Migration, Racism and Tolerance

We tend to assign labels to the flotsam the tide of our time deposits at our feet. Often these tags help us to put up with a stinking reality under a PC wrapper. Alternatively, they serve as an “only add water” condemnation or excuse of whatever might be distorted to fit the term. “Racism” and “Fascism,” also “solidarity” are some of the many magical words that supposedly classify marked items. In truth, these terms warp reality. This does not intend to insinuate that racism, xenophobia and destructive egoism do not exist. However, such terms should not be allowed to function as verbal clubs. Assuredly, labels should not override the facts. Therefore, they must not justify whatever is intolerable. Example: the fear of being branded a “racist” should not keep the cop from apprehending a lawbreaker because the impostor claims membership in a group that enjoys (protected) victim status.

It is proper for writers to put on the table their subject-related prejudices. Reacting to the Economist’s (November 22) piece “The Trouble With Migrants – Europe is fretting about too much immigration when it needs even more” raises issues that require personal revelations.

Taking up the theme had much to do with personal experience. Throughout his life, by design, the writer’s “family language” differed from the surrounding majority’s. Behind this there is a career that produced a “professional foreigner” meaning a “certified immigrant” in several locations. This is the background that provoked the commentary and furnished the paprika for stewing it.

Arguably, the Economist – said to be “conservative” – is the best of the weeklies. As such, its pronouncements carry weight. Right or wrong, such pieces become, due to their source, a “fact.” Therefore, a shortened version follows for your information.

The article begins with an intended shocker. Denmark gave a rising voting share to its “anti-immigration” party. 29% of the Swiss voted for the “xenophobic” People’s Party. An anti-foreigner party is the second-biggest in Norway and a fifth of the Flemish in Belgium support the “far-right” Vlaams Belang. “Aping Le Pen” got Sarkozy the Presidency. He now wants to “inculcate French values” and proposes quotas on immigration and DNA testing to limit family unification.

After a “Romanian migrant” slaughtered an Italian woman, Prodi’s left-of center government decreed to expel EU citizens that are a “threat to public security.” This “pandered to the prejudice” that Gypsies are “more criminal” than other aliens. Perhaps to prove that the persecution is limited or possibly intending to show that hardly anyone among the half-million Romanians is criminal, the piece admits that “only 177 people” were expelled and that “far fewer have gone.”

Why are the voters stirred up? In many European countries the rates of immigration and the stock of foreign-born residents is high. The figures: 24% of the Swiss, 12% of Belgium, 6% of France, 12% of Sweden and 11% in Ireland. Spain alone is untroubled by its 547,000 from Romania and Bulgaria as 43% there approve of them. 42% of the English consider their immigrants as good for the economy.

The magazine guesses that the reception of aliens might relate to the state of the hosting economy. It also feels that the “bad demographic outlook will make the continent increasingly reliant on foreign labour.” It concludes: “those calling most fiercely for foreigners to go home may come to regret what they wished for.”

Regardless of the Economist’s credentials, one could draw conclusions that the paper might reject. It could be that the PC-driven view of migration in its current (not only European) form is part of the problem. If a real solution and not its treatment by silence are desired, then it must be admitted that there is a problem. The difficulties are mostly not caused by the natives’ incorrect reaction to unusual physical appearances and life styles. Pretending that all people are created equal does not imply that they will remain equal or become compatible. Differences do exist. These need to be dealt with. Demanding tolerance is fine. However, tolerance obligates all parties to practice it. Tolerating the principally intolerant and habitually criminal amounts to spinelessness. At any rate, it is not a solution.

Regarding the economic component of the problem, the critical factor might not be entirely the health of the hosting economy. The reception of migrants is determined by the economy’s needs and the newcomers’ skills and willingness to work. The famous “Polish plumber” is no problem because he has a skill in demand. Being an openly economic migrant, his personal goals match an industrialized civilization’s demands. In this instance, contradicting racists and the more numerous “reverse racists”, not ethnicity and its tolerance but expertise is the determining component of the case. The “Polish plumber” – or, for that matter this writer – is not accepted because of his nationality but because of his societal contribution.

In the case of some migrants, the gap between the real motive and the official pretext for settling indicate the problems they cause. One is of a legal nature. We have an economically driven migration to countries that do not seek immigrants. The resulting barriers are easily overcome by the entrants’ claim of persecution. In this case the entry rests on a declaration that might be not only a lie but also, from the point of view of the host picked, lawless. Related is a further conflict with the law. To claim political harassment, one must come from an “unsafe country.” This makes it necessary to assume a fake identity, falsify papers or, more conveniently, to pretend to lack identification. Once discovery threatens, going underground is the next step. It is not a difficult one. Open societies make it easy to function in their midst regardless of the rules regulating residency.

Staying rightfully – but under a false pretext – or largely illegally, brings further problems. Some economic migrants do not seek personal success through integration in the way of life and the economic processes offered to them. One barrier here is an imported value system that is often underpinned by religion. Historically, successful migrants left their home because they realized that their system has failed them. Consequently, they were attracted to the receiving society‘s system and viewed it as superior to the one they had escaped. Today this is not always the case. The values imported often echo anti-modernist, anti-Western and pre-industrialized prejudices. By these standards, not the tradition-mired old system has failed. Much rather the success of the host is presumed to have been achieved either by “good luck” or by the exploitation of the newcomer’s country of origin.

Such myths have consequences. Due to them the mechanisms that produce successful societies and their achieving individuals, is not only not understood but also misunderstood. Additionally, by assuming that the host’s success is due to “theft”, the chance is reduced for implementing rational success-strategies within the framework found. Additionally, the inclination is weakened to gratefully appreciate the opportunities extended by the hosting society. Here a complicating element emerges. A significant current within the new migration differs in a further aspect from the classical migration that contributed to the rise of immigrant nations. There is an element among the migrants that is not drawn by the chance of betterment as it is rather lured by the social support services it finds.

Our “social net” was created to save the unfortunate from falling into a pauper class. In time, such services can become an instrument that create the underclass it was destined to prevent. Modern welfare agencies have been set up to restore, through temporary succor, the status of their clients. Even in the case of the indigenous, the provisional aid provided came to err on the high side. Welfare, instead of being a temporary condition has, even in the industrialized world, become a way of life for a minority. It is of no surprise that the guaranteed support level confuses some of those who enter the system from a sub-poverty background. For the expat, the “good life” is easily substituted with the comparative opulence of what might be locally considered to be a subsistence level existence. Those who fall into this trap do not enter successful societies to participate in their process of wealth creation. The goal of this element is to partake in the process that distributes the wealth created prior to its entry. Some of the social skills learned at home might reinforce the temptation to seek subsistence with the least contribution possible. Wealth at home was not the product of individual striving but “handed out.” Those regarded as affluent did not earn it but enjoyed the good life as an inherited privilege, as a perk of political power.

Turning criminally or politically against those harboring one has more causes than can be elaborated here. One to be mentioned is largely in the area of criminal behavior and it follows from the above. If wealth is achieved by receiving it then, taking it from those whose claim is questioned and who are judged to have too much of it, becomes a logical act. The inclination to take rather than to make finds reinforcement.

The gap between the leading and laggard societies is growing. Correspondingly, the skills of those that come from underdeveloped systems are likely not to match the demands found after immigration (Note: this problem is unrelated to “laziness”). Add to this the inclination of some migrants to associate old-country ways with their identity. Doing so puts cultural pride and personal honor in the way of constructive adjustment and the corresponding exploitation of opportunities for advancement.

A reaction comes about once success is not achieved in the “new country” while sticking proudly to out-of-place old ways. It is not the product of an analysis of what led to failure. It rather takes the form of blaming the system (which one had asked to join) for its prejudiced lack of generosity. This process can produce a complementing assertion. It is that ethically ones home culture is superior to the one by which the host society lives. The latter’s advantage is only granted in the quantitative - material area. Ethically, morally, however, the ways of the birth-culture are made to represent a higher level of development. Consequently its destiny – conforming to history’s logic or God’s will – is manifest. Consequently its victory is only a question of time. This confers rights upon its adherents who live by and carry the force that is chosen to save mankind. If accepted, the idea supports the assertion that it is the host culture that must adjust to the ways of its harbored guests.

Besides the positive perspective of a rags-to-riches career, it is the fear of failure that can spur one to a high-level of activity. If, however, the “dream” is missing, the protection from failure might come from enclosing oneself in an ideological bubble. The resulting subculture can be criminal if it combines Robin Hood and Socialism. The “gang” confirms comportment by telling that “taking it back” from those who have more than they “need” is a virtue. The widespread fashionable reflexes of the majority reinforce this tendency to practice compensatory do-it-yourself justice. These range from wishing to atone for colonialism to the blame-the-victim mantra that “society” is responsible for the anti-social behavior of those that reject its values.

Close to the error of approving of deviance by not condemning it, we discover another, related, mistake. It is one that helps to criminalize some immigrants and creates in the majority the sense of being beleaguered. Crime, or at least welfare abuse, is a way of life that correlates with certain backgrounds. However, PC decrees that, admitting to any negative correlation between national, racial or religious backgrounds and misdeeds is racism. (To allege that folks with green dots are better looking, wiser, more decent, than “we are” is OK.) The problem with tolerating and therefore encouraging misbehavior is that such conduct will stubbornly continue to correlate with collective traits. Regardless of what common people might think, by bowing to PC, influential groups insinuate that there can be no problem. Furthermore, this elite is committed to prevent effective action against whatever concerns the average person once its assumed causes are clearly stated.

As a result, a “rebellion” is unfolding. It is driven by the spreading feeling of helplessness in the face of perceived threats. Many feel their freedoms restricted by their experiences and by the common knowledge that there are now hours at which you are insane to go to certain places. The ranks swell as sanctions against offenders are softened due to the background of these. However, as long as the price of intolerable behavior is discounted, such actions will spread. If combating criminality is constrained in the name of the tolerance due to “special backgrounds,” the thereby immunized are encouraged to persist. Therefore, the resentment of the reluctant “hosts” will grow.

Certainly, racists are not tolerant. On the other hand, tolerating anti-social behavior is not a sign of tolerance but of cowardice or confusion. This is true even when those mainly affected happen to be members of an identifiable minority. Those contradicting this are misusing the fear of racist labels by demanding not tolerance but submission.

By their entry, immigrants become subject to common sense obligations. The more so as, in exchange for the privilege of refuge and its opportunities, they have voluntarily accepted these. This might sound obvious, however, given the attitude of some immigrant groups and their apologists, the matter is apparently not self evident to all.

Some aliens that gain admission to economically advanced and politically democratic societies nurture resentments. They are directed against the way of life and even the existence of their host country. Bluntly put, intolerantly they do not accept the identity of the citizens of the state and its order that is harboring them. Concurrently, they demand for themselves what they deny their benefactor. Of the traditions they find and that they are, having chosen it, honor bound to respect, they uphold only one. It is that, regardless of their actions and advocated cause, their right to preach the hate of their host community is to be protected to an extent that nears extraterritoriality.

This leads to odd positions. Take a group that insists that everything from honor killings to female circumcision through the segregation of sexes and bathing only while fully dressed be tolerated, allowed and enforced. It would be easy to find countries where the mores and the laws already in place concur with such demands. Those, in whose case, for instance, something like the Sharia is a non-negotiable demand, should choose one of the conforming countries. To move into a community with a divergent tradition and then to insist that it must conform to rigidly advocated alien ways, contradicts reason, fairness and threatens the rights of the hosts. No claim pretending to rely on warped principles must to be allowed to stand in order to justify such capitulation at the expense of sovereignty.

Immigration is a financial disaster to the host country

The EU leaders seem to be unaware of the problems brought by the new bred of immigrants. A majority of immigrants don’t have an education that will help the EU society. They arrive uneducated and unskilled. They only want a ‘better life’ in their new host country.

Sadly the so-called better life comes with a bitter price tag; a drain on the host countries social services, judicial system, health care, and education system. The immigrants don’t pay enough taxes to pay for even a small fraction of their cost to their host country.


A majority of the immigrants don’t assimilate into the culture of the host country. Most of them don’t learn the language of the host country. They remain in the EU as resentful of the more successful residents of the host country; bitter, jealous and angry.

Arguably, The Economist is a Malthusian rag

Arguably, the Economist – said to be “conservative” – is the best of the weeklies.

I doubt I'll be able to keep my food down if I hear one more writer who should know better call The Economist "conservative" or "arguably...the best of the weeklies."

Its slyly pro-business veneer aside, The Economist is profoundly anti-capitalist on the few key issues one should be paying attention to right now: immigration policy and the call for radical measures against global warming. The Economist supports immigration of the low-wage unskilled into Europe and the U.S. because the cheaper and less-skilled the labor force, the less technological innovation and capital investment that will take place. This will make the world safe for European and Gulf State cartelizers and their socialist and EU mouthpieces, who are terrified of innovation and unrestricted capitalist growth.

Similarly, The Economist supports the CO2-causes-global-warming hoax and associated carbon tax schemes, as a monkey wrench against feared high rates of U.S. growth and developing sector industrialization. The global warming swindle is just a continuation of a similar anti-growth Malthusian hoax attempted in the 1970s by the Club of Rome, the Zero Population Growth movement, and the Limits to Growth modelers at M.I.T. -- all arguing that food and energy resources would be exhausted by the year 2000 and billions would starve unless growth were halted and everyone tied their tubes after having one baby.



So let's get it right now: "The Economist is arguably the most beguiling of the weekly Malthusian rags."

Damned Thieving Muzlims

That was certainly a lot of beating around the bush to say that the damned thieving Muzlims come simply for what they can get from the welfare systems without contributing a thing in the way of work. Shame on honest people for permitting these robbers to come in and steal from them in this way. Throw the thieves out!!

The economist

The Economist: “The Trouble With Migrants – Europe is fretting about too much immigration when it needs even more”

It is nothing new. The Economist has kept advocating the displacement of the whites for more than 20 years (maybe 40?).

GH: "Arguably, the Economist – said to be “conservative” – is the best of the weeklies. As such, its pronouncements carry weight. Right or wrong, such pieces become, due to their source, a “fact.”

On the subject of immigration, the "fact" is that the Economist has the same opinion as the BBC and most of the media.

When a columnist whose judgment I trust makes a PC statement in favor of immigration, I know he is buckling under the pressure, and it makes me realize I should trust my own judgment first. But I am not disappointed when the Economist writes rubbish, because I know it is what they do every week. It is particularly duplicitous for a magazine called "the Economist" to support mass immigration, as they know it does not improve our economic situation. I suppose they say what the media is expected to say. It is mostly a posture. They don't need to express a coherent position, and they don't mind lying and hiding facts.

During WWII, I think French newspapers could write about most subjects and give intelligent opinions, but every issue of a newspaper had to include articles provided by the Germans reporting the progress of the Wehrmacht. Now, European newspapers have to include immigration propaganda in every article. It doesn't mean they believe what they print.

“Regardless of the Economist’s credentials, one could draw conclusions that the paper might reject."

Good idea. One could also draw conclusions about the Economist, and stop buying it.

E.U. immigration: keeps down wages, and Islamises Europe

It is important to note that 'The Economist' is, by and large, an employer-friendly journal; and on the matter of mass immigration into Europe, 'The Economist' is in line with most employers in wanting to have available a pool of labour, which among other things, should keep down the level of wages of indigenous European labour.

The European Union's commitment to the Islamisation of Europe continues apace, with Sarkozy-Prodi-Zapatero pushing for a 'Mediterranean Union'; and Miliband, in his Bruges speech, not only enthusiastically campaigning for Islamic Turkey's entry, but also down the line (circa 2030) for that of Iraq too.

There is no racism, only the ambitions of Euviet Union

There is no racism, only the ambitions of Euviet Union

There are many contradictions regarding the current EU-leadership, but this is probably the most striking: the EU-elite claim that their aim is to fight for the values of democracy and fight against all forms of racism, xenophobia and intolerance, in the meantime the main EU-leader, Sarkozy is admittedly leads a far-right, racist, intolerant and xenophobic policy, who filters the French population on a DNA-basis.

The contradiction spans even further. The EU-elite are accusing the nations of Europe with racism, xenophobia and intolerance whenever they resist EU-integration and the entire globalisation, and the EU-politicians claim they have the right to decide what the “best” is for all citizens of Europe. This “best” however is that the politicians -backed by the EU- create tension in each country by exploiting the weakest social-economical points in each country (divide), then conquer them.

For example, this is how the EU’s “divide et impera” tactics work in France: while Sarkozy manipulates the French people through their specific weakest point, that is by promising to protect the French ethnicity against the overwhelming presence of foreign workers, Sarkozy openly turns against the French people and serves the EU-empire by violently enforcing the EU’s reforms and violently suppressing the strikes in France.


France: Sarkozy calls for European military build up

France's Sarkozy wooing far right, poll rivals say

French immigration bill approved

Sarkozy in row about paedophiles

Sarkozy pledges reforms as woes pile up

The Left stops debate by smearing opponents as racists.

Marvin, it has always been a tactic of the left to stop debate by coloring their opponents a racists. The Left needs as many dependent needy victim groups as it can accumulate. It's required for their survival politically.

In the debate on illegals here is the US, the left isn't getting much traction. Far too many of us see threw the sham of equating racist motives behind a basic desire to see our laws enforced and our sovereignty as a nation upheld.

It's up to Europeans to change their fate. If they remain sheeple, they lose everything for their children. Their passivity is difficult to understand. Although history has shown in the decade of encroaching fascism in the 1930's they behaved as poorly until forces were out of their control.

The new political camouflage to build Euviet Union

Onecent: it is very true that it has been a tactic of the left to color their opponents as racist, but it is also true that those who use these tactics are indeed racists. As the referred articles prove, in Sarkozy's case racism and xenophobia is a fact he would not deny and these were the very slogans he has won the French presidential elections with.

My point is: in our days' politics, the tactics, manipulation and deceit operate within higher dimensions, where the distinction between left and right is only on the surface. Left and right are only the new political camouflage and is used only to exploit the weakest points in all nations in order to sell to each country slogans the people are most susceptible of.

The best example is again the seeming differences between the French "conservative" Sarkozy and the "Hungarian" so called left socialist prime minister. The policy of these two is identical in the very essence, only their slogans differ. These two are even close friends: when they met in person in Hungary they admitted to have chemistry between them.

Again, their aim is the same: to build the new European Empire and to force the EU-reforms onto all countries, and -if that is what it takes- even by using the most violent methods (as the Hungarian PM Gyurcsany is doing so).
They acquire power by lying and cheating, then use the classical crude methods to maintain their power.
They both lie and cheat by targeting a nation's weakest points, with the same strategic goal: to exterminate the nations and to build a new dictatorial empire. In France the weakest point of the society: the burden of the foreigners created a racist, xenophobic "conservative" monster, Sarkozy, who promised to get rid of the aliens, while in Hungary, the communist-stricken society raised a "socialist" monster (Gyurcsany), who promised that he would take care of the helpless population's material needs, and after seizing power took everything away from them, even what remained. Gyurcsany however is also a racist as he is already performing a genocide on the Hungarians and invites millions from Asia to replace them. But soon enough the "xenophobic" Sarkozy will do the very same with the French people, especially once he would gain power over all Europe via the Lisbon Treaty.

Now, these European leaders altogether are close allies of Bush, - but again, they would be the very same allies of Ms. Clinton or whoever in their circles would obtain power in the US. If we look for the common strategy, their aim is to build a new Orwellian world-empire.

It is indeed in the hands of the nations of Europe to stop this tragic process and change the fate of world history for the better.

Good points, Marvin

Marvin, your points are well taken. The problem in Europe is no choices for the electorate.

I feel pity for Europeans, sandbagged between the fascism of the EU and encroaching Islam.

Let's hope that Europeans, all of us in western democracies, utilize the internet more seriously. It has certainly challenged the leftist MSM monoply here in the US in recent years. They can't lie on the left's behalf as blatantly without getting caught.

Happy New Year to everyone.

To Onecent: Some more comments on the danger

Onecent, with my best wishes to you, and everyone for the New Year:

I absolutely agree with you: Europe, and in fact the entire free world is in grave danger, as we might recognize the same "divide et impera" pattern in the US as well. (As we know, the so called "islam terrorism" hit America the gravest thus far).

What I would like to comment on is how real the danger of "Islam" is: it is far less of a threat as the media broadcasts it one million times a day. There is indeed a constant danger of fake attacks by the fake enemies to keep up the enemy-allies role play. On the other hand, as far as Islam is a real danger, it is so inasmuch as everyone is a "danger" when being attacked and unlawfully treated, used as a source of manipulation and a target of a grand-scale defamation; when their values are provoked and lands are attacked and seized. And yes, they are attacked and provoked, constantly and viciously, in a manner that is in sheer contradiction with the very basics of international law and agreements.

If the world-leaders so eagerly preaching peaceful development, civilization and so forth, would in the least be interested to achieve these real values, they would first achieve it in their own domain and in their own countries. However, what they do is the exact opposite of this - they use all opportunity to manipulate, to destroy, to create tension and instability everywhere in the world, to initiate fake threats and issues in order to justify the need for their new dictatorial lead.

The real source of danger is this dictatorial and manipulative US and EU political elite, whose major favorite themes are the historical threat of so called "nationalism" (which they use to neutralize a nation's natural self-defense) and the current threat of Islam, which is used to create a world-panic atmosphere that "requires" a system to secure "world stability" that is, a stable dictatorial control over all nations of the free world. What this new EU/US leadership is doing is systematically undermining the social economical achievements of the highly developed countries, that is both the US and West Europe, while EU is colonizing the remainder of the East.

As Zen Master also pointed out, immigration causes a financial disaster (also cultural, social and moral disaster) for the highly developed European countries (also for the US). On the other side of the coin, emigration triggers a fatal disaster in the underdeveloped countries, which are being left behind by their "most competitive" generations and individuals: whose talents could have been best utilized in their country now wasted in low-level jobs on foreign lands.

During the time when economy was free from the maladies of a forceful globalisation, and the self-adjustment of labour supply and demand was in place, the expanding economy of the welfare states used to invite and welcome foreign workers to do the low jobs or the same for lower salaries. However, in our days the social-economical situation is entirely different, exactly because of the influence of the new regulatory elite. The EU-interventions disguised as "reforms" and all effects of globalisation are being forced onto societies in a manner that has made free economy and free political systems of the West a history. In the name of "efficiency" they inflict contra-efficiency, thus destroying the formerly existing social-cultural-economical balance in the economically highly developed countries. By mixing different worlds, with different cultures and potentials, the political elite create and intensify conflicts and blame all these on the victims (on the mixed nations). In the meantime they neutralize each nation's self-defense by calling them "nationalistic" in the pejorative "Nazi" sense, by exploiting the history according to their whims. So integration actually means disintegration of all functional parts and reassembling them in a way through which many millions of the currently rich countries will become low-paid slaves and perish within a relatively short time.

Therefore all signs within and beyond Europe denote that if the EU integration process under the current fraudulent leadership would develop any further, that would be a fatal disaster for Europe. We are living in the last minutes to reverse this process by demanding that our governments would immediately refrain from ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. If any government would still ratify it, we should immediately recall their mandates, with the charge of overthrowing the nation's constitution via the ratification of a new constitution, that is by ratifying the Lisbon Treaty, then we should use all means to regain our freedom and democracy from the illegitimate new EU regime.

Why are social engineers exempt?

It seems  that wherever there is tinkering involved, we typically see considerable safety precautions taken.  Scientists do their risk assessments and worst case scenario planning, don their  safety glasses and hardhats, get behind their blast shields, double check their equipment , and then start the experiment.  Once underway, the process is monitored. Should  developments stray beyond estimated parameters, the experiment it is aborted.    Doing anything less   would be considered  both foolish and reckless.  

Social scientists and  social engineers seem to be the big exception to this sort of disciplined wisdom as they recklessly unleash their chain reactions  with no saftey nets, no fallback position,  and absolutely closed minded to the fact that their tinkering night produce something less than a blissful utopia.  Dissent is forbidden.   The  only contingency plan is to turn up the volume when shouting down people with their  cries of 'Racist! ',  'Fascist!'.  

It's really come to he point where people  pointing their fingers and yelling 'racist!' and 'fascist!'  have three fingers pointing back at themselves.

Why do  free-born  people tolerate this sort of irresponsible thuggery?