Buy Danish. Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark
From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-01-30 21:45
Four months ago to the day, on September 30th, Jyllands-Posten published its twelve Muhammad cartoons. Over the past four months The Brussels Journal, an internet publication, has posted 19 stories about the affair, but the mainstream media (MSM) have – until today – remained conspicuously silent. In the Belgian newspapers and magazines not a single letter has been published about this important story. And when the MSM finally decide to devote some attention to the case it is amazing to see how they manage to get basic facts wrong despite having had loads of time to do their research. The Australian networks SBS reported today that one of the twelve cartoons shows a pig-snouted Mohammed, while our readers know from our article of 14 January that Muslim hate mongerers had added this particular cartoon (and two others) to the original twelve because they did not deem the original cartoons offensive enough. Why do Western journalists repeat the lies of these anti-Western fanatics? Out of incompetence, or worse?

Meanwhile, one can but admire the courage of Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. He is one of the very few European politicians with guts. If anyone deserves a prize for his valiant defence of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, it is certainly Mr Rasmussen. He did not give in to pressure from Muslim fanatics, nor from the appeasers at the UN, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. In the past weeks Denmark has shown that all is not yet lost in Europe. If something is rotten now it is not in Denmark.
Today conservative Americans have started a “Buy Danish” campaign in support of Copenhagen’s valiant stand. The Danes deserve this. The sale of Danish products in the Middle East has come to a standstill.
Meanwhile, today’s raid on the EU offices in Gaza has dragged the EU into an affair it has so far generally tried to ignore. The European ministers of Foreign Affairs discussed the cartoons in Brussels today and condemned threats against Danish and Swedish citizens – since they are EU citizens. “We have expressed a spirit of solidarity with our northern colleagues, as well as our belief and attachment to the freedom of press and the freedom of expression as part of our fundamental values, and the freedom of religious beliefs,” Austrian foreign minister Ursula Plassnik said after the meeting. Her French colleague, Philippe Douste-Blazy added: “We have all declared our solidarity with the Danes.”
The EU is also considering bringing the boycott of Danish products before the World Trade Organisation (WTO) because a boycott of Danish products is also a boycott of EU products. EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson told the Saudi minister of Trade to “convey the seriousness of this issue to his government.” “Any boycott of Danish goods would be seen as a boycott of European goods,” Mr Mandelson said.
Muslim consumers, however, have a right to boycott whomever they want. Similarly, Western consumers have the right to support whomever they want, and privately owned newspapers have the right to publish cartoons without government interference. If there must be a clash of civilizations and cultures, let it be over these cartoons. The Danish cartoons are as important as fighting for Danzig once was. If the West is unwilling to fight this battle, slavery will inevitably come and slavery will be what it deserves.
We got our share of complaints again today, including this one:
In The Name Of Biggest Of Biggests! In The Name Of GOD That Every Power in the world In against His Power Is Not value.
Hi, I Am a Muslim. I Am in iran. I see pictures from below link. i was very offending with this pictures. this pictures was very bad. your comment is your personal idea and is not acceptable for Me but is respectfull in free idea worlds. but uploading pictures is not true to be in public view untill peoples laugh to muslims. the Free Idea in World Is to this mean that we speak to others and we reach to a idea, Not that every one offend to others without every dialog, why we do not offend to other Prophet? Because 2 others Prophets is acceptable in our idea; whole of two is sended By God.
i didnt know you but you with republishing pictures in other site again offended muslims as me. just want you remove this pictures unless your comments and others. i am waiting for your action. we dont know tell you in what case that this things is very very respectfull for muslims.
for your information i should tell that we say hello to name of our Prophet 10 time in every day atleast, i say this because of value of respect to our Prophet. with this description this reaction by muslim is nature.
What can one reply to this except that people who do not want to see these cartoons, because they are offended by them, should not look at them. Do we need to issue a warning to visitors: You must be a non-Muslim to enter this site?
We also got this from an Egyptian colleague:
Dear sir
I’ve read your article on the Danish Cartoons ridiculing Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and saw the cartoons on your paper. As an Egyptian Muslim who is a news editor, I must say that though the area of freedom of expression which was mixed here with the respect Islam’s Prophet enjoys among some 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide – though this area is a blurry one, I still do not understand how we could fail to see the facts surrounding the whole issue! While, as a reporter and a news editor, I stand firmly with freedom of expression, but I will sure be selective in choosing my words while on TV (not using offensive language I may use while among friends). Can’t the same be applied to the cartoons’ issue?! I mean offending 1.3 billion people (whether intended or not) sure demands an apology from the offender, do not you agree?! Goes without saying that I categorically reject death threats against the editors or the paper. And I also believe republishing the cartoons by other papers and media outlets is not the right way to reject demands by radicals. Why do not we just take into consideration the feelings of almost a quarter of the human race and realize what Muhammed means for them? This way, we – reporters and editors of all faiths and races – may then focus on more important issues threatening our very existence on this earth!
Thank you
The problem is that West Europeans have allowed millions of Islamic foreigners to settle in the West. No doubt these people feel genuinely offended by some Western practices. However, the Danish cartoons were published in a Danish newspaper for a Danish public. Now Muslims want Europeans to “consider their [Muslim] feelings,” to apologize and shut up in their own countries.
More on the Cartoon Case (see links at end of article)
Danish Paper Apologizes. Dutch Cartoon on Its Way, 31 January 2006
Buy Danish???......
Submitted by oiznop on Tue, 2006-12-05 17:05.
I would, if I could find their products.....About the only thing Danish that I can think of that is imported into the USA is Carlsburg Beer, which I hate to say, is pretty bad!......Give me some other ideas!....I am willing to support this small nation that has has taken a stand for it's culture and values!.....Viva Denmark!!!......
Very good danish salmon
Submitted by achille on Tue, 2008-02-26 11:23.
In western europe we can find very good danish savage Salmon
To answer you all
Submitted by moudy108 on Thu, 2006-10-12 15:23.
Good day to you all jurks insulting eachother,,
why is this anger? easy boys and girls,, cool down,, think about it,,they insult your pophet, insult theirs,, see,,very easy,,they call you Muslims names,, call them names,, you are all sick in your brains, stupid, and you all really need a shrink that even more sick than you all are,,
The world is full of hetred and Predigest Thanks to you all,, go find yourselves somthing decent fruitful to do instead of teaching all this hate.
You all go to hell
to moudy and the crying babies
Submitted by achille on Tue, 2008-02-26 11:35.
I don't see hate against human beings but against an ideology of hatred...
That's a big difference!
Where did you see christians or westerners slaughtering muzzies in the FREE WORLD.
We,in the free world founded on JUDEO-CHRISTIANISM and greek philosophy and REASON,love FREEDOM and then free speech...
That's all moud !
Fighting hatred is not hatred don't be confuse.
Crusades were fully justified...
Stop whining and start thinking
I can't believe, what teh Muslims partly are thinking. Th
Submitted by fabolous on Wed, 2006-03-08 23:27.
I can't believe, what the Muslims partly are thinking. They feel offended by the cartoons is understandable, but not, that some of them want us to feel like them or even to behave like them. They live in our countries and we not in their countriey. So if they don't like it in Europe, they should go home.
Answer to Ashraf Yaseen , Bashar and "Arabian Knight"
Submitted by my2centforyou on Sat, 2006-02-04 23:31.
Your submission was well and nicely written but I do think you miss a vital point regarding freedom of speech.
As you may have seen in my prior post, I think it was pointless and lack of taste to publish the drawings, but basically it is beside the point what I think or for that matter what our government or prime minister thinks.
In our society they, being the newspaper, have the right to do so.
They could and properly would print a cartoon of the holocaust or the “Zionists” if they thought there was a point to do so at any given time.
Properly many would be upset but I could NEVER imagine this reaction with threats on human life, damage of property and this sort of violence…. NEVER !
I have seen many cartoons in Denmark making fun of our God, Jesus, Jews, Buddha, our Prime Minister (for that matter there are 10 of him each day), our Queen, Princes or what ever.
That is where the whole difference lays.
Whenever “you” … not you personally I hope, but a lot (not all) of Muslims see this the wrong way and you simply don’t get “our way”.
So somebody insulted you, so somebody made fun of your religion ….. so what ?
Call them a bastard and don’t buy Jyllands Posten.
But you instead “you” want to take it out on a lot of other people and your reaction just make it that more of a “good story” and make many other papers re-print them and there you go… you have an International incident.
I really don’t care about your religion, truly I don’t !
I truly don’t care about a lot of religions …. I have my own.
And if you make a carton of Christ … I would properly think to myself, you ignorant bastard and go have a kebab, because hey … the Kebab shop owner didn’t make the drawing and he makes great food.
And Bashar … dawn, I’m sorry to say to …. But you got to be a stupid SOB and you may represent some people (properly the ones burning houses and blowing them self up), but luckily you don’t represent majority of Muslims.
Alone your strange comments of Jews make you “The Ignorant of this message board”.
Get a life and don’t blame all Jews for what some does …. Exactly what we are “TRYING” not do here …. Blame all Muslims for who ever burn and kills.
And btw .. There are Jews marrying black people, just like there Caucasians marrying Arabs and Eskimos marrying Indians.
Get a passport and crawl out of your cave.
Mr. Arabian Knight …. I must laugh.
All I have ever seen you do is blow up and kill innocent people that were not part of any conflict or was not ready for your attack.
That is what I call a Sissy Knight.
You personally, would properly crawl away of you had to face anybody that was ready for you.
You are a shame for your religion and your people !
to youcentforyou
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 23:48.
dear sir i am burning you with my comments only i do not burn religion symbol why you do not say that to the editors of the newspaper he is ok he white europpean nice fellow can say a lot of thinks why he is ok and us not allow to show or express our point of view also it is a funny way remember dan they are teh most funniest people we also are.....that is our way...and yes jew becuase i have a lot of friend busniess people i deal with jew they them self say so.....they do not marry easaly if you are not jew.....ask and see...waiting for mor coments of you
Submitted by my2centforyou on Sun, 2006-02-05 16:59.
You can call people what you like, but that doesent mean your right.
Calling somebody a Phedofile = meaning somebody who has sex with underage children and calling them "filthy jews" is not really a way to argue anything nor showing a point of view. That just below anything.
As for why we are not telling the editors of Jyllands Posten our point of view ... well, trust me, that has been done by a lot of people.
But again, Bashar, there is little we can do except not buy the newspaper and maybe they go broke.
But Im not going to burn down their building, calling in bomb threats or beating them up becuase that is just not our way. He could for that matter draw an insulting picture of my mother and farther and I would still call them idots, but not burn down anything or theat their lives.
And btw, what you have done the past 4-5 comments with insulting our relegion or calling people "filthy jews" ... I thought that was excately what "Muslims" dident do ... oh yes, they have respect for other religions.
Guess not.
my dear my2centfor you
Submitted by bashar on Sun, 2006-02-05 17:18.
everyone is insulting my religion my prophit and saying the worst and i can not NOT NOT NOT say nothing why??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
what about freedom of press or you are only seeing my comments why do not see other comments you see what you want that is the problem these people can make dirty joke ohhyeahah they are the funniest people on earth the dan...sure and i repeat i am agianst the burning and killing look to all my comments i said yes filthy jew chrsitiann budist but never kill or did you saw me with a torch lighting up this page....terorizing you guys that you have to wear bullet proof vest while writing please grow up and see with both eyes....look to other comments also see what they are saying about my prophit and religion and that is the problem of the west that is opression even i am not allawed to say nothing will be slam with a big slogan the radical bashar if it so i am the proudest radical guy you ever saw in my writting
so much for freedom of speech...
Submitted by lilly on Mon, 2006-02-20 22:39.
When it comes to the Holocaust... there's no freedom of speech either...
Now..What makes you so different from the muslims defending their prophet ???
Something to think about...
Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years in Jail
VIENNA, Austria - Right-wing British historian David Irving pleaded guilty Monday to denying the Holocaust and was sentenced to three years in prison, even after conceding he wrongly said there were no Nazi gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Irving was arrested Nov. 11 in the southern Austrian province of Styria on a warrant issued in 1989. He was charged under a federal law that makes it a crime to publicly diminish, deny or justify the Holocaust.
To Lilly - and her Holocaust view.
Submitted by Poul Nielsen on Mon, 2006-02-20 22:55.
The only one who deny the Holocaust, is the muslim terror regime in Iran.
Since many artist, political actives and judes died under ww2, because of the Nazi's - and Austrias special relations to germany under ww2, is a deniel of the holocaust a crime in austria.
Publishing 12 cartoons of muhammed cannot be compared to the deaths of several millions innocent people under ww2.
As we say in Denmark, "the road to hell is full of excuses".
In Iran Imams are denying the Holocaust - here in Denmark - we used to Imans who tell lies all the time. Since Denmark saved of judes, artists, political active under ww2, by bringing the to sweden - we know what Holocaust is about.
Buy Danish!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 06:31.
In honor of the Danes, I am going to buy as much Tuborg as I can lay my hands on!
We Support Denmark PETITION
Submitted by Kristina (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 04:33.
Go to
to sign a petition supporting Denmark.
Islam is a great religion
Submitted by Ashraf Yaseen (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 16:49.
Hello everybody, thank you for this free discussion, and I appreciate if you accept my comments below.
I am Muslim, and I am proud to be, I am not irritating anybody here, but I am really proud and happy since I understand Islam very well and in the proper way.
I feel sorry for what the Danish cartoonist did by mocking against our Great Prophet, peace be upon him, and I want to clarify hereunder the reasons behind this entire crisis.
The points that I am going to talk about today are:
1) The causes for the often idea-conflict between Muslims and Europeans, and the answer to them.
2) Quran does not mock against Jews.
3) The western free of speech concept and its biasness.
4) Islam & democracy.
1) The root causes of all of these conflicts happen from time to time between Muslims, and European-Christians, can be summarized in two points:
A) The Europeans have an incorrect perception and distorted image about Islam and our Great Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him.
B) The Europeans always mix between the relation between the Muslims & Jews and the fight against the Zionist invasion and occupation of Palestinian lands.
The only one blamed as being the reason for the first point are the Muslims themselves, because they do not really reflect the real image of Islam and they practice Islam improperly. Also, there are some suspicious minorities who do evil practices under the name of Islam.
I agree that we do not sell Islam very well, we do not have useful resources about Islam for Non-Muslims, and we do not utilize media properly, I feel sorry about that, but really our Islam is really very great, and I urge you to read more about Islam from unbiased point of views.
I suggest:
Regarding the second point about the mix between Zionists and Jews, I’d to like to clarify as follows:
We do no fight Zionists because they are Jews, but because they invaded and occupied our lands, and committed massacres against our people, just as Algerians did against France, and just as Austria did against Germany. We just defend our land that has been given to Zionists by British government 1948 based on Balfour's Promise 1917 ( ).
Muslims are not the only enemy of Zionists, also Arab Christians, and some real Jews that we really respect them, and we have no problem at all with them, please visit these links:
These are samples only and there are a lot, just try to search.
2) Regarding the movie above, Quran doesn't mock against Jews or even Christians, or even abuse them, but Quran states some historical facts about some parts of people who disobeyed the Great Prophet David, Peace Be upon Him. and God punished them by transforming them into apes and pigs, these people were
"Say, shall I tell you of recompense with God worse than that? __ Whom God cursed, and on whom He was wroth, and whom He made apes and swine, and who served the idols (Taghut)? Those are the ones worst-placed and furthest astray from the even way."(Quran: 5-60)
So He is talking about the people who disobeyed David and served idols instead of God, so they were deniers, they were not even Jews, since Judaism started with the Great Prophet Moses, Peace Be upon Him, who was after the Great Prophet David, Peace Be upon Him.
3) The western free of speech concept: your concept free of speech has been developed by some philosophers based on democracy philosophy, the concept could be wonderful if it was objective and unbiased concept, but unfortunately it is not.
Mocking against Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him is permitted, but questioning holocaust is prohibited and a severe crime, isn’t it. Could the Danish cartoonist do a cartoon about the holocaust, or against Zionists? The Muslim philosopher Roger Garaudy was convicted and charged in the country of freedom for similar reason, please read:
So there are some people that has a protection against mocking, and questioning???? So does this system objective???
Is this free of speech???
4) Islam & democracy: some people above wrote that Islam does not meet with democracy, and here I do agree, however, I do not consider this as an insult to Islam, because Islam has a better system than democracy that it is more fair and effective as well. For instance, if you ask a company like G.E. to implement a well known system such as ISO system, I think this will be considered an insult to them.
By the way, questioning democracy and your free of speech concepts are aggressively refused by you, in a way that contradicts with the basics of democracy and free of speech.
I hope if you accept my opinion without feeling offended.
Best Regards,
Ashraf Yaseen
Another Iman
Submitted by truth serum on Thu, 2006-02-02 20:04.
Ashraf Yaseen:
We in this forum have already had another Muslim trying to convert (revert) everyone to the Islamic faith.
You both have followed the same pattern.
1. Islam is great.
2. Islam does not mock anybody and is very tolerant
3. Some Muslims are bad Muslims and not following the Koran properly.
4. Mohammmed was a great prophet.
5. Just read the Koran and you will understand.
I have read your Koran and was appalled at just how intolerant it is towards everyone who is not a Muslim. For Mohammed, you were a believer or a non-believer. If you were a Christian or a Jew (people of the book) you had a little bit better status than others...but you were never ever as good as a Muslim.
Sura 9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the unbelievers wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Sura 9:30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they
No, it is not out of context. It means what it says. Many Muslims including some Palentinians have recently expressed that they want to impose the jiza(poor due) on the Christians living there.
Yes, I believe there are some good Muslims and very certainly some bad can I tell the difference when I know they all read from the same Koran?
As I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong, but images of Mohammed are not allowed so that he will not be whorshipped. If that is then true...why does every good Muslim want to be like him? You speak of Mohammed in the same tone Christians speak of Jesus...and they whorship him.
Let me explain free speech to CAN mock, you CAN preach hate, you CAN say anything you like as long as you don't cross that line of inciting or instructing one to hurt, maim or kill. If a society is good they will ignore the hate speech and shun the one speaking it. If they are not, they will follow him.
You SHOULD be able to question the Holocost if you want to without fear of being thrown in jail or attacked. The West is criticizing the Iranian president for doing so, (because it did happen) but will not attack him for that unless he crosses that line I mentioned before and starts killing people.
As I understand it...Muslims believe that Israel/Jews uses the Holocost to gain sympathy from the rest of the world. That may be true, but don't the Muslims use the Crusades in the same way? They are always reminding the Europeans to feel guilty for that era(They should not feel that way, by the way)
Imans preach hate every Friday against the Jews and against the Americans. I suppose this Friday they will preach hate about the Europeans, with special emphasis on the Danish.
I have seen it and I have read it on many occasions here: and
As Muslims wish to convert everyone (not a real problem with me actually) I would like to in turn give every Muslim a chance to leave his/her faith. You can start here:
For all you Infidels out there who truely want to understand the Islamic faith, please educate yourself here:
Re: Buy a dane
Submitted by Frengerine on Thu, 2006-02-02 16:20.
Thankyou for supporting us in this difficult we´ve supported americans before..
But do please not expect all of us to share your political conservative beliefs just because you support us..
you would really support us more if you told the fundamental muslims off, and tried to influence the worlds biggest fascist countries to give up their boycutts.
I DK there´s recently been an ongoing debate about boycutting our locals pizzarias and vegetable dealers..(who, mostly, are foreign muslims)
That is not the way forward. The way forward is defending our right of free speech, tolerance, patience by debate and diplomatic tools.
The way forward isn´t to make campaign after campaign in the name of Boycutting "Buy danish" and drawings in other newspapers
(Btw; the foreign newspapers all forgot to pay and ask the drawers for permission, and the newspapers sold more than that solidarity or pure profit?)< Just a thought for ya´ll..
So stop campaigning and work the political world instead...if you please
Frengerine> you aren´t anymore danish than you are muslims!
What the fuc*
Submitted by mm (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:32.
I'm piss on all muslim, and if europe won't wake up we will lose. WE HAVE TO FIGHT with this religion,
Thank you.
Submitted by Thomas Nielsen (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 09:30.
Hello everyone,
I wanna thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart, for your "support Denmark"-campaign.
It's heartwarming to see who's your true friends and allies in troubled times.
Today, our freedom of speech is under attack from the muslim world, so we all need to face this threat to be able to continue or lives and "business as usual" in the future.
Pls keep up the good work and support, we need it,
Once again, thank you and good bless,
Thomas Nielsen
to nermin - concerning apostates
Submitted by grumpy (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 21:26.
Yesterday you said nothing happens to someone who leaves islam, and that the rest is propaganda. I did a tiny bit of research, or rather "searching". And I found among other things this:
"in Egypt, if anyone left Islam, it was automatically assumed that he had become a Christian and therefore must be killed. Because of this, fundamentalists sent two men to ambush me and kill me. It happened when I was walking home from visiting a friend. It was only a fifteen- or twenty-minute walk through Giza . I was on Tersae Street , near my home, when I saw two men standing in front of a grocery shop. They we redressed traditionally with the long, white robes, long beards and head coverings. I thought they were just customers. I never imagined they would do anything to me.
When I reached the shop, they stopped me, and then suddenly both pulled out knives and began trying to stab me."
The link is
Now you will no doubt tell me these are lies. But you know what attracts me in the text: the civilised tone, the fact that it is rationally argued, and the sense it was written by an honourable man, someone who was able to question his preconceived beliefs, and was courageous in his quest for the truth. Someone I would be proud to call my friend, whatever his religion. And these qualities have been very rare in the "discussion" I have monitored on this site over the past few days, from your side certainly, but also from the "western" side. I have been appalled by the rudeness, the lack of logic, the yelling and the screaming. It has been an eye-opener. Never before have I been called an Arrian bastard, or has someone told me I carried genes of Nazi soldiers that occupied my country. I've had it ....
What a free europe
Submitted by Aman on Thu, 2006-02-02 02:47.
These pages shows how tolerant are the Europeans?
They believe that they are right, and so; everybody else is bad and wrong!!
You ask the Muslims to leave your Europe, ok but first stop steeling our resources, get out of our countries, what are you doing in Iraq ? in Afghanistan?
Europeans and Westerns have done horrible things not only to Muslims but to the whole Human race; USA has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Japan with the nuclear bombs, they have killed millions in World wars 1 & 2 , and used the poor people of Africa and Asia as fuel for their dirty wars.
So , in comparison ; Your elected governments have killed more than 30 Million man and woman during the last century, while you blame Islam for some individuals behavior.
Islam is against the killing of civilians, but the explosions in NY, London , Madrid are just the reaction of your attacks on Muslims.
I wish that this attacks will stop because I'm against the killing of civilians whatever their religion is , but the Europeans want to live secure in their country while killing others outside!!!
At the same time I fully support the Iraqi and the Afghani resistance which target the American and the western occupiers. And by the way the Danish soldiers in Iraq are now hiding like mice in their bases, Strange Danes, so brave in Denmark, cowards in Iraq
For that American who serves in Iraq, get out before you return to your country in a box. Your nothing but a contributor in the killing of the Iraqis. Shame on you
Blame Game
Submitted by truth serum on Thu, 2006-02-02 04:21.
I will not address your accusations as you have got them all wrong. You have let your emotions rule.
You want to blame the Eurpoeans and American for attacking Muslims. In reality you should be blaming Osama bin Laden for it was he that brought me and many other infidels out of our stupor.
totruth serum from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:13.
osama ben laden was not present when you gave palestine for teh jews to ocupy an dkick its peole out to livein exile and make theie masccre every days. and benlden ws present when you launched your crusade war for over 400 years killing even the pilgrims . not differntiating between muslims and jews...benladen was notthere when france killed one million algerian during its bloody occupation. he also was not there when the eurppean countries divided our islamic countries as dividing a big cake and now they return again after the oil and will not leave till they ger assured that last drio of oil is should thank benladen for giving you such a gift tohang all your agressions on him.also ben laden is not supported by any religious authority like your churches were doing when it was blessing jes burning by hitler and ben laden is even stripped from his saudi nationality by his country...what do you want more than least no sungle islamic country support him ....but look at yourself
Hail the Grand Calif!
Submitted by truth serum on Thu, 2006-02-02 15:32.
In answer to your question....
"ben laden is even stripped from his saudi nationality by his country...what do you want more than that...."
What I want more is to see him DEAD! My computer sits in room with Bin Laden's picture on the wall...his face is in the cross hairs of a rifle.
If you had any sense what so ever, you would see that he is using you and all the other Muslims in the world for his own selfish asperations against the West. He is certainly willing to sacrifice your life but what about his own?
I hate him not only because he has inspired Muslims to kill innocent people (including Muslims), but because he has made me suspicious of every single Muslim that walks down the street. I hate feeling this way! I used to admire the Muslim culture and its people, but now because of people like you who openly admire his hatred of the West and his desire to murder anybody who gets in his way of becoming the Grand Calif.
How many hundereds of years are you going to go back? In case no one told you....the Crusades are OVER! I want that same right as you. I demand that Muslims give the Christians back the land that Muslims stole from them! Palestine belonged to them before it belonged to the Muslims. Do you not see the insanity of that argument?
Get over it...quit blaming the West, Europe, and Israel for all your problems. Move on and make something of yourself and whatever country you live in...even if it is Palestine! Your children should be going to school learning how to become scientists and not how many damn bombs they need to fit around their stomachs in order to kill as many innocent people as they can while sipping coffee at a corner cafe!
heil hitler
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 07:27.
god blessed his heart did whipp of some filthy jew wish did wype you also truth serum this guy came for a reason whipe some asshole like your own kind hiel hitler
i do not hate jew...but they
Submitted by bashar (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 05:31.
i do not hate jew...but they fuck up your jesus and it was for a few dolares the pop free them from jesus blood better for you to convert to islam....becaude chritian do not accept the way the jew they have the right to massacre palestinian in sabra and chatila...oohh yeahhh you guys are the guys said that god is poor and you guyas are the rich the jew ortodox his wife wear a veil on her hair walk behind her husband..have 600 or more stupid rules do not acccept black, only can marry a jew.otherwise a sin ....i do not hate guys kill and masscre and go cry on that stinky wailing wall and wash you horrible sins i do not hate jew....cry and fuck up europpe becuase what did hitler did with your own kind and now doing the same with the aplestinian i do not hate jewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........
a woman in the jewish believe have to sleep outside the room if she has her period and after have to bath seven time in a big pool and flush very good isnt that right my non muslim the way i saw a dream that your own father did you when you was kid the pedofile is your own father but you do not know...ask your dady i do not hate jew
Kuwait declares war on Denmark ?
Submitted by Mr. 2 cent (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 00:51.
Sorry guys, I had to laugh today when I saw the Danish news.
This elderly guy from Kuwait wanted to declare war on Denmark.
Ok, this is gotten way past out of control. This has gotten ridicules.
As a Dane I would say that the drawings made by Jyllands Posten was not too smart of a move and I still think that with the freedom of Speech comes a responsibility to shut up as well.
Basically the drawings was not “nice” and I’m sure that if the drawings was made in a much more “positive” way that express Mohammed with kindness or anything else, the response had not been as tuff as they are now.
In principle, I think Jyllands Posten fucked up.
My thoughts of our Prime Minister, the one I even voted for, I think he should have been out much sooner saying that he personally didn’t like or approved of the drawings, but there was nothing he could do…….. but who knew the reactions would be that strong.
However, I’m pretty sure that if he had done that, the newspapers and the opposition would have fried him and called him a chicken. Now they all fry him for NOT doing so soon.
I remember how all the news paper back then supported him in not taking a stand in the matter …. Not most of them blame him for it
Politics are politics and its one big kindergarten anyway and Media´s has it by only to looking at the present and what sells.... and oh yeah .. they are so clever in hinsight.
ok, back to the protests.
I actually do understand why Muslims takes offend…. I truly do.
I even understand why there are some civil actions for boycotts.
But there is a long way from “civil actions” like boycotts to beating up people, declaring Jihad, calling in bomb threats and maybe soon terror.
I tend to say ….. guys, Muslim brothers, friends …. Get a life !
But thinking about it … that may just be the whole point of it.
They DON’T have a life …. At least not the people reaction that strong.
I mean, blowing yourself up and take people with you that properly don’t even agree with Jyllands Postens actions is that the Muslim or Muhammeds way ?
Would he really condole that ?
Is he going to say “hey dude, good job you Terrorist MasterMind. You showed them and here are your 30 virgins” …. I don’t think so.
And where are the poor victims going … are they going to Muslim heaven as well because they were innocent bystanders? …. Talk about a surprise for a Christian … first you get blown up and then you go to Muslim Paradise … and if you are a Virgin woman, you get 29 friends and a roll in the hay….. Talk about having a bad day.
Anyway, back to the “Get a life”
As I see it, the problem is that they have no clue of what “freedom” and for that matter “freedom of speech” is. Most of them have been living under one oppressor after the other and saying “stuff” that didn’t fit into the system is just not their way … or at least not publicly their way.
At the same time, lots of them … especially the one burning flags and threatens with bombs has been living that way. If I don’t agree with you or you looked at my sisters hair … I’m going to freaking blow you’re A.. away … or at least part of it.
They are hungry, unemployed and most often (NOT always) uneducated.
I do feel more sad for them and in these matter and I honestly and truly hope for them that Allah, Mohammed and paradise is there for them, because if would be a bummer if it all turned out to be a hoax …. Talk about a waste of life, time and space … and then you die.
But HOPEFULLY some day, they will learn and experience that freedom of speech is precious and even if somebody screws up, that doesn’t mean killing and bombing.
The next thing I hope they learn is that IF somebody screws up, that doesn’t mean that everybody thinks so and should apologize on behalf of them…. And that the beauty of freedom of speech.
Anyway …. I have only one thing to say to the old man from Kuwait that has declared us war due to some drawings a silly newspaper made ….. Next time some stupid dictator decides to invade your silly little sandbarak of a country, take your last oil, rape your women, kidnap your children and take your money and you call for help …. I will say, “well dude … you have a nice day and I’m sure Mohammed will straighten all things out if and when your dead … but there is only one way to find out … and you first.”
Because I’m not voting for sending Danish troops down there to safe your ass a second / third time.
well … that’s my 2 cent
Some thoughts from a Dane
Submitted by Mon (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 02:58.
This whole case have filled a lot of spce here in Denmark.
As stated previously the move to print these drawings might not have been the smartest idea and now the snowball's running down-hill, seemingly taking up speed.
A friend of mine is gonna leave Denmark for a longer periode and travel in the middle east and he had expressed his concern and the fact that he's nervous about it all. he's even been adviced to stay onboard and only go ashore, when they're in 'safe' harbors.
But despite his nervousness something struck him about the strong reaction the middle east have shown.
He thought the simple word: why?
Why do they react like this?
And he tried to take an objective and neutral standpoint and analyse it again.
Many muslims in the middle east or where ever they might live, out side the western world, doesn't have much in life.
They might not have the chance to get an education.
Some lived in contries run by dictators or have to endure regular kinds of abuse placed on them by the governments.
Also many of these people live with the knowledge that they might not have the chance/strenght/resources or what ever to improve their lives....
Then what do they have left? Their family and a region that promise that in the afterlife things will be better.
People with nothing but their families or religion to bring them a little hope in the everyday life, I can see why they'd take such a stunt at the drawings badly and feel deeply offended, if I had nothing else I would too.
Us people in the western world are so damn lucky! We have so much that bring hope to us, we have rights and so on and so on.
When us lucky ones then bothers that one thing, that a desperate muslim has to hold on to, then we (the lucky ones in the western world) are no longer 'lucky', we are arrogant, condesending and unsympathetic...
That was a small part of what my friend wrote and I read it and I could easily see the point.
But... it is really hard to take a standpoint and stick with it, since I don't see this just as black and white. Does anyone see the grey shades as well?
As it is the danish primeminister and the editor-in-chief from Jyllandsposten has apologized that people got offended by this.
That was what was asked to be given from the start, it has been done now.
Now the groups of muslims that burn flags and all that should not come up with more demands, enough is enough.
but as my mother said over the phone earlier today, 'no matter what something violent will happen, since the situation is spinning out of control', I'd wish I could say that I didn't believe she was right, but honestly I agree.
I highly doubt that this will be solved before something gets blown up here in Denmark or someone gets hurt.
I hate the idea that it might have to come to that, it pains me. But I still find it in me to feel sympathy for all the moderate muslims in the world that feels offended, but who doesn't demand this and that, burning flags and threatning people.
I feel for those moderate muslims, since they see these extremists talk about death and murder in the name of their god Allah and in the name of islam, a religion that like Christianity salutes peace and harmony.
But still thank you for the surport, people give Denmark, but please don't do things that will only make this even more worse.
There's no reason to start tossing anything against eachother, moving it down to the level of a kindergarden fighting with mud.
It's time for diplomachy.
Bomb-threat against Danish Newspaper...
Submitted by olero on Tue, 2006-01-31 23:21.
There sure is something rotten - but is it in the state of Denmark?
Well, Jyllands-Posten, the danish newspaper that has become famous all over the world, has today recieved a bomb-threat.
Where it was a practical joke or not is not the issue.
The issue is - why does ignorants tell lies to become known?
Danish Imams states to arabic newspapers and TV-stations that there is brought new drawings in the danish newspapers every day. They have brought fake drawings of Muhammed as a pig.
It all started a project on illustrations for a book - now the hole world is on fire...
The freedom of expression is threatened they say, well so is the world if a couple of ignorant imams can set the agenda - A 50.000$ bounty a head... Boycott of danish goods...
Where will it end?
To Nermin
Submitted by LarsPearl (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 21:37.
There is a poll that states that 77% of the Danish public, which includes Muslims, feel that it is not the Governments job to apologise for the actions of private individuals in this case. There is a big difference in hurting peoples feelings and respect compared to hurting their economy, livelihood and life. Same opinion poll also states the 54% of the public feels that the governments handling of the case have been wrong. Narmin when you state that Arabic leaders are listening to the will of the people, are you that naïve? Why did it take four month for the people to react? This conflict started when Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador and shelved Danish products in state-owned supermarket chains, since then the rest of the states had to join in the boycott to appear concerned about religion, especially in light of the Hamas victory. The meeting that the ambassadors wanted to have with our government was based on a demand of government enforced legal action against Jylland Posten, in other words actions against freedoms of the press, this issue is so misplaced in a democratic country like ours, that there is no reason for even discussing it. I personal feel that our prime minister should have meet with the representatives and told them exactly that, but that there should be no compromise or excuse to put censorship on the press.
To Nermin
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 10:08.
There is a poll that states that 77% of the Danish public, which includes Muslims, feel that it is not the Governments job to apologise for the actions of private individuals in this case. There is a big difference in hurting peoples feelings and respect compared to hurting their economy, livelihood and life. Same opinion poll also states the 54% of the public feels that the governments handling of the case have been wrong. Narmin when you state that Arabic leaders are listening to the will of the people, are you that naïve? Why did it take four month for the people to react? This conflict started when Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador and shelved Danish products in state-owned supermarket chains, since then the rest of the states had to join in the boycott to appear concerned about religion, especially in light of the Hamas victory. I think that if the JP had drawn a cartoon of Muhammed imprisoned by Middle Eastern stateleaders it would serve as a very good form of enlightenment about stateleaders current use of religion in political ploys. The meeting that the ambassadors wanted to have with our government was based on a demand of government enforced legal action against Jylland Posten, in other words actions against freedoms of the press, this issue is so misplaced in a democratic country like ours, that there is no reason for even discussing it. I personal feel that our prime minister should have meet with the representatives and told them exactly that, but that there should be no compromise or excuse to put censorship on the press. This only goes to show that the case is political for the governments of the Middle East, while they use it by secure their religious backing by beating the religious drums of hatred.
The sad thing about this is that the general public, especially old people, will further isolate themselves from ethnic minorities in an environment which is currently breeding stereotypes by making broad generalizations of other people. So congratulation to the far political right and radical clerics, stupefied stateleaders abroad and at home have secured your backing for the next couple of years. What a waste of opportunity.
To Nermin
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:19.
There is a poll that states that 77% of the Danish public, which includes Muslims, feel that it is not the Governments job to apologise for the actions of private individuals in this case. There is a big difference in hurting peoples feelings and respect compared to hurting their economy, livelihood and life. Same opinion poll also states the 54% of the public feels that the governments handling of the case have been wrong. Narmin when you state that Arabic leaders are listening to the will of the people, you got to be kidding me…..are you that naïve? Why did it take four month for the people to react? This conflict started when Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador and shelved Danish products in state-owned supermarket chains, since then the rest of the states had to join in the boycott to appear concerned about religion, especially in light of the Hamas victory. I think that if the JP had drawn a cartoon of Muhammed imprisoned by Middle Eastern stateleaders it would serve as a very good form of enlightenment about stateleaders current use of religion in political ploys. The meeting that the ambassadors wanted to have with our government was based on a demand of government enforced legal action against Jylland Posten, in other words actions against freedoms of the press, this issue is so misplaced in a democratic country like ours, that there is no reason for even discussing it. I personal feel that our prime minister should have meet with the representatives and told them exactly that, but that there should be no compromise or excuse to put censorship on the press. This only goes to show that the case is political for the governments of the Middle East, while they use it by secure their religious backing by beating the religious drums of hatred.
Public outcry
Submitted by Larspearl (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:16.
Public outcry
Nermin, you are now contradicting you previous statements, when you now make references to past oppression of Muslims throughout the history of the world, perceiving yourself as a victim of a cruel world united against Islam. The Jylland Post doesn’t represent me when posting those pictures. In some odd way you feel that statements made by a private newspaper is my responsibility just because I’m a Danish citizen. You are confusing the issues of origin, when you referrer to past events in human history. Your discourse is seriously flawed.
to lars from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:35.
what i know Mr lars is taht 76% of danish people approve those cartoons and that your rpri minister refused tomeet embassadors of someislamic countries who wanted to calm things down...and looking to what everyone says here is really awful....freedom of speech has limits every things in this world has limits ,nothing is absolute .when it comes to feeling of other people and religion. what th edanish people gained from thes e know well that th eworld is burning now with many conflicts and wars and it was wicked and unwise from thos ewho did that to do that...i hear people happy ont hi ss ite says fine it is a war and conflicts between west and islam which must start now better than later....i thought you the european are more wiser than that especially that you are away from teh burbing conflict in the middl east...but now donot blam eme that i am psychologically blocked from danish products and this laura pack butter pack in my refregerator will be teh last is a psychological thing may you donot understand becaus ei discovered after two days here taht you donot know anything about us arabs or muslims...we are arabic peope, are very passionate ,hot blood people.the arabic is described in british encyclopdia as onne of teh most nobel race in earth.arabic is known to generous and emotional and have religion in his are secular country but we are not .we are raised when we were kids on teh story of theprophets befor esleep beside that of cinderlla and the princess..and will be surprised to know taht for a muslim to be a muslim he must belive in all previous prophets from abraham , david, solomon, jacob, issac, joseph peace be upon all of them ...we are making themstandards to us without high standard in life is a bad thing .i hope you understan d me.
Boycott this....
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:47.
While you're at it go ahead and boycott everything that's not muslim made and see what you have left to give your family. Sand, camels, cheap rugs and oil won't keep them alive very long.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 17:59.
Thanks Denmark for breaking PC´s dogmas, thanks for defend our freedom and culture of critics to everything, thanks a lot for not being dhimmi. Thanks
public Outcry
Submitted by Lars (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 17:41.
Nermin, you are now contradicting you previous statements, when you now make references to past oppression of Muslims throughout the history of the world, perceiving yourself as a victim of a cruel world united against Islam. The Jylland Post doesn’t represent me when posting those pictures. In some odd way you feel that statements made by a private newspaper is my responsibility just because I’m a Danish citizen. You are confusing the issues of origin, when you referrer to past events in human history. Your discourse is seriously flawed.
There is a poll that states that 77% of the Danish public, which includes Muslims, feel that it is not the Governments job to apologise for the actions of private individuals in this case. There is a big difference in hurting peoples feelings and respect compared to hurting their economy, livelihood and life. Same opinion poll also states the 54% of the public feels that the governments handling of the case have been wrong. Narmin when you state that Arabic leaders are listening to the will of the people, you got to be kidding me…..are you that naïve? Why did it take four month for the people to react? This conflict started when Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador and shelved Danish products in state-owned supermarket chains, since then the rest of the states had to join in the boycott to appear concerned about religion, especially in light of the Hamas victory. I think that if the JP had drawn a cartoon of Muhammed imprisoned by Middle Eastern stateleaders it would serve as a very good form of enlightenment about stateleaders current use of religion in political ploys. The meeting that the ambassadors wanted to have with our government was based on a demand of government enforced legal action against Jylland Posten, in other words actions against freedoms of the press, this issue is so misplaced in a democratic country like ours, that there is no reason for even discussing it. I personal feel that our prime minister should have meet with the representatives and told them exactly that, but that there should be no compromise or excuse to put censorship on the press. This only goes to show that the case is political for the governments of the Middle East, while they use it by secure their religious backing by beating the religious drums of hatred.
The sad thing about this is that the general public, especially old people, will further isolate themselves from ethnic minorities in an environment which is currently breeding stereotypes by making broad generalizations of other people. So congratulation to the far political right and radical clerics, stupefied stateleaders abroad and at home have secured your backing for the next couple of years. What a waste of opportunity.
We should all thank the Danish newspaper, Jyllandsposten.
Submitted by von Schlichtningen (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 11:40.
I hope that this conflict between the western and the arab world will escalate. The conflict is unavoidable. Better now than later. I thank Jyllandsposten for the guts to stand against political correctness and appeasement. We must now all stand together and help by continuing this dialogue and publish our hearts out. The freedom we live under was difficult to earn and it is priceless. The Muslims have too long been able to swing world opinion ( but now it should be obvious to all what the Muslims are after.
to von Schlichtningen from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 13:06.
What are the muslims after MR hatred…are they after the oil of iraq or after the oil of casuine sea. Or do they plan to occupy you an d kicking you out of your land making you live in the exile. You know you are right..this cartoons was an opportunity to totally reveal your true color against islam and muslims .you carry genes of hatred and animosity .no wonder when you are the crusaders , you are always the invader, the aggressors…the west is against islam .it is clear .but islam will remain against your well and will flourish as it is MR idiot the fast growing religion in the world.
Mr Hate?
Submitted by von Schlichtningen (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 14:24.
You are wrong nermin. I don't hate Muslims. In fact I even have some Muslim friends. We may not agree on everything - but we all despise fanatics. I realize some of what I have written may sound a bit too strongly put (see But that is because I have an agenda based on the world future as I see it. A conflict between the Western and Muslim (especially Arab) world is inevitable. IMHO opinion the Muslim world is powder keg ready to explode. There are far too many fanatics living prisoners in a system based on religious madness and no respect for human rights. There are plenty of Muslims in the world ready to kill and maim in the name of God. If you were to give them a button to eliminate some or all of the Western world including all our young and innocent, they would not hesitate one second. As I read the future those buttons will become increasingly easy to fabricate due to technological advances.
That is why something has to be done now. The Muslim fanatics must be defused. The best way is by creating informed and free Muslim societies of which practically none exist at the moment. Alternatively it has to be done by force and the Western world has to be ready. I prefer the first way, but the dialogue necessary is not easy to accomplish. I am not proud of all of the history of Western culture. But fortunately we are in the process of putting behind os religious fanatism and have created societies where different opinions are not only permitted but a way of life. All this in a frame of democratic freedom and human rights and responsibilities. Therefore you may make fun of my society or religious symbols and will only ignore it or laugh. My values are not threatened by the opinon of others. I know a picture does not rob my soul.
to von Schlichtningen from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 15:14.
yes the conflict between th ewest and islam is unavoidable and this is because of your evil deeds which has no end . you must not suppose over 1.5 billion muslims to be angles with cold blood . to your knowledage, half of them are young people as i discovered that youall know nothing about arabs or muslims.. can you tell me did you bother yourself Mr toread about islam from a respected source before speaking about islam an d muslims.after 11/9 who rushed to read about islam converted to islam and teh rate is quadrelet in USA. you can search now and know....can you tell me if we judje christianty and juadaism from the deeds of theri people what will be the resuls.the resuls is quite clear as the christians left churches long time ago due to corrupted an devil deeds of churches and its men all over the history and till now( scandles of catholic and nuns are well known now). also due to unlogic trinity which canot convince a you had to turn your back to christianty to nothing or to anothe rfaith. but thi sis not thecase in islam. islam is strong faith because it is in harmony with logic mind so you can see that secular government in turkey is agansit its people and it will fail to imitate europe because islam is strong and implanted in hearts of turkish people.
Our evil deeds???
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 17:15.
"yes the conflict between th ewest and islam is unavoidable and this is because of your evil deeds which has no end"
evil deeds? Like giving women the same rights as men? Like allowing freedom of the press, expression, religion?
What evil deeds did the west commit that brought about 9/11?
To Nermin on Boycott
Submitted by Lars (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 11:36.
Yes, sorry for not clarifying. I was trying to explain the stupidity of it all. The point was that the unfair demonization of Muslims by the Jylland Post should not be justified by demonizing the entire Danish people. However I think you argument about the flag is wrong. I would argue that the careless regard for respect for other cultures as show by the Jylland Post when posting the cartoon, is the same careless disregard that was shown when burning the Danish flag. Neither can be excused by the Danish tradition of satirical cartoons or the tradition of flag-burning as political statements by people in the Middle East. Different cultures value things differently.
About the freedom of speech, the publication of the cartoons were a by a private newspaper. Do you think it is okay to demonize an entire people because of the acts of some private individuals? What I think is hypocritical in this case, is the demonization of an entire people due to the acts of a few. It would be the same as if the entire world boycotted Muslims countries on the generalization that the terrorist from 11. September or radical clerics represent the entire Middle East. I know that unfortunately that there is this perception among a lot of people today, however that does not make it right. What is even more unfortunate is that the way that many of the governments are reacting in this conflict is fuelling this perception. The same as when Iranian President denies the holocaust, that has nothing to do with Israel, as many Jews around the world also feels that Israeli occupation of Palestine is atrocious.
About the boycott, then the boycotts that you have mentioned political, the current boycott is based on religion rather then politics. (although I think at the core the boycott it is political) But religion is argued to be the base of this boycott. What does the Arab countries expecting the Danish Government to do? We won’t censor the freedom of expression among the free press/media. Our Stateminister has apologised for the cartoons, which he sees as offending Islam too, as he states then he can’t control the free press. Many Danish people view that the cartoons are awful and offensive, however we do see the need for the freedom of expression even if we don’t agree with the expressions being made.
to Lars from nermin( clinton burned the american flag himself)
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 12:59.
First Mr lars. I want to clarify a very important point which is when the 19 individuals of 11 /9 did what they did no single Islamic countries accepted this .in other words all Islamic countries condemned the attack. So there is abig difference..also even this did not prevent USA from getting revenge by occupying afghanstan and killing there hundreds thousand s of innocents people and still osama ben laden is still there .at that time all religious men of all Islamic world condemned the attack bu look to what happened. They get out from Afghanistan with a big appetite to iraq although I heard bush myself saying that iraq has nothing to do with 11/9 attack ..of course this was a strategy to make himself appear like fair person who only attack the doer .
Now you donot accept burning your flag but you ignore what I said to you who provoke whom first .should carry the responsibility. You cannot control young people muslims from doing such thing…the American flag was burned by Clinton in a demonstration to war in Vietnam. What is your opinion now…
What do you want Islamic countries to do .boycotting I s the least thing to do after your pri minister refused to meet the ambassadors of some Islamic country and insists to talk in arrogant way n media insisting in what you claim freedom of speech. Do you blame the Arabic leaders now for listening to their nations. Do you want them to act against their nations and ignore the whole issue….more than 76% of Danish people are with the cartoins till now. what is that arrogance. Tell me what did you gained. tell me can you under this freedom of speech blame Israel for anything . you will be faced by fire storm …you deny boycotting. can you tell me why USA punish whatever country an d nation she see by depriving it even from wheat…do you want USA to put sanction on iraq for more than 10 years depriving medicine an d milk for babies. USA was preventing its people from selling to iraq till on e day the Americans farmers went angry to their congress men complaining that sadam will not make weapons from American wheat. What do you say about who boycott even to sell and punishing whole nation while he knows that sadam is not deprived f anything. what do you say about bush saying it I s a crusade wars. Then I s that the environment you come and put fuel on already made fire….where is your mind.
Get it straight Nermin....
Submitted by Proudly serving in Iraq.... (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:50.
"do you want USA to put sanction on iraq for more than 10 years depriving medicine an d milk for babies."
The USA didn't deprive the Iraqi people of medicine and milk for 10 years, Saddam did. Saddam spent all the "medicine and milk" money on his palaces. I know because I'm living in one of them.
to this person who enjoy eating pork on muslim soil
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:07.
is taht all you can think about while are in a war in which people are killed daily...more than 2000 are killed and thousands are disabled while all what you think is eating pork onmuslim land...well , coptic egyption eat pork and sell pork in our country without any sensitivity..why this bother us...everyone eat what he theway the jews also donot eat pork.
to who enjoy pork
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:09.
of coursee 2000 of americans and thousands of americans ..and more tahn 30 thousand iraqis are killed in iraq till now
Bold Lies
Submitted by truth serum (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 17:19.
I am coming kind of late to this thread but as I have read over it, I have been amazed at the bold lies nermin has used to do a couple of things. One reason is of course to defend his faith but the other is that he is hoping to convert some of you.
The very first thing readers should know is that the Koran/Islam allows its followers to lie for the faith in order to promote it or defend it.
A lie he most often repeats is "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world." What he is implying is that the growth is is due to conversions. If it is true at all, it is mainly due to having a lot of children. I can say for sure, however, that the opposite is occuring in Russia where 2 million left Islam while only 2.5 thousand converted...
His next bold lie, "of course not there is not versus in quran say to kill non muslim "
From the Koran...
9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the unbelievers wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Nermin's 1st cry will be that 9.5 is 'out of context'. Nermin please explain that to all those Muslims who are using it today to justify killing unbelievers.
The Koran is flush with such violence against everybody but muslims. Do not think that the Koran is meant for another era as many non-Christians are apt to do. For Muslims the Koran is the actual words of Allah and valid for ALL time.
Usually it is about this time that people bring up bad verses in the Bible and about past Christian violence. While true. that does not give Muslims a free pass. If it was wrong for Christians then, it is certainly wrong for Muslims now.
The last and most bold lie of them all, "islam is an intermediate religion .no extremism in islam".
Nermin...we are certainly not that stupid. All we have to do is read the daily news.
Ummmm....lets see....lets just name but a few countries that are dealing with Muslim extremists..
Sudan, Nigeria, India, England, America, France, Spain, Indonesia, Phillopines, Malaysia, Russia, Balklands, oh and the ever popular....Israel
So, as nermin was offering Islam to everybody, I in turn would like to make an offer to Muslims who are reading this to leave Islam. If you need help please start here...
How many Iraqi's did Saddam kill??
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:15.
How many Iraqi's did Saddam kill? Can you tell me that Nermin?
about sadam
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:22.
if sadam was tyrant man who was killing iraqi due to political reasons is that an excuse now tokill iraqis on daily it better now...the iraq is on the edage of civil war you consider USA is the police man of this worl..will uSA will straighten everything in this world or what...uSA is after the oil of iraq which has one third of oil reserve and this war is made on lies....what about about garib prison an dguantanmou bay jail.....what is your opinion.i am waiting for your opinion.
Killing Iraqis
Submitted by Bob Doney on Wed, 2006-02-01 00:15.
is that an excuse now tokill iraqis on daily basis
How many of the daily killings of Iraqis are being done by Muslims?
Bob Doney
Truth about saddam...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:39.
Yes, Abu Graib and Guantanimo Bay have had deaths of prisoners. But the USA didn't broadcast their deaths on television "in gods name". And the US government punished the people responsible.
The US went into Iraq because it's muslim population was too WEAK to overthrow Saddam even though he was killing his own people by squandering their money on palaces for himself and gold plated weapons.
If Iraq has all the oil then why did their economy crash AFTER Saddam took power and only get worse the longer he was in power? It's a fact that Iraq was more prosperous before Saddam.
America wants Iraqs oil. Is that your answer to everything? What good did all that oil do for the Iraqi people when Saddam was in power?
reply to truth about sadam
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 20:46.
is that all what you coul dsay about abou garib and gauntanom jail..when these phoyos of abou gharib found its way tonewspaper by cooincidance from the edesktop of the american soldiers who suffers from sadism....who were ounished..this englinda and who else .they said theywere doing that under sight an dhear of alll big now iraq is better with BUSh and hisnnew crusade war . you say that..and oil of iraq is in thehand of USA and building or renewal are in hand of american companies.....this USA was the abartahide wall in south africa ..what shame...what nationality are you ..or you eurpean behave as being a memeber in the big gang lead by USA
to Lars from nermin( clinton burned the american flag himself)
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 12:58.
First Mr lars. I want to clarify a very important point which is when the 19 individuals of 11 /9 did what they did no single Islamic countries accepted this .in other words all Islamic countries condemned the attack. So there is abig difference..also even this did not prevent USA from getting revenge by occupying afghanstan and killing there hundreds thousand s of innocents people and still osama ben laden is still there .at that time all religious men of all Islamic world condemned the attack bu look to what happened. They get out from Afghanistan with a big appetite to iraq although I heard bush myself saying that iraq has nothing to do with 11/9 attack ..of course this was a strategy to make himself appear like fair person who only attack the doer .
Now you donot accept burning your flag but you ignore what I said to you who provoke whom first .should carry the responsibility. You cannot control young people muslims from doing such thing…the American flag was burned by Clinton in a demonstration to war in Vietnam. What is your opinion now…
What do you want Islamic countries to do .boycotting I s the least thing to do after your pri minister refused to meet the ambassadors of some Islamic country and insists to talk in arrogant way n media insisting in what you claim freedom of speech. Do you blame the Arabic leaders now for listening to their nations. Do you want them to act against their nations and ignore the whole issue….more than 76% of Danish people are with the cartoins till now. what is that arrogance. Tell me what did you gained. tell me can you under this freedom of speech blame Israel for anything . you will be faced by fire storm …you deny boycotting. can you tell me why USA punish whatever country an d nation she see by depriving it even from wheat…do you want USA to put sanction on iraq for more than 10 years depriving medicine an d milk for babies. USA was preventing its people from selling to iraq till on e day the Americans farmers went angry to their congress men complaining that sadam will not make weapons from American wheat. What do you say about who boycott even to sell and punishing whole nation while he knows that sadam is not deprived f anything. what do you say about bush saying it I s a crusade wars. Then I s that the environment you come and put fuel on already made fire….where is your mind.
Action for Danish Goods
Submitted by ADVAR (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 10:59.
We have now started a Norwegian action to buy Danish goods. Excerpts from our English page:
The word "ADVAR" means "warn" in Norwegian, and is an acronym for "Aksjonen for Danske Varer", meaning "Action for Danish Goods".
Our purpose is to make Norwegians buy Danish goods, as an action of solidarity with Denmark, which is currently being targeted for a boycott by several Islamic countries.
In addition to buying Danish goods, we encourage people to write to Jyllandsposten to support their editorial stance, and to the Danish government to express their support for the Danish Prime Minister, Mr Anders Fogh-Rasmussen.
We also try to encourage the Norwegian Government to take a strong, vocal stand in support of Denmark.
ADVAR has no political or religious affiliation, and we are not supported (financially or otherwise) by any public or private institutions, organizations or persons. We are simply a group of people concerned with protecting freedom of speech & secular democracy.
Due to concern for our personal safety, we have chosen to remain anonymous for now.
Please help spread the word that we're not all spineless wusses up here. Visit our page, follow our links and email your support to the Danes and your concern to the Norwegian government!
I am not your enemy Nermin
Submitted by oak (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 10:06.
Why do you think I hate you Nermin? I just wanted to show that there are many images of Mohammed, many, many made by Muslims. But Nermin, this should not hurt you. In the West, most children around age three or four learn the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
On the other hand, there are many people who can and will hurt you. On your advice, I just looked into Islam on google. Here is something I learned, written by a Muslim:
"The phenomenon of Muslim violence against Muslims demands attention, for it is primarily this inner conflict which periodically spills over beyond the borders of the Muslim world. More Muslims have been killed by Muslims, more Muslims continue to be victimized by Muslims, and more Muslims are in danger of dying at the hands of Muslims than non-Muslims. This is a subject that demands a wider examination and attention than has been given by Muslims and non-Muslims alike."
Of course, Westerners are not so concerned about this, as they don't see it nor hear about it, except when it happens on a grand scale, like the Iran-Iraq war.
Here is a list of Islamic terrorist attacks carried out around the world last year. This is a concern for people outside of Islam, as innocent people are killed nearly every day somewhere in the world, in the name of Islam.
That seems more serious than some very obscure cartoons to me. Perhaps you see it differently.
to oak from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 10:31.
Do you say that when you searched about islam you find only killing of Muslims by Muslims. What about what islam is .what is its basics and principals . what it invite its people to…if you want to talk about killing only. Just want toremind you of the number of people killed by the crusaders over more than 400 years and this war was supported and encouraged by churchs while those extremists muslims are individuals and when we look in depth to what make them do that it will be you and your double standards measures whatever you are from USA or Europe. Your endless support of israel and occupying a country over country . and who forget the hundreds of years of imperialism .doyou know that the French occupation of france killed one million Algerians .it was the most bloody occupation which was aiming too to erase the native language of the occupied countries and replacing it by french as if competing with the English language. What about the Serb did in bosnia. what abouthitler was not he a christian. what about eradication o fnative people of america.if we look to this we will say that christainty is simply bloody religion. but we muslims are more wise than that.If you want to talk about killing .please look first to yourself and to your bloody dark history an d present. Ignoring facts will not help or lead to anything. We will remain running in viscous circle.
to oak from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 10:28.
Do you say that when you searched about islam you find only killing of Muslims by Muslims. What about what islam is .what is its basics and principals . what it invite its people to…if you want to talk about killing only. Just want toremind you of the number of people killed by the crusaders over more than 400 years and this war was supported and encouraged by churchs while those extremists muslims are individuals and when we look in depth to what make them do that it will be you and your double standards measures whatever you are from USA or Europe. Your endless support of israel and occupying a country over country . and who forget the hundreds of years of imperialism .doyou know that the French occupation of france killed one million Algerians .it was the most bloody occupation which was aiming too to erase the native language of the occupied countries and replacing it by french as if competing with the English language. What about the Serb did in bosnia. If you want to talk about killing .please look first to yourself and to your bloody dark history an d present. Ignoring facts will not help or lead to anything. We will remain running in viscous circle.
Hypocritical Boycott
Submitted by Lars (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:54.
The boycott of Danish products is one of the more hypocritical things that some of the governments in Middle East have done in years. I’m a Danish guy, who thought that the cartoons in Jylland-posten foolish because they portray a very negative image of a religious figure which serves to Demonize a culture. However when Arab countries recall their ambassadors, boycott our products and their citizens burn our flag, then they collectively demonize Denmark and its citizens. The burning of our white crossed flag is not just an offence against Denmark but offending all Christians, just like pictures of the prophet is an offence to Muslims.
The Jylland-post is a private newspaper, not the representatives of the Danish people and the government can not censor the press in our country. The expression of collective punishment by the Arab countries towards Denmark as an entire entity do show how little these countries have moved toward free-speech and pluralism of opinion. It is interesting that countries like Saudi Arabia, an authoritarian regime disallowing basic rights for women and exploiter of Muslim workers, especially from the Philippines, now thinks that it is the champion of human rights and injustice as the see it around the world. While I feel sorry for the people, who will lose their jobs over this conflict, then I don’t feel too sorry for the companies who deal with these authoritarian regimes. Working with illegitimate governments will hopefully not last and will only empower them to do more harm to their people and the world.
At the moment there are many false accusations and information in the media towards these cartoons. The Jylland-post did not in its 12 cartoons depict the prophet as having a pig-snout or him as a paedophile as mentioned in some of the media. This is not the images show by the Jylland Post. Speaking of Cartoons, then there is no mention of how Arab states shamefully depict Israel and Jewish culture in cartoons. Shame on the hypocritical Arab countries who participate in the demonization of the entire Danish people
to lars
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 10:16.
you started your speech with wise words then you have fallen into also contraindicate say burning danish flags with its cross is aninsult to notonly danish but thewhole christians so here we are back to what we were saying about those cartoons an dfredom of expression .then who provoke whom first.who is thedoers and who are did first and muslims react. and if the cross really concern you you should not insults prophet. burning flags is a traditional way world wide to express anger against certian cannot compare this to that. you donthear any muslim even those you call extremist say bad words about te christ of his mother merry. you also talk an dcompare those cartons with cartoons about arab isareli conflicts. how you compre this to that.donot you knowthat palestin is occupied land and 4 millions palestinians are there occupied while more than double that number are living in exile. donot you know that arab israeli conflict is a political and religious conflicts which started more tahn 50 years ago and will last for as long only god i scommon to make cartons mocking bush and his lies or his right hand blair or whatever israeli leader but not a prophet of god. do you your knowledage only france was boycotting USA few years ago and even destroyed its famous resturants in france due to some little political in compatabilities.
An Archive of Mohammed Images
Submitted by oak (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 07:11.
Here is an archive of images of Mohammed down through the ages. Many are from Muslim countries, including some modern ones from Iran. There are many from France, and from all over the world. I have not heard of any outrage over them.
to oak from nermin(cheap pictures with clear christian touch)
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 08:45.
it is amazing that you consider you talk to idiots and say taht these pictures were distributed in islamic countries. did youask yourself whomade these pictures.the names are written on each photos and all has the pure obvious christian touch. you want us the muslims to be like you. you want us to hang foolish pictures and statues in our homes and mosques as you do in your churches.the pictures you sent ooze with hetrede and enviness. it is disgusting. you can also bring faked copies of qurn written by evil westerners. no wonders .but this willnot mean anything because original quran is present in the hearts of millions of muslims MR oak and your photos will not get from the real image of the prophet mohamd in our hearts. i feel pity for you ,for the amount of hate and animosity youcarry in you r hearts.islam is th e fast growing religion in the world so this explain everything.
Don't compare Mohammed with.....
Submitted by Pedophile Mohammad (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 08:10.
To all the cartoonist,good work just keep going. These muslims are trying to compare Mohammed with other prophets, Muhammed is the only pedophile prophet (by geting a 9 year old girl as wife) and the only one that teaches hate than love to non muslims. He's also the only one who encourages warrior by giving sex as a reward like an endless supply of virgins. Even during his times, Mohammed promise to his soldiers an plundered wealth and endless supply of women from the captured non-muslim tribes.
t o this who say dont compare mohamad to other prophets
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 08:50.
and do you believe in prophets. whom are thos eyou believe in while youdisfigure all prophets in your holy your books prophet david married 99 women and his son solomon got 1000 women , he never seen thesam ewoman twice and jacob married two sisters . are those the prophets you say you donot campare prophet mohamad with. at least go to read your books before speaking inthings you donot know anything about
wake up nermin
Submitted by pedophile mohammad (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:00.
read carefully nermin!!! Christians and Jews dont worship those names that you mentioned, they are not even prophets, and they dont make new and stupid religion like mohammad did. those names that you mentioned are just ordinary people and character in the bible and most all they are not PEDOPHILES.
to this pedophil from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:10.
those charcters , you deny that jacob is a prophet. and david who was the prophet you like. but to your knoweldage islam isnot new religio nmade by mohamad. it is the religion of th egreat prophet abraham if you know him .muslim worship th eone god , the creator of th euniverse who has no partners.they fast, pray ,give obligatory charity and made civilization based on fairness and obeying god orders and science lasted more than 1000 years so yo are th eone who must wake up. again for the tenth time i advice you to enter islam th e fast growing religion in th e world as key words in your search engine and see the results then come and face me.
Submitted by GREAT JEW (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:36.
For your information Abraham, Jacob, David etc. are not muslims and the name of their God is no ALLAH. Islam was founded by mohammad only about 700 years after Christ. Allah is the name of the father of mohammad and also islam is a CULT not a religion. your koran has been trying to change portions of the bibles to fit on your CULT. TRY READING THE TRUE BIBLE. The jews had been living in this earth thousands of years before the birth of islam. so dare not to say that abraham and jacob are islam or muslim.
I dont hate muslims
Submitted by GREAT JEW (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 15:48.
The truth is I dont hate muslims, In fact I feel pity for them, their mind has been so closed and their brain has been so washed that you dont see anything there but the teachings of Muhammad. They dont even know which one is wrong and which one is right from the humanitarin's point of view. They dont even have a conscience because they believe they can offset their sins thru prayers. So they can commit sins anytime they want anyway they will have to pray 5 times a day, just enough to wash their sins for the day.
i do not hate jew
Submitted by bashar dannaoui (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 05:26.
i do not hate jew...but they fuck up your jesus and it was for a few dolares the pop free them from jesus blood better for you to convert to islam....becaude chritian do not accept the way the jew they have the right to massacre palestinian in sabra and chatila...oohh yeahhh you guys are the guys said that god is poor and you guyas are the rich the jew ortodox his wife wear a veil on her hair walk behind her husband..have 600 or more stupid rules do not acccept black, only can marry a jew.otherwise a sin ....i do not hate guys kill and masscre and go cry on that stinky wailing wall and wash you horrible sins i do not hate jew....cry and fuck up europpe becuase what did hitler did with your own kind and now doing the same with the aplestinian i do not hate jewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........
a woman in the jewish believe have to sleep outside the room if she has her period and after have to bath seven time in a big pool and flush very good isnt that right my non muslim the way i saw a dream that your own father did you when you was kid the pedofile is your own father but you do not know...ask your dady i do not hate jew
you donot hat emuslim but you want to eradicate them only from n
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:04.
you mr jew are full of psycholgical disturbance and thi sis teh resut of long time oppession an dhumilation at the hand of the christians ,roman or whatever or by god as a result of your continous disobedienace to him or any other now you pour your hatred on who worshipped th ecow whil e moses went to meet god to take who tried to killed the christ and killed john the baptist. you who go tofish on saturday. you who said to moses that you want to see god face by face. you who refused to fight with moses and said to him to go with his god to fight an dyou will sit god left you lost in exile for 40 years till moses died from sorrow and sadness from your wicked doing. you nearly drived prophet moses out of his mind .
Submitted by GREAT JEW (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:30.
Nermin, I think you are a nice person, but you see there are alot of verses written in the koran which was "QUOTED WRONGLY" from the old and the new testament just to fit-in into the bad intention of Mohammad. None of the things in what you mentioned is true or ever existed in the bible. And that is the very source of conflict between muslims and other faith. Mohammad changed some portions of the bible and included them in the koran, after that mohammad dis-allowed his people to read other books of faith other than koran.... so there you are !!! the product is the people like you and those who blew them selves up in 9/11 an all over the world.... its not yet too late nermin... you can still change and help your fellow muslims from becoming a terrorist, a suicide bomber or pedophile.
to th e jew from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:40.
do you deny that youworshipped the golden cow in moses absence....i read the ld and new testament to you rknowledage so you must know taht you donot speak to an idiot fool...i evenhad many discussion with jews who admitt all the disobedients they do allover the history but as jews are arrogant they think that they are the chosen nation of god and so allh will forgiv ethem everything they do which also is not with logic comfort yourself by saying mohad transferred from previous books..if theprophet transferred why he deny deity of teh christ and why he make us belive and respect and love all prophets. why he make us pray five times a day an dfast and donot drink wine ...and never come near adultery or gayness .....etc...from where he get all this while you are drawn in these things. how he succeeded even after 1400 years of his death to make me never ever taste a drop of wine and so my family an dmy colleagues and he succeeded to make all this...if you dont believe in him at least respect him as ghandi, bernard chaw and so many othe rincluding prince charles did.
Submitted by American Dad (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:18.
Good morning. I hate to see the kind of vitriol as I see in the last few posts. Why is it so hard for people of different religions to get along? Why can't we accept the religous beliefs in others and let them pray as they wish? Would that be so difficult to do?
Nermin, is it true what I read recently, and I don't mean to be disrespectful here, that in the Koran it states that Muslims must kill non-Muslims? Koran 2:191 is the section that was highlighted to me.
to the american dad from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:30.
of course not there is not versus in quran say to kill non muslim or any soul..on contrary .god says in quran whoever make one soul live so as if made all living souls live and whoever kill one soul so as if killed all living souls...the prophet mohamad who is insulted by thewest said that whoever muslim hurt a jew or a christian ,so he( theprophet will be on th eside of that jew or christian on the day of resurrection...the prophet said to treat coptic egyptoin well.never in a war to kill an old man or woman ,a child or even cut atree. war inisalm and in quran is to defend your country, you rfaith an dyour quran god says ,,( whenever they(meaning disbelivers) any tendency for peace ,tend and direct to peace....iam willing to answer whatever you want about islam and here is asimplified site discusss what islam is
How to interpret Islam....
Submitted by Serving in Iraq.... (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:45.
If Islam is such a peaceful religion why are so many people using it to kill others in Allah's name? The Catholics might be guilty of pedopheilia but they aren't performing 9/11 type massacres in gods name are they?
Submitted by American Dad (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:44.
Nermin..perhaps I received some bad information. May your God bless you.
Two more questions, (1)Why is Mohammed insulted by the West? (2) If killing is wrong, why do the extremist fanatics insist on killing in Iraq, particularly those that are over there trying to help (Contractors, builders, the poor woman reporter and the peace activists).
to the american dad from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:56.
thank you for your kind words.i wish you email me on my email. you must know sir taht we muslims and islamand all religion muslim men are against killing any innocent person.the situation in raq is very complicated and as i said to you you shoul dthink deeply why these things started after uSA invasion to iraq. sadam was bad and evil an dtyrant but at his times iraqia were not killing themselves or blowing themslves thetime of israel foundation ..i donot want you to misunderstan dme but i want to give you just simple example...israel to force the iraqi jews to migrate to israel blowed a jewish temple in iraq to stick th eaccusatio to iraqi government so iraqi jews in iraq all borders are open and all dirty hands are playing egypt in 1957 th eisraeli mosda exploded metro cinema in cairo because tehy thought that there is some closness between USA an degypt at that be sured of all what isay..i can send you ..documents about taht .there abook writtenby an iraqi jew wholeft israel to liv e in USA now...aslo sharon rewarded those who exploded metro cinema in egypt a process called lavon can get sure yourself..just enter lavon affair as key words
Submitted by American Dad (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 17:02.
It seems my last post didn't make it to the board. I wish I could recall the details.
I don't share my e-mail on public boards, but I appreciate your offer. I realize Sharon may have been involved in a number of brutal attacks against Muslims. I also know he offered a hand of peace to the Palestinians as a way to stop the violence in the region.
you donot hat emuslim but you want to eradicate them only from n
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 16:04.
you mr jew are full of psycholgical disturbance and thi sis teh resut of long time oppession an dhumilation at the hand of the christians ,roman or whatever or by god as a result of your continous disobedienace to him or any other now you pour your hatred on who worshipped th ecow whil e moses went to meet god to take who tried to killed the christ and killed john the baptist. you who go tofish on saturday. you who said to moses that you want to see god face by face. you who refused to fight with moses and said to him to go with his god to fight an dyou will sit god left you lost in exile for 40 years till moses died from sorrow and sadness from your wicked doing. you nearly drived prophet moses out of his mind .
to the fool ne who claim to be a jew from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 15:56.
who is the one who make sins and thinking that five praying will erase least muslims pray five times a day so they donot dare to make major sins like you do in the west. who pray five times a day cannot commt adultery , drink wine or gamble or cheat or steal ...but you who believe in that silly idea bout the christ who will save you whatever you do are teh one who live in gayness, adulterous and all major sins god ordered people to avoid.....muslims mr fool not only pray but fast one month a year and give charity as main pillars of islam......yu are totally out of your mind...
Submitted by Bob Doney on Tue, 2006-01-31 17:24.
yu are totally out of your mind
Your respectfulness for others seems to be worn out again, Nermin. Perhaps you should take a break.
Bob Doney
t o this jew from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:56.
as if you believe in the christ. you the jews are known till this moment to be christ killers and only thi s prophet mohamad and quran you donot like are th eonly thing whichmake you innocent from the blood of the christ. you silly says allah is the father of mohamad. do youthink you speak to idiots here.allah is just a name give to th eone god the sam egod you silly jews call theway i have a friend called hashem ..hhahah
Thanks to the Egyptian
Submitted by KJG (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 21:22.
Thanks to the Egyptian reporter who shared his view on the Danish cartoon issue. Yes to freedom of speech,however; first, yes to civility. We are in much pain in our world. Religion, again, has become the epicenter of earth-shaking events. Every human, religion, country must step forward and join hands in an effort for world peace. We must be open to dialogue. We must have restraint in our behavior to the extent that we further an agenda of joint discussions and communication. PEACE TO THE WORLD. PEACE TO EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH. RESTRAINT IS THE DIRECTION WE MUST TAKE. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE.
to KJG from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 21:48.
your words are wise . we must build bridages instead of building hate and conflicts....everyone by little effort can live in peace with the other
No Apologies
Submitted by Thomas the Wraith (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 06:57.
Screw the apology by Jyllands-Posten. There's nothing to apologize for. In fact, I am just getting started. Here are the two cartoons I drew just tonight. Footprint Muhammad and the Toeprint Caliphs (one of my favorites). And the mild but amusing I Am Muhammad. Cartoons Are Cool.
What an affront to the world that these fanatics want to censor all images on the face of the planet because they are so easily offended. They're in for a surprise. If it's one thing that Western culture does extremely well it's produce offensive images. Buckle up buttercup, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 08:51.
to Thomas the Wraith from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 08:58.
you have psycholgical disturbance for sure.before these issue of cartoon i was thinking that europeans are ancient nations who read but i realized that hate and blindness are leading them. may they are still enslaved by genes from the dark ages of their corrupted churches.
to nermin from European
Submitted by european (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 11:22.
Nermin this might surprise you but Islam is increasingly seen as extremely violent, very backward and ignorant to the extreme. This is because your response to everyone who does not agree or adhere to your hopelessly backward and ignorant point of view is usually to blow them up. You and your religion are incapable of serious dialogue. If you want people to understand your illogical and extremely ignorant ways I suggest that you stay at home.
Ignorant because you as a whole have no access to information. The biggest library in Saudi Arabia is akin to the reading material in a primary school.
Iran have to employ an army of moral police to "control" a population who are FORCED to act in a way that is unnatural to them. Your religion is a dictatorship.
to the european fro nermin
Submitted by nermin on Wed, 2006-02-01 11:55.
your opinion is not to be taken of regarding islam .admitt that you hate islam more than 1400 years ago.but you find it a chance to clear it out due to action of few individuals . prince charles said recently that not for 19 individuals islam is say to me stay this the freedom you talk about who are you to say tome stay home or donot deserve to talk with because you are totally ignorant who doesnot read you know mr ignorantthat exgerman embassador is himilated in german media because he converted to isalm.take his welfurid hofman , a harvard universty graduate. italy withdrew its embassador from saudi arabia because he also convert toislam....italy jailed thehead of italian muslims league because he getrid of the cross hanged in the wall of his mother sick hospital room.....although italy calim to prevent religious symbol from public places..this is italy an dgermany. while paris match new paper aplologized for prince of monaco and paid money too for publishing true story about his secret is that your below read opinion of non muslims about islam ...your opinion is worthless.
Napolean Bonaparte as Quoted in Cherfils, ‘Bonaparte et Islam,’ Paris, France, pp. 105, 125.
"Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation. Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad to the old continent...
"Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, and Jesus. The Ariyans and some other sects had disturbed the tranquility of the east by agitating the question of the nature of the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad declared that there was none but one God who had no father, no son and that the trinity imported the idea of idolatry...
"I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness."
What would you call a religion whose beliefs, practices and followers are being bashed and bad-mouthed in practically every sphere of activity, in almost every corner of the globe, yet it attracts ever-increasing numbers of people?
A Paradox? A Miracle ? Or simply, The Truth: Islaam.
The fact that Islaam is the fastest growing religion in the world today, is proof that our Creator has taken it upon Himself to perfect the Truth that He sent all His prophets and messengers with -- from Aadam [AS] to Muhammad [SAW].
Studies conducted in the West show that the sheer number of new Muslims is changing the demographic profile of countries all over the world, and not all of them are born into Muslim families. With some 6 million adherents in the United States, Islam is said to be the nation’s fastest-growing religion. One expert estimates that 25,000 people a year become Muslims in this country; some clerics say they have seen conversion rates quadruple since Sept 11.
Ironically for a religion that is routinely bashed for “subjugating” and “oppressing” its female followers, the number of female reverts to Islaam outnumber the males 4:1!
The fact that more and more people are finding their way to Islaam, notwithstanding the relentless propaganda, deliberate misinformation and outright prejudice against it, never ceases to amaze me.
How do these people navigate in the darkness to find the light of Islaam in spite of all the obstacles in the way?
The answer is that our Creator has granted each one of us a guiding light -- a pure, undefiled innate nature called the fitrah. Unlike Christians who believe in the doctrine of Original Sin and assert that each baby is born tainted with the sin of Adam’s disobedience to God, Muslims believe that every child is born into a state of purity where it recognizes its Creator and is naturally subservient to His laws.
In his book The Fundamentals of Islaamic Monotheism, Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips writes: Just as a child’s body submits to the physical laws which Allaah has put in nature, its soul also submits naturally to the fact that Allaah is its Lord and Creator. But its parents try to make it follow their own way and the child is not strong enough in the early stages of its life to resist or oppose its parents. The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing and Allaah does not hold it to account for this religion.
When the child matures in youth and clear proofs of the falsehood of its religion are brought to it, the adult must now follow the religion of knowledge and reason. At this point the devils try their best to encourage him to stay as he is or to go further astray. Evils are made pleasing to him and he must now live in the midst of a struggle between his innate pure nature and his desires in order to find the right road.
If he chooses to follow his innate nature, his fitrah, Allaah will help him overcome his desires even though it may take most of his life to escape, for many people enter Islaam in their old age.
...........The fact that
Submitted by Free Speech (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 15:21.
...........The fact that Islaam is the fastest growing religion in the world today, is proof that our Creator has taken it upon Himself to perfect the Truth that He sent all His prophets and messengers with -- from Aadam [AS] to Muhammad [SAW]..........
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world based on one fact:
Muslim women have more children than other women.
And Nermin,
Your arguments are just ramblings, you have no grasp of logic and worst of all, you simply fail to see the difference between individuals and races or nations.
Therefore we are all wasting our time debating with you.
To Nermin
Submitted by european (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 12:31.
First of all you need to take a large chill pill. Secondly I could not give a toss about religion. I have no sympathy for any faith. I am tolerant of all non violent behaviour. I do not believe in supernatural beings etc. No. So all your crazed rantings are to no avail I'm afraid.
There are a lot of ignorant easily influenced people in the world and it does not matter where they are from. In the US you have Christian fundamentalists that are collectively one sandwich short of a picnic. In the Muslim world this is also the case.
Your religion, in particular, is one that thrives on ignorance. The less people know about the truth the easier they are to control.
When a Fatwah was proclaimed against Mr Rushdie how many of the protesters had read or even seen a picture of the book. Between you and me, very very few. Thus it can be assumed that they were instructed what to think...
Most of the Muslim world's reaction to Jyllands Posten has come months after the cartoons were published and I assume that no newspapers have printed the cartoons in the Muslim Press so, ....again people are told what to think.
There are more wrongs than rights in the apparent conflict between the Christian and Muslim world.
You say that Europeans are racist and hate Muslims. In truth we don't care who comes to settle in our countries the only thing we ask is that they follow our rules. If you come looking for a safe haven free from persecution where your family is safe then the least you can do is to follow the local rules.
When Europeans go to Muslim countries, and I speak from personal experience, then you can be sure that your rules are followed perfectly.
We harbour Millions of Muslim economic and political refugees yet you say we are racist and belligerent.
Your arguement is are the hateful one Nermin.