Muslim Radical Defends Freedom of Speech, Deplores Europe’s Hypocrisy
From the desk of Paul Belien on Fri, 2006-02-03 15:33

An article by Paul Belien with a comment by Jos Verhulst
The only trouble with the Europeans’ defence of freedom of speech is the fundamental hypocrisy of secular Western Europe. That is the opinion of Dyab Abu Jahjah, the Brussels-based leader of the Arab-European League. On his website he writes:
I do not believe in red lines, and I do not believe that anything should be above the freedom of human expression. I know that most Arabs and Muslims would disagree with me on this point, but this is not what bothers me, what bothers me is that most Europeans don’t realize that they also disagree with me.
Europeans think that freedom of speech is guaranteed in Europe, and that they are defending it against Islamic pressure. This is a view that is widely propagated and defended by groups from across the political spectrum. Reality, however, presents us Muslims living in Europe with another experience. Muslims and others in Europe can not say everything they often want to say and they risk being arrested and prosecuted if they do. Muslims and other religious people can not express their disgust from homosexuality and clearly state that they believe it’s a sickness and a deviation without being persecuted for being homophobic.
Mr Jahjah certainly has a point here. Not only Muslims are not allowed to voice all their opinions. Only last week the French parliamentarian Christian Vanneste was sentenced in court to a heavy fine because he had stated that “homosexual behaviour endangers the survival of humanity” and that “heterosexuality is morally superior to homosexuality.” Earlier last month a majority in the European Parliament called for sanctions against Poland and the Baltic states because their governments are said to be “homophobic.” In the Netherlands access to certain jobs in the civil service is effectively denied to anyone religious (be it Christian or Muslim) who refuses to participate in concluding same-sex marriages. And the EU wants to force doctors to perform abortions and euthanasia because, it says, the right to conscientious objection is not “unlimited.”
A Moroccan sent us a note this morning about the Danish cartoon affair:
This kind of things won't really be bad for the islam because when something is good right and honest it will go on no matter what, even if they keep fighting it more and more. I think that Muslim people gave to that event more than it should. They could just ignore that kind of thing because it’s not really official first and second because it’s said by a country that has all kind of bad things (homosexuality/living without any goal in life and afterlife). But I’m happy that this kind of thing happened after all because that will just let people hear and know more about who is mohammed and what did he did to humanity and that he offered his life to serve Allah. He was completly saint and that’s the same for all people that believe in him and follow his road. Life for them is only a station that we have to wait in it a bit till going to the other side and go on.
Yesterday, a Turkish Muslim wrote us:
I am Muslim and proud of being muslim. Holly Mohammed is one side; and We never never use any bad word against to Holly Jesus Christ. Because of We accept him as a Holly prophet too. So Please look at the Denmark. They shows that Mohammed married many times. This not true. One thing is true and all the world knows that a man can marry with a man in Denmark, Holland and Norway. They lost their heart and mind.
In their remarks these Muslims (whether they are representative for the majority of Muslims is another matter) are putting their finger on what the American theologian George Weigel calls “Europe’s problem.” Europe is dying because it has lost the cult at the heart of its culture. As a result “a venerable culture is being effaced by a vacuous secularism” (Niall Ferguson) while at the same time the religious vacuum left by the demise, or suicide, of Christianity is being filled by another religion – with religious prohibitions, such as the taboo on depicting Muhammad, that are totally alien to Western civilization.
Americans watch in amazement at what is happening in Europe today, but Western civilization, with its freedom of expression, has long died on the Eastern side of the Atlantic. One of the few freedoms left in Western Europe was the freedom to mock religion. Now that this freedom is under attack from Muslim fanatics we realize that this is not the first barrier that needs defending against totalitarians, but in fact the last remaining one. The other barriers have all been abandoned – without a fight.
In contemporary Germany homeschooling Baptists lose parental authority over their children and are jailed on the basis of a bill introduced by Adolf Hitler in 1938. In the Netherlands Reader’s Digest’s “European of the Year” Ayaan Hirsi Ali wants all religious schools abolished and demands the defunding of a Calvinist party because this party does not put forward women candidates for election. In Finland the government is toying with the idea to no longer issue permits for private schools. In Belgium the country’s largest party was effectively banned by the Supreme Court in November 2004 for publishing texts which, though the court admitted they were not necessarily untrue, were said to have been published with “an intention to contribute to a campaign of hatred.”
We are all Danes now, defending the right to satire. But the right of parents to educate their own children according to their own beliefs has long disappeared. So has the right to elect the politicians one wants and the right to tell truths when the government has decided that you are telling them with a wrong “intention.” And gone also is the right not to have to participate in actions that are against one’s conscience.
In America people are free to say and think whatever they like, however offensive this may be to others. In Europe this right no longer exists. As Mr Jahjah says:
People in Europe are not allowed to do a free historical examination of the Second World War and the holocaust and freely express an opinion on it that is different than the dominating dogmatic line. Any attempt to have deviant historical examination of the holocaust will earn you the title of revisionist, anti-Semite and a jail sentence.
He continues with an anti-Jewish diatribe, before concluding:
Yes Arabs and Muslims are uptight when you touch their religious and national symbols, but Europe had made of political correctness and the cult of the Holocaust and Jew-worshiping its alternative religion and is even more uptight when you touch that. Europeans might not respect their flags, and they might laugh with Jesus and Mary but if you touch their new religious symbols, they will bombard you with indignation and persecute you in the best European inquisition tradition.
I am for the absolute freedom of speech everywhere, and that’s why I call upon every free sole among Arabs to use the Danish flag as a substitute for toilet paper. To illustrate every wall with graffiti making fun of everything Europe holds as holy: dancing rabbis on the carcasses of Palestinian children, hoax gas-chambers built in Hollywood in 1946 with Steven Spielberg’s approval stamp, and Aids spreading fagots. Let us defend the absolute freedom of speech altogether, wouldn’t that be a noble cause?
Mr Jahjah’s attacks on the Jews are repulsive. He is a Muslim radical, whom we quoted during last November’s riots in France as saying:
“We [Muslim youths in Europe] reject integration when it leads to assimilation. I don’t believe in a host country. We are at home here and whatever we consider our culture to be also belongs to our chosen country. I’m in my country, not the country of the [Westerners].”
But he asks a question one should ponder: Is it possible to defend freedom of speech if one does not restore “absolute freedom of speech altogether?” As the great 20th century American journalist H.L. Mencken (who by the way was very critical of religion) said:
“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”
Europe failed to stop oppression at the beginning. French and German Google are censored to exclude American white supremacist websites such as American Renaissance (look here for a comparison between, and The Belgian revisionist Siegfried Verbeke has spent time in jail in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, where he is now awaiting trial for denying Hitler’s crimes. How consistent is this when the same judicial authorities are applying Hitler’s laws to jail Christian parents? Mr Jahjah would call it hypocrisy.
A comment by Jos Verhulst:
Of course Dyab Abu Jahjah is right when he implies that freedom of speech has not been defended against holocaust and gay lobbies. On the contrary, during the past two decades both the political class and the press have pushed, organized and promoted the destruction of free speech in Europe on these topics. For instance, in our press there was only gloating and approval when revisionists such as Verbeke were put in jail.
But Dyab Abu Jahjah is also a liar. He pretends to be a Muslim, but he also pretends to be in favour of free speech. But you can’t have both, as is clearly demonstrated nowadays, for instance by all those Muslim states (including EU-candidate Turkey) demanding censorship for Europeans, and doing so explicitly in the name of Islam. If being a muslim implies being in favor of censorship, then Dyab Abu Jahjah cannot be a Muslim, because according to his own words he rejects censorship. Therefore, it seems that Dyab Abu Jahjah is lying when he pretends to be a Muslim. On the other hand, it could also be that Dyab Abu Jahjah does not really believe in free speech, but that he is pretending to, in order to tactically deceive those stupid non-Muslims and future dhimmis. In that case Jahjah is lying when he says that he wants free speech. In both eventualities Dyab Abu Jahjah is a miserable liar. No surprise here, because after all, he did already admit some years ago that he had lied his way into Belgium.
Occasionally, however, it may occur that even a liar speaks out an important truth. That has happened here. Jahjah is right.
The positive output of the Mohammad-Cartoons crisis
Submitted by Suz on Tue, 2006-02-21 22:04.
Integration of Moslem cultures has been a big issue in Denmark in the past 5-8 years. It has been an on going debate characterized by on one side Moslem families that cannot adjust to living in the Danish society and on the other side Danes unwilling to accept groups with different values and culture.
The media has contributed to the clash with headlines focusing immigrants and their children as the reason for rising criminality. Headlines such as “40% of criminality is committed by immigrants” are common both in the serious and in the colored press – even though 60% of the criminality has been committed by “natives”. The debate has emphasized mostly on the problems rather than the positive results of a multi-cultural society can be.
The average Dane is bombed with information that immigrants and their families are a burden to the welfare system. And the image of the immigrant is generalized: a group of people that doesn’t bother to learn the language, to respect the ways of the society, living on welfare, committing criminal and violent acts. Reality is much broader than that.
The Mohammad-Cartoons issue has had positive effects. A large group of Moslem immigrants are demonstrating their support for the Danish society, democracy, peace and freedom of speech. We see them on the television proclaiming that first they are Danes and second Moslems. First comes peace and understanding.
Finally the press is given voice to the thousands of well adjusted immigrants, with jobs, education, that can speak the language and are definitely not a burden on society, but an asset.
New initiatives such as the Democratic Moslems come to light and I believe they will turn the debate around.
My wish is that the average Dane will understand that integration of immigrants and their families already exists. They will hopefully come to understand that a multi-cultural society is rich and is an asset rather than a tragedy, and it is nothing to be afraid of.
The multi-cultural society is not a problem without the Muslims.
Submitted by Balder on Tue, 2006-02-21 22:36.
40% of the murders is committed by immigrants mostly from Africa/Middle East. We have around 8% imigrants in Denmark. The 40% if the murders are commitet by 8% of the population.
The imigrants that don't participate in the Danish sociaty cost 35 billion kr. (35.000.0000.000 kr.) a year, it's about Euros. That number has been calculated by the goverment. The real nummber can be much higher.
There are many immigrant groups that integrate well in the Danish sociaty. One thing in commen for these groups is the fact they are not Muslims.
I'm glad there are initatives like democratic muslims. But the sad fact is that the extreme group Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Denmark can call for more persons during their meetings than the number of members in democratic muslims.
Muslims traditions - result in social problems
Submitted by Poul Nielsen on Tue, 2006-02-21 23:36.
A common issue in Denmark, is that radical muslims are arranging marriage for their children, during the last decades.
For the muslims - it's creating many varous problems.
1. Families where children are born with handicaps, because muslims are getting married to members of theier own family. It's a tragegy for the children born with handicaps.
2. Parents arranging marriage for their son or daugter who lives in Denmark, whith one who lives in the 3'rd world, with no education and understanding how things works in a modern society. The result is obvious - a social deroute, since the person who are coming to the west - typical don't have any education (cannot read or write) or qualification to take a job. Neither can that person help their children - when they start in school. When the children become teenagers, some of them drop out of our schoolsystem with no higher education. The crime rate - is very high for this group. This group try to get an idendity - by supporting radical muslims groups like Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
3. The social system in Denmark, trying their best, to deal with the social problems among the Muslims immigrants. A common problem is - when a child drop out of school, Muslim families send the child to the country where their relatives lives for "re-education" at muslims schools. Unfortunately this happens also for children, who are managing well in the school, because begin to ask questions, based on theier knowlede they have received in the danish schools.
4. High crime rate - among young muslims. The crime they perform - is everyting from stealing, violence to sexual abuse. The young muslim men (in this context)- don't accept an no from young tenager girls. Most of the girls who getting raped - by this group, are "non-muslims" girls with an immigrant background - not many knows it. But it's a fact.
5. Organized black economy among. Shop owners, Abu Laban and the radical muslim society are selling product's without tax. Have their own "smart business" import of softdrinks, candy etc ...when they receive social aid at the same time.
When this is said - our goverment are doing a lot for the moment to resolve these issues;
1 by not allowing immigrant to marry anyone under 23 year from a foreign country.
2 Don't allow immigrants to send their children out of the country, when the children is getting an education. If the parents send their children - out of the country, the family will lose their social aid and benefits. In worse case - put into jail.
3 Forcing immigrants to learn Danish. If the can't speak our language - they are not qualified to any job - or to any social aid. Our education system don't cost anything - for the Danish citizen (no school fee)
4. Removing children - from families, who cannot take care of their children.
5. Stopping the black economy among immigrants. Since Denmark is a small country - and we are moving towards a "digital economy" -it's becoming an easy task to solve.
Gays in Denmark-This doesn't mean they have lost their heart!
Submitted by DirtyDeuce22 on Sun, 2006-02-05 19:18.
Although I am not a Dane and not gay, I take offense when you say the Danes practice homosexual and because of this they have lost their hearts. For the most part, all of Scandanavia prefer to remain neautral on most subjects which may enrage others. I don't agree with this approach because they seem to "take a backseat" to most important political issues of our day. That is their culture and we should accept that. It is this culture that is so accepting of other people including muslims. Denmark does have gay people. However, I have never seen more homosexual activity than I saw in the Middle East. Since it is forbidden for the men to have sex with women, they have sex with each other. That's great and if this makes middle eastern young adults happy, then god bless them. They deserve to be happy. But it is a fact that homosexuality, although it is very secretive, it is still very popular in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan and Qatar to name a few. So u cannot use gay anymore to discredit a nation because every nation has gays. Live and let live my brother!
toDirtyDeuce22 from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sun, 2006-02-05 20:51.
do iassume that this si your reply to what i posted here few hours ago and also yesterday....about what happened to the french minister who crtisized gays in france.
first, you are twisting things together to say nonsense and words whcih are very far away from my point.
those gyas are not o fmy own businnes and i didnot say an dno one said that muslims are angles and sinless people..have you heard me or any one said that ever...on contrary or why we believe in hell an d heaven then...with no savior an d redeemer but only our good deeds..sol et u from this horrile acts which u mention in islamic countries as corrupted deviated peopel are present every where ,this isnot my point..
but itius that u claim freedom of media yet upon certain issue there is so..there is red lines for certain things..
ok you are free for what ever you want but also donot blame us for outrage and danger because everyone is free to feel what offend him .so if those gays have right to be angry why you deny this on muslism..
i want a reply from the hypocrites
Submitted by nermin on Sun, 2006-02-05 17:32.
Europeans think that freedom of speech is guaranteed in Europe, and that they are defending it against Islamic pressure. This is a view that is widely propagated and defended by groups from across the political spectrum. Reality, however, presents us Muslims living in Europe with another experience. Muslims and others in Europe can not say everything they often want to say and they risk being arrested and prosecuted if they do. Muslims and other religious people can not express their disgust from homosexuality and clearly state that they believe it’s a sickness and a deviation without being persecuted for being homophobic.
Mr Jahjah certainly has a point here. Not only Muslims are not allowed to voice all their opinions. Only last week the French parliamentarian Christian Vanneste was sentenced in court to a heavy fine because he had stated that “homosexual behaviour endangers the survival of humanity” and that “heterosexuality is morally superior to homosexuality.” Earlier last month a majority in the European Parliament called for sanctions against Poland and the Baltic states because their governments are said to be “homophobic.” In the Netherlands access to certain jobs in the civil service is effectively denied to anyone religious (be it Christian or Muslim) who refuses to participate in concluding same-sex marriages. And the EU wants to force doctors to perform abortions and euthanasia because, it says, the right to conscientious objection is not “unlimited.”
muslims dont believe jew holocaust existed
Submitted by halleluya on Sun, 2006-02-05 17:38.
well if muslims dont believe jew holocaust exited
maybe they want a muslim holocaust in europe for them.
A Believer!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-05 18:14.
I believe in Odin and the Holy Runes! Did you know that Odin hung upon Yggdrasil, the World Tree, for nine days and that his holy blood gave us the Runes!
Odin's Quest after the Runes
I trow I hung on that windy Tree
nine whole days and nights,
stabbed with a spear, offered to Odin,
myself to mine own self given,
high on that Tree of which none hath heard
from what roots it rises to heaven.
None refreshed me ever with food or drink,
I peered right down in the deep;
crying aloud I lifted the Runes
then back I fell from thence.
Nine mighty songs I learned from the great
son of Bale-thorn, Bestla's sire;
I drank a measure of the wondrous Mead,
with the Soulstirrer's drops I was showered.
Ere long I bare fruit, and throve full well,
I grew and waxed in wisdom;
word following word, I found me words,
deed following deed, I wrought deeds.
Hidden Runes shalt thou seek and interpreted signs,
many symbols of might and power,
by the great Singer painted, by the high Powers fashioned,
graved by the Utterer of gods.
For gods graved Odin, for elves graved Daïn,
Dvalin the Dallier for dwarfs,
All-wise for Jötuns, and I, of myself,
graved some for the sons of men.
Dost know how to write, dost know how to read,
dost know how to paint, dost know how to prove,
dost know how to ask, dost know how to offer,
dost know how to send, dost know how to spend?
Better ask for too little than offer too much,
like the gift should be the boon;
better not to send than to overspend.
Thus Odin graved ere the world began;
Then he rose from the deep, and came again
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
muslim will blame jews for the cartoons ,soon
Submitted by halleluya on Sun, 2006-02-05 18:13.
youll see how muslims will blame zionist for the cartoons,
thyell invent any lie to blame jews or zionist
that people hate dont have limits
they are pathetics
muslims dont believe jew holocaust existed
Submitted by halleluya on Sun, 2006-02-05 17:38.
well if muslims dont believe jew holocaust exited
maybe they want a muslim holocaust in europe for them.
Fools, Cows, and Muslims
Submitted by Draco777 on Sun, 2006-02-05 07:18.
Regarding the subject of this memo.....Fools, Cows, and Muslims share a common link......they all have the same IQ.
You're not only an're insane.
Listen to your Mohammed and go bone another goat.
Re: Muslim Radical Defends Freedom of Speech
Submitted by soccerfan on Sun, 2006-02-05 05:18.
In his article, "Muslim Radical Defends Freedom of Speech," Paul Belien states that, "In America people are free to say and think whatever they like, however offensive this may be to others. In Europe this right no longer exists." Really? Tell that to Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son in Iraq, who was arrested by the Capitol police in Washington just before the State of the Union speech of the president for wearing a shirt with a message protesting the war in Iraq. This arrest clearly violates the first amendment of the US constitution. I am convinced that nobody displaying a political message in the Belgian parliament would be arrested. The reality is that the freedom of speech has died in the US, but is still very much alive in Europe. The best proof is the publication of the Mohammad cartoons in a growing number of European countries.
from nermin, why no reply
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:21.
why always no response to any logic words.even if it is written in your newspaper..
here is it again in short.
Mr Jahjah certainly has a point here. Not only Muslims are not allowed to voice all their opinions. Only last week the French parliamentarian Christian Vanneste was sentenced in court to a heavy fine because he had stated that “homosexual behaviour endangers the survival of humanity” and that “heterosexuality is morally superior to homosexuality.” Earlier last month a majority in the European Parliament called for sanctions against Poland and the Baltic states because their governments are said to be “homophobic.” In the Netherlands access to certain jobs in the civil service is effectively denied to anyone religious (be it Christian or Muslim) who refuses to participate in concluding same-sex marriages. And the EU wants to force doctors to perform abortions and euthanasia because, it says, the right to conscientious objection is not “unlimited.”
donot you read what is even in this site from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:55.
as usual i have just said the same an sasked for reply from anyone but no respons.....due to your double stnadard and awful stubborness.
here is part of the introductory article published in this same page.
can anyone utter a word now.
Europeans think that freedom of speech is guaranteed in Europe, and that they are defending it against Islamic pressure. This is a view that is widely propagated and defended by groups from across the political spectrum. Reality, however, presents us Muslims living in Europe with another experience. Muslims and others in Europe can not say everything they often want to say and they risk being arrested and prosecuted if they do. Muslims and other religious people can not express their disgust from homosexuality and clearly state that they believe it’s a sickness and a deviation without being persecuted for being homophobic.
Mr Jahjah certainly has a point here. Not only Muslims are not allowed to voice all their opinions. Only last week the French parliamentarian Christian Vanneste was sentenced in court to a heavy fine because he had stated that “homosexual behaviour endangers the survival of humanity” and that “heterosexuality is morally superior to homosexuality.” Earlier last month a majority in the European Parliament called for sanctions against Poland and the Baltic states because their governments are said to be “homophobic.” In the Netherlands access to certain jobs in the civil service is effectively denied to anyone religious (be it Christian or Muslim) who refuses to participate in concluding same-sex marriages. And the EU wants to force doctors to perform abortions and euthanasia because, it says, the right to conscientious objection is not “unlimited.”
Freedom of speech
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:23.
Why should freedom of speech be afforded to you? Muslims run around Europe acting like wild dogs. Europeans allow you to live and work on such a beautiful continent and how do you show your gratitude? You freak out over cartoons. You and your religion belong in the desert, now go back.
to Patriot from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:28.
nonsense words and no reply as usual or empty words as we say in arabic....
iam not living in your contintent and i encourage my friends who are in USA to return home and tehy will as you make it hell fo rthem to live...enjoy your continent for yourself..we have our homeland .just get out of it .
hey chines ninja who the japanese fuck your
Submitted by bashar on Sun, 2006-02-05 17:27.
mom can not get mohamed is dead...but jesus is been screwd on the cross up till now look to the cross hang on teh waal look ot veru well see how the cross is entering his ass going out of his head...
remind you that the japanese id so with teh chinese people in chian when they invaded them
ask your momy of your are not from japanese father ahhhhhh that is why you know how to play karate to kick your soory father ass
the japanese father you do not know
to nermin
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:39.
I know you're not talking about my continent because we wouldn't tolerate your nonsense. Sooner or later Europe will wake up and close its borders to dogs from the middle east.
to patriot from nermin( you are patriot in ugly words only)
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:48.
is that what you are only able of .ugly are a patriot in ugly words only.
i asked for a reply but you failed as usual.
anyway in arabic we say whoever say ugly bad words.teh bad words turn around an dreturn to the one who said them.
thi sappkly to you mr.
saying bad ugly words is weakness because there i sno more easier tahn exchanging ugly words.while logic words or replies are most difficult .to you of course
Thank God I have many Muslim
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:12.
Thank God I have many Muslim friends, so I know that the majority of Muslims are not like Nermin. Oh, so prejudiced and full of hatred. How sad it must be to live like that.
guys i am back any comments
Submitted by bashar on Sun, 2006-02-05 05:31.
hey i am back
to done from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:19.
if you say that majority o f muslims are fine people so why you are dripping with hatrede agaisnt them. and why you fail to reply to any of my words Mr..
iam not your friend and never will be.
Mr. Nermin
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 22:51.
Ha ha, no I know you're not my friend and never will be. But still, the majority of Muslims are good people. So many so different from you, Nermin, they laugh at you, don't you know?
and they
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:52.
nearluy missed the frensh embassy time to reflection...but keep teh boycot
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:31.
then why you do not accept us to speak and protest yet no embassie been bombed or newspaper building oh yeahhh we are muslims we have no right to protest
bashar for your information the embassy of Dk was fired
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:37.
you are late.
embassy of denmark was fired in syria.
yah allulaehyahiashshd
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:51.
tes dick i noticed that is bad i mean it....
Embassy alight
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:50.
... and Norway.
Bob Doney
Oppressive Laws
Submitted by truth serum on Sat, 2006-02-04 03:47.
Being American I have been agast at the loss of freedom of speech in Europe. It is insane to prosecute someone for saying something defined as homophobic.
During this whole cartoon affair I have never believed for one second that the Muslims did not have the right to be offended. They did. What I had a problem with is their insistance that the newspaper be prosecuted for it.
American journalist H.L. Mencken had it right.
“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”
In America we still have to deal with the KKK. They are a white racist group that is still FREE to say the most demeaning and disqusting things about black people. Black people are the most offended at their remarks of course, but it is shunned and criticized by nearly everyone.
nobody remember the budhas of afghanistan?
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 19:18.
nobody remember when talibans destroyed those budhas made in the rock of a mountain ?
i hasnt seen any budhist burning islamic embassies,ahh wait budhist are civilizated.
islamics are barbarics idiots,right,i had forgot.
they claim respect but they dont respect others
they need to be deported from europe already.
they will be happy in iran syria etc..
please fellow europeans deport all muslisms from europe, and ban that idiot religion.
i hope lepen win in france and send them all to middle east.
to poor halleluya from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 19:33.
do you compare statues made of rock to human to a great prophet who is alive after more than 1400 of his is clear that these budh doesn't means anything to those who follow him ..and if we were depicting our prophets in rock statues like idols...go and break them as you like but we don't because we are civilized people do full our mosques with photos or status or rocks .
another thing Mr fool, Hindu worship and bless cows and donot eat it and make traffic stop if a cow is just crossing the street while tehy know very well that this cows is slaughtered every seconds and in every part of the world to be eaten..
by the way Muslims preserved the pharonic monuments in Egypt an din all countries they entered mr fool.
Who Built the Seven Gates of Theben
Submitted by mcmee on Sun, 2006-02-05 20:35.
Kerima Nermine.
The muslims were not better or worse than all the rest of the world was in the past when it came to preserving monuments of other societies - they all were just barbarians and pillagers.The rulers of Al Qahira took the stones of the pyramids to build their palaces, their mosques and madressas and their defending walls. That seemed to be fair in those days. Fullstop. The rest of the monuments was covered by desert sand at it were european scientists who explored them (and robbed their treasures) firstly.
But things have changed and educated enlightened citizens of the world like Dr. Hawaz regardless of what religious conviction altogether try to save what has not been ruined by neglection in the past.
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:02.
go and break them as you like but we don't because we are civilized people do full our mosques with photos or status or rocks
It's not civilised to burn down the embassies of other countries. And it won't be funny when people are injured and killed because of reactions to the cartoons.
Bob Doney
to Mr Bob from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:18.
And it Is not funny to abuse quran in guantanmo jail and deny it ,then admit it .then do nothing.and it isnot nice tah a church in USA hang a note inviting people to insult quran on the high way.and it is not decent that quran is insulted in Israel.and it isnot nice at all to destroy half mosques of elfaloga city by Americans and convert them into militant points.
It is also not funny that the news paper make a competition to draw foolish cartons after so many refused to do that knowing exactly what it was doing.
And it is not also funny that 5 European countries go in a competition to publish these drawings after all outrage it made in a very childish attitudes.
I did not hear that anyone injured in any attacks against any embassies. only flag burning which is least of a thing.
Not funny
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:45.
I did not hear that anyone injured in any attacks against any embassies. only flag burning which is least of a thing
I agree. None of the things you listed is funny. But it was you who posted "haha" about the burning of the embassies.
You have not heard of anyone being injured yet. Only flag burning. Bear in mind there are ruthless people who want to escalate this situation. They will be quite happy to see people hurt and killed, because they seek confrontation and not peace and good relationships.
Bob Doney
Mr. Nermin
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:26.
Since you think it's fine attacking and burning down buildings, in which people live and work, will you please tell me, how you'd feel, if your embassy in Denmark was burned to the ground?
to Done from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:18.
If we Muslims did what you have is ok go and burn our flags and embassies. All Islamic countries condemned 11/9 immediately it happened although you are responsible for it by provoking those young men via your evil deeds which are a lot.
I ask you have you ever heard of any muslim whom you call extremist burn a bible or a torah or make mocking drawing of Christ of moses…despit of everything…
Have you ever heard that any Islamic country adopted ani sulting any religion, faith or ethnics group…have you ever heard about any jew suffering in Islamic country when they were living your knowledge there are still jewish communities live in all Islamic country. in Bahrain ,this small country one jew is in parliament too .
Four years ago in Egypt, a private newspaper published a true story about a corrupted deviated priests under the request of christains women who asked the journal for publishing these fact to warn other women from falling into the trap of this corrupted priest who was taking advantages of women who went to him or he goes to tehm in their houses to solve their problems concerning their personal affairs .then it turned that he was blackmailing those women by phtos and bad things you can imagine without saying..then what happen after publishing these things..
The Coptic church went in outrage and claimed that Coptic are oppressed and they went to USA asking support .for what for a true story.
The news paper was closed for long time .its editor is jailed to calm down the coptics..and although I am with publishing true stories especially when it is for the sake of people as in this story to warn others.
But the government itself interfered so as to seek cal and peace in the country between the Coptic and muslims….
I have just heard ,that Syrian police use tears bombs and all its effort against the demonstrators.not as you lied.
And so, now that you've
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:30.
And so, now that you've burned our embassy down and offended the Danish Nation in that way, you really think it's okay if we burn down yours in Denmark now?
It's OK
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:28.
If we Muslims did what you have is ok go and burn our flags and embassies.
And if someone inside the embassy dies, is that OK too?
Bob Doney
to mr Bob
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:40.
you say:And if someone inside the embassy dies, is that OK too?
as if no muslims get killed everyday by USA and its european collaition in iraq...
there is logic principal.which is if you want to kill me then i defended myself by killing you...i will not be punished as it is self defense not it..
so who start a things should bear the consequeances MR bob.
if we insult you ist and you went to fire our embassy and injured someone .ok we must bear the responsibility for that.
ben laden was stripped from his saudi nationality we do actions what do you want more than that.
still, i have not heard of any one injured.
Hello, it's not the allied
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:46.
Hello, it's not the allied killing Iraqis, it's some evil Muslims killing the innocent people of Iraq. Haven't they been through enough, you think?
Well, that's a bit naive,
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:27.
Well, that's a bit naive, don't you think? To say that the syrian police couldn't have stopped the demostrants if they had wanted to? As a matter of fact the Syrian foreign minister have apologised to the Danish foreign minister and admitted that something went wrong.
Come on, Mr. Nermin, get real.
to Done from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:33.
it is you who come on Mr get real..
at least here is an aplozy from the syrian foreign minsiter . good man is not he.what do you want more...we never hear the same from you.
then i cannot imagine your standrds .you want to do you want but you want our police and government to protect you /you want to do what you want and then you want us to not to burn your flag.
moreover, you want the demonstartors to check befor eburning any flag if it contains a cross on it or not.
what is that nonsense.
are you kids
Ehh, was your respond to me?
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:39.
Ehh, was your respond to me? I didn't get that. Try again.
But let me ask you then: What do you want from us? What would make you happy and stop all of this violence? For I just don't know. Have you been listening to Jyllandsposten, the Danish Government, the prime minister at all???
to nemin
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:39.
is the same paint cartoons that burn embasies ?
wow compare those two things is like compare apples with monkeys.
you are out of your mind.
dont think any european would tourist anymore to a muslim countr
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:34.
theyll be happy in middle east when nobody from europe go to muslim countries as tourists.
go to thailand and israel,two no muslim countries.good beaches and sun.
when they dont have jobs and cant come to europe to work is the best punishement for them.
let the muslims eat their own medicine.
Happy in the Middle East
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:59.
theyll be happy in middle east when nobody from europe go to muslim countries as tourists
Who will be happy? The extremists will be happy. More young Muslims will be unemployed and therefore open to influence by the radicals, who don't care about economic well-being. The idea that the West can "punish" Muslims without repercussions is a foolish one. And it's exactly what the radicals and extremists want. Don't play Bin Laden's game.
Bob Doney
Well, maybe it's time to
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:07.
Well, maybe it's time to play that game then. Nothing else is working. They justify violent actions over and over again. Actions that we would never permit.
Allowing demostrants to burn down a foreign embassy. Come on, what is this?
Time to ....
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 21:16.
Nothing else is working. They justify violent actions over and over again
It is time that we enforced our laws. Yesterday in London there were demonstrations in London with people holding placards with words like "kill" and "slay". That is a clear incitement to violence which is illegal under our laws. The police did nothing. I am against unnecessary provocation and misuse of free speech. But when are laws are broken, the police should act, no matter who is breaking them.
By not acting promptly and decisively against such rabble-rousers because of some misguided political correctness, the police are in fact jeopardising the very communities they seek to protect. Firm lines clearly drawn are what is required, and in fact are in the best interests of the majority of Muslims here in the UK.
Bob Doney
send the europpean tourist to israel
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:54.
specailly to gaza and the westbank for vacation
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:39.
I don't think they thought about that. Remember how extremely scared the Egyptians are every time a fundamentalistic Muslim kills tourists. Why? Not because they care about the tourists, but because the tourist industry is huge in Egypt. This will certainly effect their economy.
to poor nermin from halleluya
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 19:42.
i dont compare rocks with people
only says for budhism maybe is important and you dont respect it.
have you asked a bushist if bother them ?
if in your religion statues arent valids in other maybe yes,
Mr intolerant narmin.dont treat to everybody under your laws cause maybe they are diferents for others .
to halleluya from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:06.
when taliban broke these statues .i didnot hear any buhdism to protest or show any anger but it was th ewest who protested ..then again no comparison because taliban was isolated from most islamic countries...
no one supported them when they did that.
in my opinion ,i would have given all these stutes to those who care for them if it bother me.
you are the one who want to treat everyone under his own arrogant laws
Undrestanding history and democracy
Submitted by ROSS on Sat, 2006-02-04 03:43.
I am a non Arab Muslim from
Australia . I think most of these disputes among people especially young generation are because of lack of studying history and understanding the true democracy. If you read the history of Islam and Christianity you find them so similar in their basis. You have to read about holly wars made by Christians up to 19th century to forth other nations become Christians even by torching and mass killing them. You can find this happened all around the world from North America to South America, from Australia to Asia and in
Africa .
Nobody can deny the mass killing of American Indians and indigenous Australian by Christian missioners supported by the troops of European monarchies sent to all around the world. There are lots of historic documents in this regard. You have to know about the Christian missioners forcing people to give up their own religion and convert to Christianity.
Holly war that time meant this. There fore you would find both Islam and Christianity the same in this matter.
But now the world has changed. There are neither Islamic troops nor Christians. All we are talking about democracy and freedom of speech. But don’t forget that the democracy means the respect to the minorities. If you are in the majority and vote for a law, the minority must obey but the point is it will not be a democracy as long as you don’t respect the communities and minorities.
In your country if the Muslims are in minority they have to obey the law made by majority. But at the same time you must respect the minority’s religious or all other their respected beliefs. That is the point.
In my origin country,
Iran , there is a fake democracy. But there are a minority of Christians which are really respected by people and no body of majority Muslims insults or disrespects Jesus. It is a humanitarian morality to respect other people who we are living with. No matter of which race or religion.
Democracy should be both in law and in our minds. It must come with the respect to minorities. If so, it would be the true democracy.
to disagree and speak up is allowed to kill someone no
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 02:28.
those islamic people complain cause they cant talk about gays or whatever and they go to jail
well if better go to jail than be killed by a fanatic
like that dutch movie director.
there is a big diference.
everything at its place
Submitted by mcmee on Sun, 2006-02-05 19:41.
Muhammad is not Allah.
Muhammad is not the private property of any muslim.
Muhammad is a dead man since 14 centuries.
No real muslim can claim to be personally insulted by cartoons showing Muhammad in a way he is taken in as hostage by bombing extremists. Because those cartoons were not meant for him.
Get your peaceful, islamic society in order altogether and the reason for such cartoons will be inapplicable.
Do not listen to those who will always find new reasons for a new djihad.
Do fully accept that secularisation is a basic pillar of the global democratic system - not forgetting or ommitting traded values of religions.
The cartoons are lacking some respect, admitted. But nothing more.
You peaceful guys may cut hands off or stone your people for certain offences of what you believe you should do or think the Kor'an tells you to do - in your countries, if this is common law and applies all citizens' traditions.
But what you cannot do is - forget to be a member of the United Nations of this world having signed (your leaders did this for you) treaties and agreements, having formed International Law together with all other nations that are so easy to forget about when feeling hurt.
You may be proud of yourself and of a just belief.
But no one is to kill others because he feels hurt - even in a war this is still a crime to me.
No muslim has been killed by the cartoons - and I hope will not in the run of this dispute.
A century ago the burning of a national flag might have caused similar feelings to Europeans. Some unfortunately still live there and might think about an adequate revenge of burning the Kor'an...
We had to learn through two desastreous wars that we can only prosper in peace and openess and sometimes have to set our personal feelings aside that might have been hurt just by mere misunderstanding.
Western society is now in its 5th century of secularisation that started by critizising the methods of the (ruling) Catholic Church. It was the renaissance of science, the beginn of freedom of mind.
No one in the west I think really wants to go back to the time before where crusaders fought for the "freedom of christianity" with swords in their hands.
Doing it just only with a sharp pen writing or painting - that is another level in the evolution of human society.
This always only really hurts those who feel to be meant. And it is often just those who fight for keeping their power by stating religious truths, provoking their devouts.
Look at the ones screaming, it is them who might lose control about the masses, soon.
The bible was read in latin language for centuries, so the Kor'an's words are only valid in Arabic. What might this be for?
Start to think your own, do not fall victim to the insinuators.
Then you will realize that these cartoons are a trifle. Try to get along with them. Try to understand their purpose.
We may discuss about its good or bad taste, yes - but that's it. Fullstop.