Send a Message to the Swedish
From the desk of Paul Belien on Sat, 2006-02-11 20:36

Vikings. Once they were brave. Today some are brave and some are cowards. The brave ones are the Danish and the Icelanders, the cowards the Norwegians and the Swedish (at least where the governments are concerned).
Yesterday the Swedish government shut down a website because it had published Muhammad cartoons. Has Stockholm ever shut down a website because it posted Jesus cartoons? No, it hasn’t. During the past week a number of appeasing Western governments have said that they are not happy with papers and websites republishing the Danish Muhammad cartoons, but Sweden is the first Western country to exercise censorship.
In the age of internet, however, governments that do such things only make fools of themselves. Let them feel this by sending all your Swedish contacts an e-mail with a link to the twelve Danish cartoons. There are currently hundreds of these links, but here is ours: node/698 Send it to all the Swedish people you know with the message “This is the ‘offensive’ stuff that your ‘democratic’ government does not want you to see.”
Yesterday in Cardiff, Britain, copies of a student magazine were recalled because they contained the Danish cartoons. The paper was recalled by the Student Union. Cardiff, by the way, is well-known to The Brussels Journal, since we receive death threats from there.
Democracy problems in Sweden - where next?
Submitted by Elisabet on Mon, 2006-02-13 13:40.
Living in Sweden I experience huge problems in expressing my opinion.
The Swedish government has declared total consensus on the immigration politics: we are be open to immigration of any kind - even to immigration by fascists/islamists - and those who do not agree to that (= the Swedish people) are stamped through the vocabulary of the political and media "elite" and are not allowed to enter into the official debate.
Problems experienced in connection to letting in fascist elements that oppresses women and commit crimes, are not allowed to be discussed. The Government has ordered the Crime Investigation Statistics Agency NOT to investigate any background factors such as organisation membership, etnicity and so on, thereby making it impossible to analyze, debate and take action against these problems.
The vocabulary of the elite contains expressions as: "xenophobia", "islamophobia", "racism". The vocabulary is used by groups and organisations that claim to be "Anti fascists", "Anti racists" and so on.
Beware of these groups! Islamofascistic organisations are infiltrating them!
These groups are used by the EU legislation organisations and tries to change the laws to suite islam.
The "Anti fascist" groups in Sweden attacs democratic parties physically and abuses them when they are trying to attend their democratic meetings. Still the government allows these groups to exist.
I imagine that you have the same kind of repressive elements in your countries. Again: beware of them. They use our democratic principles to destroy democracy. For example: the UN and the EU and France are know under the pressure of the islamists, who wants a law against "blasphemy" to silence any critics against islam. As islam is also political (the Quran is their Law), a change in this direction would be fatal.
Sweden is just an example. See to that your own governments are NOT infiltrated by these forces. Fight against it! We do.
Please visit
to Elisabet
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Mon, 2006-02-13 15:02.
I and many others are 100% behind you. What is happening in Sweden is serious. But I am convinced it has reached a new level of absurdity with the excessive political correctness and de facto censorship. So much absurdity that the freedom loving Swedes can see through it and will reject it. In Denmark the Social Democrats are nearly exterminating themselves these days. They are close to being only the third largest party.
I have continued my answer on the previous posting on Swedish censorship and the Swedish government's incomprehensible support of the Islamofascists on my blog as it is too big for a comment here: One track mind
Elisabet, I have linked to, The Forum Against Islamification on my blog even though it is not in English. But it is good. I am very happy to see a Swedish protest. Hang in there.
Submitted by brioche on Mon, 2006-02-13 04:53.
How about a little more research? A branch of the security police had requested a talk with the web hotel in question and told them that it wasn't altogether impossible that threats and actions from muslim terrorists could be following. The web hotel reacted and shut down SD:S site. The government has not outlawed anything.
to brioche
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Mon, 2006-02-13 06:15.
When the Secret Police (for that is what SAPO is, it corresponds to the MI5 in the UK - and it rimes with Gestapo) and the foreign minister approach a company, an ISP, and ask (demand) you shut down a website belonging to somewhat extremist right wingers (they are comparable to Le Pen's Front National). Otherwise Swedish interests and Swedish nationals will be in danger. I think most companies would cave in. The risk to future business is simply too high not to.
Well, I call that censorship. Especially when the website belongs to a registered political party with 1,4% of the vote. Furthermore, a party which has done absolutely nothing illegal. On the contrary the party is only exercising its right to free speech.
Check out the debate (and the facts) going on in Sweden right now.
If you think that is not censorship, then you must be either a radical Muslim from Saudi Arabia or a Swedish Social Democrat.
It has become hard to distinguish.
NB. I do not find the "Sverigedemokraterna" a very nice party, but that has no weight on the discussion on free speech.
to Richard
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Mon, 2006-02-13 00:50.
I am Danish and while I might tease the occasional Swede I consider the Swedish my brother people. I only hope we can somehow help you bring freedom back in Sweden. I am sure the majority of Swedes are against censorship. Especially a censorship controlled internally by the foreign minister and the secret police. It sounds like something from a bad novel!
We have the same narrow minded politicians in Denmark - fortunately they are not in
I am so ashamed!
Submitted by Richard on Mon, 2006-02-13 00:40.
I'm from Sweden. I am so ashamed how our government has handled this situation! I have always disliked the mainparty, Socialdemokraterna, but now I really hate them! Especially our stupid foreign minister, Laila Freivalds! She doesn't know a shit! after the tsunami-disaster, she asked: -Phuket? Where is that?
And yesterday I heard he in an interview, and after a while, when they had discussed the whole situation about the closing of the website, the reporter asked:
-What do you think about the whole? She answered:
-About what?... Later in another interview, she said:
-I'm sorry that we had extremists in this country! And she aimed the party Sverigedemokraterna, the party which webpage they got closed! Sverigedemokraterna is absolutly not extremists! Sverigedemokraterna can be compared with the danish party Dansk Folkeparti, or the Norwegian Fremskrittspartiet, but unfortunately the main part of the swedish population thinks that Sverigedemokraterna is major racists!
My grandmother which have hard alzheimer's disease, would be a better foreign minister than Laila Freivalds! So, please don't hate us all!
To Bob Doney,
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 18:31.
"Yes, you are right when talking about poor countries. But we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world. Should even by miracle a large percentage of Swedish exports be boycotted for a long period nobody would lack anything. A boycott would be more like a slap on the hands, but one that the big Swedish industries would pass on to the government"
I could not have said it better myself. Whether it be a boycott or whatever, the point is to show the world, NOT JUST Sweden, how intolerable this censorship is. There needs to be a strong response to keep it from spreading to other countries that may see this as a precendent.
To Bob Doney,
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 18:31.
"Yes, you are right when talking about poor countries. But we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world. Should even by miracle a large percentage of Swedish exports be boycotted for a long period nobody would lack anything. A boycott would be more like a slap on the hands, but one that the big Swedish industries would pass on to the government"
I could not have said it better myself. Whether it be a boycott or whatever, the point is to show the world, NOT JUST Sweden, how intolerable this censorship is. There needs to be a strong response to keep it from spreading to other countries that may see this as a precendent.
Showing the world
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 18:45.
I could not have said it better myself. Whether it be a boycott or whatever, the point is to show the world, NOT JUST Sweden, how intolerable this censorship is.
Whatever happened to rational argument? Surely the best way to "show the world" anything is to make a rational case for it, IN WORDS, in whatever forums are available. While we've still got free speech we may as well use it. You never know, it might catch on, and fewer flags and embassies might get burned down.
Negotiation by boycott is pretty crude. And you'll maybe find that the (rich country) Swedish manufactures that you choose not to buy are actually made in Hungarian or Chinese factories, and the people who suffer most are the poor sods who work in them.
Bob Doney
Don't Worry
Submitted by truth serum on Sun, 2006-02-12 15:25.
Don't worry. I think everyone in this forum recognizes that it is the government and not the people.
I hope you do throw them out. They are siding with the enemy so to speak, sacrificing your freedoms to placate them.
Please don't think all swedes support this shit
Submitted by illum on Sun, 2006-02-12 14:14.
I am from Sweden and I hurt to the bone when I read this. On webpolls done by the major news papers like about 70-80% of all who responded thought the publishing of the cartoons was "the right decision".
A tiny minority of Swedish people think this should be censored. The government is doing it's best to crush itself in the coming election which is fine by me since they think this problem will go away by simply not talking about it. They are idiots to say the least and do not speak for me!
Please don't think this of all Swedes guys. We're bloody sick of our left-wing media and flat agree-to-anything-in-order-to-not-be-associated-with-rasists-bullshit politicians.
The Swedes have suffered enough
Submitted by CFODK on Sun, 2006-02-12 10:36.
The Swedes are not really that bad. They just havent gotten around to ridding themselves of the yoke of Idiot Government.
Even the Danes have a History of Idiot Government that dates back to the 60's and 70's - which is why we have the problems now.
I know for a fact that many Swedes are ashamed of their gutless yellowbelly politicians. I guess that is why they "bump off" one every now and again.
The Anti Idiot
Swedish politicians are fond of boycott themselves
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Sun, 2006-02-12 05:00.
No wonder the current Foreign Minister Ms. Laila Freivalds and the Swedish Government is using the Swedish Secret Police to censor criticism of their friends.
Note: Ms. Anna Lindh was the former Foreign Minister, but was killed by a lunatic in an unfortunate event.
Any remarks, Bob Doney?
"Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh announced that she will boycott Israeli products available in the Swedish market, especially citrus fruits and avocadoes.
Speaking to Swedish television on Friday, April 19, Lindh said, If I am unable to influence my government's policy to boycott Israel, I can at least personally boycott their products. She called on Swedish nationals to boycott Israeli products in the light of the recent massacres committed by the Israeli army in the Palestinian territories. Lindh is a member of the ruling Social Democratic Party and has been sympathetic with Arab issues along with other members of the Swedish government, such as former Foreign Minister Stein Anderson, a personal friend of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. She had in the past asked the European Union to suspend its relations with Israel as a way of denouncing the occupation forces practices against the Palestinian civilian population. Meanwhile, the Palestinian minister for international cooperation Nabil Shaath was visiting Stockholm on Friday and met with Swedish Prime Minister Goeran Persson who promised to donate 350 million Swedish Corona (nearly $ 35 million) to rebuild Jenin and nearby areas destroyed by Israeli aggression. Persson promised to increase the sum soon. Shaath also met with Lindh who expressed her shock at recent events in the Palestinian territories and promised to do her best to help the Palestinian people. Besides government officials, Swedish nationals have also been sympathizing with the Palestinian cause, many of them wearing badges that said "boycott Israel". The streets of Stockholm on Thursday witnessed demonstrations were banners were raised calling hawkish Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon a mass murderer, and other saying "Bush is a killer" and "Zionism is Fascism". Jews in Sweden have also held counter demonstrations and a few conflicts rose between both sides that was stopped through police intervention. In the Swedish city of Obsala on Friday, a silent demonstration was held with demonstrators wearing black and carrying candles. The increasing number of Swedes participating in anti-Israeli demonstrations has been noticeable and has forced the Palestinian Issue to be featured on the agenda of the Swedish Legislative elections which will be held on September 2002. "
to Bob Doney
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Sun, 2006-02-12 04:01.
"It's for the Swedish people to make a fuss."
Yes they should, but so should we. Note that the Swedish PM directly criticized the Danish PM in the beginning of the crisis for not doing enough and doing it too lately. Doing enough meaning apologizing.
Also I am Danish and the Swedes are my ex-neighbors and "brother people". When I see a moral wrong I shall point it out. When I see freedom at risk anywhere in the free world I shall point it out. Also I know many Swedes would like a little help and support...
Of course only the Swedes can dismiss their government. Which they probably won't, I am afraid. But I do hope they will provoke a serious discussion and at least a serious warning to the responsible politicians.
"As for boycotts, I just don't like them as a tool of political expression. Usually the wrong people end up getting hurt."
Yes, you are right when talking about poor countries. But we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world. Should even by miracle a large percentage of Swedish exports be boycotted for a long period nobody would lack anything. A boycott would be more like a slap on the hands, but one that the big Swedish industries would pass on to the government.
To A New Believer,
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:07.
I believe you may have me mixed up with Bob Doney? :)
"I am serious in my defending your right to speak for or against the government of Sverige. But "I " may not speak against them. To do so,would be to put me without honor or dignity."
With all due respect, your comment about "without honor and diginity" sounds very much like the words that a radical Muslim would say relative to his religion.
Part of what makes our western world so different from Islam is our ability and willingness to question authority, even of our own governments. Blind allegiance and loyality (and I am a big believer in loyality), when misguided into areas of definitive and obvious wrongdoings, can lead to such things as calls for extermination and beheadings. Something I have been hearing recently in the news.
Yes, this may be much more minor that beheadings but the long term repercussions of the repression of freedom of speech can eventually lead to such atrocities.
"Oh and I am a female. * smile*"
Very good. I like females a lot. :) Although I do find your comment kind of puzzling as to why you felt the need to indicate this.
BTW, I am a male. :)
To A New Believer
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:44.
"I accord you the right to exercise your "Freedom of Speech."
That very right that you are according others is the exact same right that the government of Sweden is NOT according some of their own citizens. In a blog no less! A blog just like this one! That IS open and HAS allowed you to post your previous comment!
How do you resolve this dichotomy in your thinking?
Of course, the Swedish government will stay standing. But the call to arms demonstrates to the politicians how unacceptable this action is.
You must be aware that Iran does this as well to its citizens. They are much more extreme in the measures but the concept is the same.
Freedom of speech is not free if it is not absolute. Whether one wishes to demonstrate responsiblity and respect with regard to one's right to freedom of speech is up to each individual. But it CANNOT be limited by governments.
Otherwise, the next time you wish to make comment about how wrong my view is, you may not find the appropriate vehicle (or blog) available to do just that!
I accord you the right
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:27.
I accord you the right to exercise your "Freedom of Speech." I will continue to support Danmark. But I will neither denigrate nor will I join in a resolution to call down the government of Sverige!
The Gods Bless the Swedish Royal Family!
Gods Bless their representative government - Prime Minister Goran Persson!
This is the only statement on this action that I shall make!
The Aesir, The Vanir & the Valkyries stand by them.
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Boycott everyone
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:10.
Why don't we all boycott everyone? Then we can go back to living in huts and caves, and use stone-tipped spears to catch fish.
At least it would put an end to the Common Fisheries Policy.
Bob Doney
>>Why don't we all boycott
Submitted by Deep Keel on Sun, 2006-02-12 08:33.
>>Why don't we all boycott everyone? Then we can go back to living in huts and caves, and use stone-tipped spears to catch fish.
>>At least it would put an end to the Common Fisheries Policy.
>>Bob Doney
Eminent sense Bob, I look forward to the dank environs of the cave and the rustic life! One comment however... what are the beaurocrats who implement the Common Fisheries Policy to do now that their jobs have been eliminated? They are government employees after all, doubtless immune to being fired. I fear we may face the dreaded Common Stone-Tipped Spear Policy, enforced with special vigor out of spite by the former Fisheries folks.
Perhaps other measures are in order, though I am loath to give up the caves.
Deep Keel
Spear them
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 12:42.
what are the beaurocrats who implement the Common Fisheries Policy to do now that their jobs have been eliminated?
I think the first stone-tipped spears could be specially sharpened for them. Got a better idea? They're plump and juicy, and will be delicious with fava beans and a nice chianti.
Boycott Sweden
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:21.
Bob Doney said:
"Why don't we all boycott everyone? Then we can go back to living in huts and caves, and use stone-tipped spears to catch fish.
At least it would put an end to the Common Fisheries Policy.
Bob Doney"
Your whimsical and light hearted attitude toward free speech is mind boggling! Since this is such a small issue for you maybe you can exercise your free speech by just not commenting. Just what the Islamic fascists would want.
Or better yet, please educate us with your astute and profound wisdom and tell us what you recommend we should do? Or maybe just put tape over our mouths and be done with it.
Lighthearted and whimsical
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:34.
Since this is such a small issue for you maybe you can exercise your free speech by just not commenting. Just what the Islamic fascists would want.
Sorry, you've confused me. Am I allowed to say what I think here in the way I want to say it, or not? It's not me putting tape over people's mouths, matey.
Bob Doney
To Bob Doney
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:50.
I stand corrected!
"Or better yet, please educate us with your astute and profound wisdom and tell us what you recommend we should do? Or maybe just put tape over our mouths and be done with it."
Maybe you can continue with your comments by answering my other question above. Criticism is easy. constructive criticism takes a bit more thought.
Astute and profound
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:04.
your astute and profound wisdom...
Criticism is easy. constructive criticism takes a bit more thought.
Ooooh! I'm all dizzy and frivolous tonight. Can't seem to take anything seriously.
Anyway, I'm sure you weren't INTENDING to be sarcastic, WERE YOU?!!!!
Bob Doney
To Bob Doney
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:14.
I was wrong! I sincerely apology for my accusing tone and sarcasm!
I was very serious though about your thoughts on what, if anything should be done about this new development from Sweden.
Your thoughts?
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:25.
I was very serious though about your thoughts on what, if anything should be done about this new development from Sweden.
It's for the Swedish people to make a fuss.
Like in the UK, when Jack Straw made his feeble appeasing remarks, and when the police turned a blind eye to the vicious demonstrations in London a week ago, people made a fuss. Straw was made to look a cowardy custard, and the police are working themselves up into a state of mind where they may be prepared to arrest a few people.
Incidentally, there was a peaceful demonstration in London today by a few thousand Muslims against the cartoons and Islamophobia.
As for boycotts, I just don't like them as a tool of political expression. Usually the wrong people end up getting hurt. Occasionally they can work - for example there's a case for saying that sanctions against South Africa's apartheid government helped the cause of freedom, but that was a boycott that was supported by the blacks' political leaders.
Bob Doney
Re: Bob Doney's Thoughts
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:37.
Very good! Unfortunately, I need to leave right now but I will think on your ideas and respond later. Thank you.
Re; Lighthearted & whimsical!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:45.
I was not being whimsical or lighthearted, nor was I trying to be funny Mr. Doney . Say what you please, I do believe in "freedom of speech."
I am only explaining this once. You see unlike the danish imam abu laban, I would
never speak against any one I owed a loyalty to. That would be sacrilege, to me! That would be incessantly bad manners with regard to duty and honor. Believe me If I owed a duty to the British Royal Family I would exercise that duty with great solemnity. And if owed to the Danish Royal Family, or the Jordanian Royal Family, etc. I would do the same. I stated that I would not be commenting on such things. It would not be cricket for me to do. I am serious in my defending your right to speak for or against the government of Sverige. But "I " may not speak against them. To do so,would be to put me without honor or dignity. That is all I will say else on the matter. Oh and I am a female. * smile*
Confusion all round
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:58.
That is all I will say else on the matter. Oh and I am a female.
Hello again, Ms A New Believer....
Yes, I knew you are a female, but actually I was replying to mtk2006, whose words I quoted and who was saying, in a somewhat accusing tone, that I was whimsical and lighthearted.
Bob Doney
To Bob Doney!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:05.
*deep and delicate curtsey* "My apologies Sirrah!"
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sun, 2006-02-12 02:36.
"Those about her from her shall read the perfect ways of honour."
W Shakespeare (Henry VIII)
Boycott Sweden
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Sat, 2006-02-11 21:31.
This is an absolute scandal.
I say:
Boycott Sweden until free expression is restored
Sweden out of the EU
The Swedish goverment must resign.
Download boycott images here:
Boycott Sweden
Submitted by galenus on Sun, 2006-02-12 14:11.
I can´t believed. Very soon somebody, not in Denmark, ask for recall Voltaire´s books. It´s a travel backwards in time, until before french revolution. To enjoy free expression today it was not free. It´s a nightmare. I fell ashamed. Maybe many Swedish too.
Viva Denmark. With two balls.
I love this journal
Boycott Sweden
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:06.
I agree!!
"Boycott Sweden until free expression is restored
Sweden out of the EU
The Swedish goverment must resign."
This is outrageous!!
This cannot stand!!!