 2006-08-31 14:04.
Harvard is said to be a university with global aspirations. I prefer that Harvard aspire to live up to its motto, Veritas (Truth).