Kosovo and Israel

A quote by Arieh Eldad, Member of the Knesset, in Ma’ariv, 22 February 2008

The flag of Kosovo is that of Islamic proliferation and a source of serious anxiety to Europe. Those European countries recognizing Kosovo are doing so under economic pressure from oil-rich Arab countries, the markets of Islamic countries, and internal pressure by millions of Moslem voters in Europe. [...]

If Israel joins in recognizing Kosovo, there will be no political, legal, or moral claim it can make to oppose establishing an Arab state in the Galilee and Northern Negev. For what is the difference? An ethnic minority with territorial contiguity to neighboring enemy states demands, following a bloody war, to tear pieces from a sovereign country, and proclaim its independence. [...] And we cannot forget that Arabs and the haters of Israel in Europe portray Israel in colors no less cruel than those used to portray the Serbs, and accusations of genocide are thrown at us just as they were thrown at them. When the day comes when the Arabs in the Galilee declare independence, Israel will have no way to oppose it, assuming it today recognizes a country formed on exactly the same basis. [...]

Today Israel, together with its European partners, must present a solid front to stop the spread of Islam in Europe, for as long as the Moslem strength there increases, the tendency of European countries to prefer the Arabs over Israel will also increase.

In Reply to Vincep1974

VinceP1974: Of course I hate Islam. Islam is an evil, brutal, anti-human "religion."...I have a very low opinion of Muslims... first of all ,because they are so stupid as to even view thier religion as being worthy to remain in bondage to. I dont hate them as a class. I dont hate any group of people as a class.


Which came first, stupid, evil, brutal and anti-social people who sought succour in the totalitarian...or Islam? If the former, then you in fact do hate Muslims as a people. "Class" refers to socio-economic stratification and is irrelevant here as Islam cuts across such lines.


VinceP1974: I am proud to defend the Jews and Israel...I'm tolerant of all views short of Jew hatred, sedition or treason.


How have you defended Jews and Israel? Have you served in the IDF or contributed to the UJC or B'nai B'rith by chance? Are you tolerant of Christian or American hatred? And why does anti-Semitism precede sedition and treason?


VinceP1974: Being partisan is contrary to democracy? That's a new concept to me. I thought democracy was all about differences.


There is nothing undemocratic about partisanship. However, in order to fuction liberal democracies require that their electorates acquiesce to the winning party(ies) and/or representative(s) of elections and submit to the rational/legal authority of government. However, your statements evince an unwillingness to acquiesce to a democratically elected government if it is composed of representatives/parties you do not support and a tendency to declare that government's authority illegitimate if it pursues policies and programmes. Certainly, one cannot execute a man for what he thinks. Yet such refusal to compromise is the line of thought that raises individuals such as Timothy McVeigh from criminals to political prisoners of war and at worst, heroes. Moreover, if you truly believe that the government of the day is illegitimate and in fact tyrannical, is it not your obligation to engage in revolutionary violence as your Constitution permits?


VinceP1974: Wow,, you sure do know a lot about my inner thoughts. What am I thinking right now?


Indeed. You are thinking at this very moment...will I vote for Hillary or Obama? And why didn't Sicko win best doc?


VinceP1974: No kidding. All the Western countries are being undermined by the allies of Jihad: Leftists and Jew-haters.


Again, no mention of anti-Americans or anti-Christians. Is Judaism the core of Western civilisation and Christianity merely a wayward sect? Not to terrify you, but there are socialists and communists, who are also Jewish.

Kapitein Andre

>If you can conclude that I am an anti-Semite from my comment

Yes.. even Ahmadinejad would conclude that.

>then I can unequivocally confirm your hatred of Islam and Muslims.

Of course I hate Islam. Islam is an evil, brutal, anti-human "religion."

I have a very low opinion of Muslims... first of all ,because they are so stupid as to even view thier religion as being worthy to remain in bondage to. I dont hate them as a class. I dont hate any group of people as a class.

>Your vitriolic statements - and I not referring to your Brussels Journal commentary

Oh were you researching me ?

> are far above and beyond the citicism that Islam and Muslims surely deserve. Indeed, you have all but written, "Drop the bomb. Exterminate them All!" in the margin...

Have I now?

>Though you are quick to defend Jews and Israelis

This is true. I am proud to defend the Jews and Israel.

>you are very intolerant of opposing views from your own compatriots.

I'm tolerant of all views short of Jew hatred, sedition or treason.

>Contrary to the principles of liberal democracy, you regard different perspectives - on say disengagement from Iraq - as tantamount to treason, and are as partisan as they come.

Being partisan is contrary to democracy? That's a new concept to me. I thought democracy was all about differences.

>In addition, you would do well to study Israeli politics, as they are far more complex than either Israeli apologists, such as yourself and anti-Israelis would care to acknowledge.

Wow,, you sure do know a lot about my inner thoughts. What am I thinking right now?

>If the United States is being undermined by anti-Americans or oikophobes, Israel has its own Fifth Column.

No kidding. All the Western countries are being undermined by the allies of Jihad: Leftists and Jew-haters.

get real # 2

@ pvdh

1) I think that your last 2 sentences would be right on the mark, if you would replace "all of you" by "many of you".

2) "Nationalism" was not "invented" in the Balkans, but is as old as human nature in the form of 'tribalism' (which can take both ethnic as well as ideological forms).  Nationalism can have positive and negative aspects.  And the absence of the former is as 'bad' as the presence of the latter. 

3)  One would hope that 'Europe' would not choose sides on the basis of who is (judged to be) "weakest", nor who is strongest, but rather on a more principled basis.  One can always hope.


@ Kapitein Andre

Let's consider some of your renewed 'complaints' about "jewish minorities".

-- You blame them for "wanting to improve their position".  How dare they? They must be the only ones even thinking of doing that!  Note that the crucial word here is the meaning of "improve".    

-- You blame them for their attempts in the past "to reduce a seeming (sic) threat posed by Whites". Again, how dare they to seek self-preservation? 

--  You claim that they have "not acted differently" than many other non-White minorities in "nominally White countries" (your expression, of course, including the capital letters).  I wonder what is worse here.  Is it the underlying ideology, or is it the (monumental and 'Continental') refusal on your part to make 'objective' observations?  From a moral perspective it is the former, but from a 'practical' (survivalist) perspective it is undoubtedly the latter.

Your last sentence seems 'designed' to confirm that Vincep1974 was 'right' in his original claim (regardless of what his faults may be).

get real

Now let’s get real here. What happened? On a certain moment Yugoslavia started to collapse. This process engendered a lot of violence. Europe, with his long standing experience of hopeless violence and bloodshed since the invention of nationalism in the Balkans is very reluctant to interfere. But under pressure of public opinion and the big brother over the ocean they finally do so. Not very successfully actually, but then a definition of “successful” in the Balkans is non-existent. All parties involved do the best they can to ethnically (or should I say “religiously”) cleanse every bit of land they can lay there hands on. So Europe choose sides with the weakest, as this gives the biggest approval rates in  EU public opinion. As latest in the row, Serbs have the incredible stupid idea of abolishing the cultural rights of Kosovo’s Albanians, and to send the cruelest of their militia’s to enforce the new rules. NATO, consequent with their previous policy chooses again for the weakest. Bombing around a bit and invading the province, they succeed in creating a sort of peace. But they can’t stay there for ever. Giving Kosovo back to Serbia is, given the Balkan record, a sure way to renewed violence. This is the worst thing that can happen, because it would set the all region afire again. That leaves only the next to worst thing to do: Changing national borders. We all know were changing borders can lead to, especially in Europe.  E.g. French speaking people in the Flemish region feeling legitimated to ask the “Anschluss” to Wallonia. So no, Europe doesn’t like it. But there is simply no other option. But I wonder how all of you would have reacted if the Serbs were Muslims and the Kosovars Christian. Would I be terribly wrong by saying that your reaction would just be the opposite?       


liberal confusion weakening the western world

Thank you to P.Vanderheyden!
"I wonder how all of you have reacted if...."
OK thanks but fortunatly(thanks to God)serbs are christians.
But stop wondering !The answer is clear!
If Serbs were muslims and Kosovar christians i would have supported...Kosovars.

BTW you seem to be out of touch with reallity like an average liberal believing to fairy tales(like multiculturalism ie the equivalency of cultures and religions).
The reallity is that this land has been christianized since a long time before islam and that christian serbians STILL live in KOSOVO(despite many fled).
After the middle-age islamic invasions in Europe,a new kind of soft invasion occured from Albania to Kosovo supported by albanian guerillas....
The liberal political correctness failure is obviously complete there.
I understand your trouble!But it's only the beginning!It's time for you to CHANGE

In Reply to Vincep1974 and marcfrans

In Reply to Vincep1974:

If you can conclude that I am an anti-Semite from my comment, then I can unequivocally confirm your hatred of Islam and Muslims. Your vitriolic statements - and I not referring to your Brussels Journal commentary - are far above and beyond the citicism that Islam and Muslims surely deserve. Indeed, you have all but written, "Drop the bomb. Exterminate them All!" in the margin...

Though you are quick to defend Jews and Israelis, you are very intolerant of opposing views from your own compatriots. Contrary to the principles of liberal democracy, you regard different perspectives - on say disengagement from Iraq - as tantamount to treason, and are as partisan as they come. In addition, you would do well to study Israeli politics, as they are far more complex than either Israeli apologists, such as yourself and anti-Israelis would care to acknowledge. If the United States is being undermined by anti-Americans or oikophobes, Israel has its own Fifth Column.

marcfrans: ...they [supposedly incl. myself] still blame the minuscule tiny number of remaining jews in Europe for the fact that West European culture went for naive-leftism and for multiculturalism over the past generation or so. It is always easier to blame 'the other' for 'own' faults. Such is human nature.

Au contraire: I don't hold Jews responsible for this at all. However, due a combination of historical persecution and collective self-interest, Jewish minorities have supported ideologies, social movements and political parties that are likely to improve their position. From being leading promulgators and supporters of communism in Eastern and Central Europe, to being on the leading edge of anti-racist and multiculturalist movements in the West, Jews have worked to reduce the seeming threat posed by Whites. Whether individual or class-based, the Diaspora has been uncomfortable residing in societies that are centered upon an ethnicity, nationality or religion other than their own. However, Jews have not acted differently than the many non-White minorities present in now nominally White countries. It is more that they are less noticeable in the rainbow melting pots of today: which was the general idea all along. Unfortunately for them, burgeoning Muslim minorities have made the Diaspora unsafe once again. Which is why it amuses me that they are suddenly concerning themselves with the demographic crises in Europe.

Ultimately, in the struggle with Islam, they are but allies of convenience.

Kapitein # 3

@ Armor

1) So, you blame me too? On what basis?  I have a long record of verbally 'fighting' naive-leftism and multicultural illusions among my peers, and of opposing illegal immigration.  

2) And NO - as you well know - I do not blame you for Europe's (probably past) mass immigration policies.  The latter has been a 'harvest' of Europe's cultural and political/media elites embracing "naive-leftism and multiculturalism".  But I DO blame you for blaming "the" jews, yes that "minuscule tiny number of remaining jews in Europe".  So, I guess I am blaming you for refusing to recognise an unpleasant reality and for 'scapegoating' the...

3) And if you think that Europe giving money to Palestinian 'politicians' and/or organisations helps "appeasing tensions in the region", then I have a good reason to think that you are suffering from a heavy dose of naive-leftism too. 

4) I am not aware that "Israel" has been "telling" Europe to commit suicide by mass immigration.  Somehow that does not seem to be a truthful statement on your part.  I am not saying that you are consciously telling manifest falsehoods, but you are telling falsehoods.  

Thank you Marcfrans

Thank you Marcfrans for calling me a Jew hater. It is a great contribution to the debate.

" And they still blame the minuscule tiny number of remaining jews in Europe "

In fact, I blame you too.

" It is always easier to blame 'the other' for 'own' faults. "

Do you mean I should blame myself for Europe's mass immigration policy ?

" no Europeans would be willing to make concrete sacrifices for the only democracy in the Middle East. "

I don't think Europe is unkind to Israel. Israel is invited to take part in European sporting events, is a privileged trade partner, and so on. I suppose the money given by the EU to the Palestinians can also be seen as a way to appease the tension in the region and to improve things for Israel.

Now, if Israel wants to do something nice for Europe, maybe they could tell us that we do not have to commit suicide by mass immigration. That would be nice.

Kapitein # 2

@ Vincep1974


No, he is only one among several, as you could see a few hours later.  And they still blame the minuscule tiny number of remaining jews in Europe for the fact that West European culture went for naive-leftism and for multiculturalism over the past generation or so.  It is always easier to blame 'the other' for 'own' faults.  Such is human nature.

And that Knesset member talking about "European partners" is only being 'diplomatic'.  Surely he knows that no Europeans would be willing to make concrete sacrifices for the only democracy in the Middle East.

Frank Lee

The Serbs were demonized by the Media and their wrong-doing was grossly overestimated.

We played right into the Islamists hands.  I was ashamed of our attack on Serbia back in the 90s, and I didn't even quite understand the islamic dimension at the time.  If I did , i would have been more vocal against it.

The US recognition of Kosovo indepenence is a policy of disaster.  It will be a signal to all the Jihadis, "You won another country,.. go for another "

RE: "Kosovo and Israel"

Eldad: When the day comes when the Arabs in the Galilee declare independence, Israel will have no way to oppose it, assuming it today recognizes a country formed on exactly the same basis.


I was under the impression that the "Arabs in the Galilee" did in fact declare independence, although their sovereign state happened to include the entirety of Israel.


Eldad: Today Israel, together with its European partners, must present a solid front to stop the spread of Islam in Europe, for as long as the Moslem strength there increases, the tendency of European countries to prefer the Arabs over Israel will also increase.


A consolation for that fact that Jews have actively undermined European and White nationalisms and majorities in order to prevent a recurrence of the Holocaust. As African-Americans will lose their coveted place to Hispanics in part due to their own Civil Rights movement and aftermath, Jews will have to contend with sizeable Muslim minorities throughout Western countries.

Israel and its European partners

Kap: " Jews have actively undermined European and White nationalisms and majorities "

They are still doing it.

" in order to prevent a recurrence of the Holocaust "

A more likely explanation is that they do not like us.

Eldad: " Today Israel, together with its European partners, must present a solid front to stop the spread of Islam in Europe "

It is absurd to present Europe and Israel as allies.
Our problem in Europe is not islam, but third-world immigration. And it is mainly Jewish "intellectuals" who tell us we should resist islam and increase muslim immigration. They should use their own medicine: increase muslim immigration to Israel and convert them into Jews.

The Serbs

If there's one thing we should take away from the 1990s wars in the former Yugoslavia, it's the cruel way the Serbs were portrayed!  Yikes.  The term "ethnic cleansing" was not a libel against the Serbs.  It was a coordinated campaign put into action by ethnic Serbs in Bosnia and by the Serbian government in Belgrade.  They did not shrink from the term; indeed, they coined the term.  And the campaign was pursued not merely against dangerous Kosovar separatists, but also against Croats and Bosnian Muslims.

As an American, I find it infuriating that Israeli members of parliament like this bozo have influence over American policy in the Middle East. 


it could be argued that no Arab state can recognise Kosovo without accepting the right of Israel to exist.