Sympathetic disagreement

@ Frank Lee

I feel the same emotion as you, but I recognise it as an emotion and not as a rational thought.  What you describe may well come to pass, but it is in no one's interest.  And one doesn't "preserve self-respect" by irrational thoughts nor actions.  It would also be best to recognise that there is opinion diversity in Europe AND in America with regard to the nature of the alliance.  The transformation of NATO that is underway, suggests that there is more commonality of views (among decisionmakers on both sides of the Atlantic) than the naive-left media would make us believe. 

Historically, the pendulum of American foreign policy has swung between isolationism and interventionism.  That will continue, based on Americans' concrete experiences abroad and on domestic political developments.  So, we can likely expect a renewed higher degree of isolationism in US foreign policy in the near future, and historically that was never good for the rest of the world.   

There is no denying that new 'alliances' are emerging in the world.  The possible future China-Eurabia axis versus the democratic alliance of India+USA+Japan+Australia is more than just some faraway academic fantasy.  Nevertheless, one should always try to evaluate the true nature of existing alliances in a realistic (and, as much as possible, nonemotional) manner.     


Rivals not partners

As I've noted on this site before, it is hard for any self-respecting American to continue caring about Europe's slide down the toilet.  Yes, it would be better for America if Europeans saw us as democratic partners, not as rivals and antagonists.  Yes, it would be better for America if Europe chose not to slide down the toilet.  But since the Europeans DO see us as rivals worth attacking verbally at every turn, and since Europe IS sliding down the toilet, it is perfectly reasonable -- and even rational, Marcfrans -- for America to pull away from its partnership with Europe and put an end to the insults, rudeness, ingratitude, and condescension.  The end result -- an isolated America -- will be the same regardless, since there is no way we can save you from yourselves.  And this way we preserve a small speck of self-respect.


@ Saharian

I am beginning to believe that the naive-left media's anti-american obsession must have brainwashed you.


I bet that if (a) the US were to go and save the poor 'black' muslims in Darfur today from genocide perpetrated by their 'arab' fellow Sudanese, and if (b) these Darfurians later were to pay back the 'compliment' to their fellow muslims and behave would be capable of blaming who?....the US of course!

Since when does one blame a 'rescuer' for the subsequent bad behavior of the offspring of those who were rescued?  Apparently, since the arrival of ideological stupidity in the European education system and media. 


Ingrate AND shortsighted

There exist already several "alternatives" to the American "hyperpower" in the world.  Indeed, the history of the world is an unending struggle between freedomlovers and totalitarians.

The notion that Europe needs to be a "counterweight" to the USA - instead of a partner! - is destructive for western civilisation and for the survival of freedom in the world.  It seems particularly enticing to French politicians and voters, but can be found elsewhere in Europe as well.   In the end, it will prove to be an empty claim, born of incredible intellectual arrogance and envious self-pity at the same time......but destructive, nonetheless.    


I wonder if the socialist Ms. Royal realizes just where Europe would be today if it were not for the "alternative American Hyperpower" that all but saved her continent's sorry ass in the 1940s?...Please, France, for your own good, vote for Nicholas Sarkozy, and forget about your government cheese!..(Like talking to the wall, probably!...:-[...).


I think Saharian you should read more.........much more.

The United States is the main reason France is not Communist. De Gaulle compromised his way through the Fourth Republic with the Communist Party, but it was Ernest Bevin persuading the Canadians to keep forces in Europe than dragged Truman into NATO against the wishes of the 80th Congress. With 5 million soldiers Stalin could have taken Europe.............he almost took Berlin in 1948.

France was in thrall to the Communists. It was MItterand, the old pre-war Fascist that built the Parti Socialiste that Royal's boyfriend/husband heads.........he flirted with the Communists for votes.

The fact is the USA kept Europe afloat with Marshall Aid and let Erhard introduce Germany's best ever economy because he was protected by Occupation troops and withdrawal would have left West Germans greeting the Red Army.

Hardly Peaceful

Europe has hardly been "a peaceful power". The Europeeans crow about their 60 years of peace, but forget that that peace existed under the umbrella of American power. Other than this fantastical belief, Europe has been plagued by tribal strife. Remember the Yugoslav breakup, Bosnia and Kosovo. In contrast, in North America the United States, Canada and Mexico have experienced peace for well over a century.

The only "peaceful power" in Europe is Switzerland.