The Result of European Unification Will be War

A comment from “Archonix” (an Englishman) at Gates of Vienna, 30 April 2007

The EUSSR[T]he EU economies are not substantially better than they were in the 90s. Many are at the same level, others are worse. Ask any Italian what he thinks of the economy at the moment and if you're lucky he’ll just shout at you for a few hours. The only reason your dollars don’t seem to go far any more is because the dollar has fallen significantly, not because the euro has risen. The euro is placing a massive inflationary burden on the EU economies, which no longer have the mechanism of altering interest rates in order to control inflation.

Further, there is no mechanism for national debt transfer, as exists in the US, which places further inflationary pressure on individual member states. This pressure is compounded by inflation in members states that are net recipients of EU funding (Spain and Ireland as examples) who are able to cut taxes to miniscule amounts because they’re getting funded by the other EU member states. All of this is combining to produce an inflationary economy with no control mechanism. Unemployment has risen constantly within the euro zone since the euro was introduced, and productivity has fallen just as constantly. National debts are going up, taxes are rising, GDP is falling.

[…] Individual nations are slowly losing their national customs as laws and regulations are ‘unified’ across the continent. National institutions might appear unchanged, which might then present an image that the nations in question are unchanged, but this is simply a signature of how the EU functions. Those national institutions have been hollowed out from the inside and replaced with EU functionaries and apparatchiks. The EU bypasses national legislatures and operates through the implementation of an ever more powerful unelected bureaucracy of civil servants and managers. Thus normality appears to remain. However, in my country, the traditional and ancient freedoms of common law are being slowly abrogated by the implementation of bureaucratic systems. Habeas corpus is being erased, the right to travel within the borders of this country are being erased, the freedom of the individual is being erased. In fact, this country no longer officially exists. Look at any EU-approved map and you’ll notice that, while the UK is marked clearly, its constituent parts are not England, Ireland Scotland and Wales, but Scotland, Wales, northern Ireland, The North West, The North East, The Midlands, the south east, the south west and greater London. My country is gone.

Your [American] revolutionary war was started with the cry of “no taxation without representation”. Well, I am definitely no longer represented in the government that runs my country. In all but a few areas, the laws that are implemented through Parliament are defined by the EU. The elected government of this country now only has the freedom to legislate in a few areas; foreign policy, health and education being the main. Agriculture and environmental policy, transport, internal affairs of various sorts, prisons policy, immigration, these are all legislated by the EU, with barely a nod to the national legislature. MPs will get perhaps 12 hours to examine a draft law in these areas before putting it to vote — which will generally be ignored anyway — and these drafts will often run to 30 pages. An MP will get several of these drafts every single day, dozens in a week. And this is just the legislation that is passed through Parliament. The EU can simply define legislation as an administrative or technical regulation and bypass the elected legislature entirely.

All of this from an organisation that was sold to us on a lie. The EEC was put across as a free trade zone. I never voted for the creation of a supranational, unaccountable government that does not submit to the will of the people via an election. In fact, I did not vote at all. I have never had a say on whether I want my country — which no longer exists — to be a part of this. The EU has no mandate and never has.

Now, Germany is a more apt comparison than you might realise. Bismarck conceived the unification of Germany as a means to prevent the German kingdoms from fighting each other. He began to implement it when those same kingdoms were on the verge of signing an unprecedented peace treaty; his manipulations caused a war that gave him the pretext to simply conquer those other kingdoms, or trick them in to treaties that irrevocably tied them to his Imperial Germany.

He began with a customs union.

The EU has not resorted to wars to implement itself, but it began in the same way, and with the same aims. The EU was conceived as a means to prevent another war like the Great War, but it was interrupted by the Second World War. By the close of that war the political landscape had so changed that the concept of the EU was obsolete before the first treaties were even signed. It is consequently an institution looking for a role, and it has since found that role by re-positioning itself as a counter to American ‘hegemony’, a second pole against the US’s presence in the world as a super-power. This is in itself a foolish proposition; historically it is more foolish still, because history demonstrates that it will cause more trouble than it is worth.

Bismarck’s united Germany did become peaceful for a while, but that peace didn’t last long. The internal fractures of the new Imperial Germany soon started to cause strife and resentment amongst the people of that country. A solution was found in the redirection of the national angst toward external enemies. The eventual result was the great war. The result of that was World War 2.

The ‘unification’ of the nations of Europe is the same thing on a much larger scale. It is perhaps no coincidence that incidents of anti-Americanism have risen sharply since the signing of Maastricht.

The EU has placed itself in opposition to the United States. It has inveigled itself so deeply in to the lives of its ‘citizens’, so deeply embedded itself in to every aspect of life, that everything a person does is regulated in some way by the EU. As examples; In order to install an electrical socket in my kitchen I must comply with at least eleven separate regulations. Some are sensible, governing the type of wire to use and the general direction that wire should go in. Others are nonsense; in order to comply I have to place my sockets a certain distance from the floor no matter what their purpose. EU regulations now mandate by law the kind of taps I’m allowed to use in my bathroom. They mandate the height of my door, the height of the gap between the door and the ceiling and the angle of my stairs, to millimetre precisions.

Every day I break about 30 laws whilst engaged in what were previously lawful activities. Most of these laws are EU-inspired regulations prescribing the details of how activities are to be carried out. My computer does not comply with regulations on lead content, electrical output or anything else, despite being perfectly safe. The lights in my house will soon be made illegal.

None of this was done with the consent of Parliament. None was done with the consent of the people of this nation. These are just little things, little examples of how the EU interferes in every-day life. They are a tiny fraction of the laws and regulations that are implemented by the EU; thousands each year, each one limiting the freedom of people just that little bit more. Sooner or later the sheer volume of regulations will start to affect people culturally. Our culture is slowly being eroded and destroyed by this vile institution, our national identities removed, our freedoms erased, and the end result? Inevitably, it will be war, but before that will be a morass of dull, lifeless existence for millions of people shorn of everything that once made their nations great.

What price the ability to spend the same coin in 20 countries?

Breaking the laws in the UK !

Very fortunately for Archonix, the UK is equipped with a survey camera for each 10 citizen and they plan now to have every car equipped with a tracking chip. Of course, this was on order of Brussels and we all know that the Britons are obeying them on the spot.
Regarding his comments on the economy, this is beyond any understanding.

we've been here before

that is, the transfer of, at the beginning, political and economic, but later, cultural and social, decisions, to a more central location or elite.   For example, take the long and turmulant consolidation of any of the current nation states.   I'll stick my neck out and say that such consolidation is virtually never "democratic" from the perspective of the bien peasants; particularism being the human condition. 

And, if you take the side of the EU, its lack of democratic credentials doesn't seem determinative.   Sadly, consulting the "will of the people" seems dead in all but name.    Poll results seem to have more relevance than votes, the existing political blocks seem impervious to events, the populace are ignored on crucial issues, referendum results brushed aside on both sides of the Atlantic. Voting results seems to be a mere pawn in a game between political elites and power.  

Even more determination, the democratic theory of the will of the voters is not taught, preached, or quoted. You can find it, of course, just as you can find quotes of the divine right of kings, but the elites don't operate that way any more. We are all practicing Marxists, dividing the populace into blocks of interests led by distant elites, rather than compete with books and ideas. Our politicians would rather pump in, or gerrymander, more like-minded voters than compete in the realm of discourse.

Remember in the movie "V" when the solution to all their polical problems included blowing up the Parlement building?   I thought it was not so much a symbol of opposition, but of irrelevance.

So what will bring the EU down?   When it threatens the preceived crucial interest of a national elite.  Doesn't have to be really big issue, but will almost certainly be an economic, just enough for a real attempt to leave.   And it could be periphery, a Denmark, a Poland, or even when they are in, a Bulgaria.   (remember the SU cracking with the desertion of the tiny Balkans).   Without an army, I don't see the EU having the force to hold the line, but then I live in the US, and perhaps underestimate the strength of the bureaucracy.  





EU Employment legislation

Charles Moore, writing in the Spectator, had an interesting piece about the amount of EU-mandated regulations governing a single employment contract. Read and weep  -

  • Sexual Discrimination Act 1975, section 77 (4A)
  • Equal Pay Act 1970
  • Race Relations Act 1976, section 72 (4A)
  • Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992, section 288 (2B)
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995, schedule 3A
  • Employment Rights Act 1996, section 203 (3)
  • Working Time Regulations Act 1998, regulation 35 (3)
  • National Minimum Wage Act 1998, section 49 (A)
  • Transnational Information and Consultation Regulations 1999, regulation 41 (4)
  • Part-Time Workers Regulations 2000, regulation 41 (4)
  • Fixed-Term Employees Regulations 2002, regulation 10
  • Sexual Orientations Regulations 2003, para 2 of schedule 4
  • Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, para 2 (2)
  • Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004, reg 40 (4)
  • Occupational and Personal Pensions Schemes Regulations 2006, para 12
  • Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, para 2 of schedule 5


Hot air #2

There are serious problems of a philosophical/legal nature with the EU, and there are also serious economic problems (of a structural and of a fiscal nature) in some of the 'continental' EU nations.  But the level of interest rates and of inflation in the euro area is NOT a serious problem.   The first paragraph is thus indicative that a lot of "hot air" might be further down the line in the article.  As long as the 'independence' of the ECB (from Europe's politicians) can be safeguarded, inflation and interest rates are not the problem.  The author might want to rephrase his 'monetary' concern in a future sense, because numerous continental politicians (including Sarkozy) threaten the ECB's independence if one is to believe what they say.   

Mr Vanhauwaert's statistics give a fair picture of the current situation.  However, one must recognise that we are now more or less at the peak of the current business cycle (conjuncture) in Europe, and that the economic results in that context should be seen as 'moderate' (or not particularly good).  It will likely look worse in the euro area in about a year's time from now.  

I know Archronix from the

I know Archronix from the Biased BBC blog and I don't think he deserves to be put down the way he has been done.

EU is, of course, unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy that has its hand on everything you try to do in the EU area. This is the traditional line of British eurosceptics. However, there are benefits that come with free trade and, to be honest, with single currency as well.

Single currency decreases the cost of doing business by eliminating the currency risk in intra-eurozone business transactions. This in itself is good for the economy.

However, the fact that euro is basically a re-born Deutschmark, does not bode well for the countries that are not run like Germany meaning basically France and Italy. Ireland has done well because of its low-tax policy and EU subsidies.

EU as an organization deserves all the criticism it gets because of its deficience in democracy and its tendency to overregulate. it is not, in my opinion, fair to criticize EU for the failings in domestic policies of individual nations.

Please don't worry about facts

"National debts are going up, taxes are rising, GDP is falling."

We are certainly not talking about Holland here.  This auther is typical of Gate of Vienna.  Reminds me of Fox News actually.

hot air and handwaving

Bart makes a good point about the statistics, but there is a lot more to say. The Italian economy is going badly because of lack of economic freedom, but that's not the fault of the EU or euro: if it is, why is there so much more economic freedom in the rest of the euro-zone? Ireland is able to cut taxes because the economy is booming (and the economy is booming because they are cutting taxes). The "massive inflationary burden" somehow results in inflation much lower than Britain had before joining the EMS. British liberties are being eroded by the British government, not by the EU.

With enemies like Archonix, the EU needs no friends.

Taking liberties

Snorri Godhi: "British liberties are being eroded by the British government, not by the EU."

Unfortunately it is absolutely clear that they are being eroded by both.


"The euro is placing a massive inflationary burden on the EU economies,
which no longer have the mechanism of altering interest rates in order
to control inflation."

The interest rates are not the problem per se, it is the amount of  money that is poured into the Eurozone that is the real problem. Furthermore, the banks in the ECB system and also the SNB ( have been offloading their gold reserves, without looking at the underlying causes of why the gold price is skyrocketing in the first place.

His stats are as dubious as his nickname

Unemployment is constantly rising since the introduction of the Euro? Actually it fell from 9% in 1999 to 7.8% in 2001, rose back again to 8.8% in 2004 and is now back at 7.4%

Productivity has fallen? In fact it grew 1% annually over the 2000-2004 time period.

GDP is falling? In fact, GDP growth never dipped below 0.8% in the Euro area and stood at 2.7% for 2006.

With statistics like that who needs the rest of the article and indeed it is not getting any better: making a hotch-potch of history to come to the inevitable conclusion that Europe is going to war because of the EU...

I keep hoping for a little more editiorial prudency from the brussels journal. But if an anonymous comment on a weblog is all the editors have to show for the impeding implosion of the EU, I can see why they have difficulty putting their sources under a bit of journalistic scrutiny...