Jihad Against Danish Newspaper


Islam is no laughing matter. The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is being protected by security guards and several cartoonists have gone into hiding after the newspaper published a series of twelve cartoons (see  them all here, halfway the article) about the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. Muslim fundamentalists have threatened to bomb the paper’s offices and kill the cartoonists.

The newspaper published the cartoons when a Danish author complained that he could find no-one to illustrate his book about Muhammad. Jyllands-Posten wondered whether there were more cases of self-censorship regarding Islam in Denmark and asked twelve illustrators to draw the prophet for them. Carsten Juste, the paper’s editor, said the cartoons were a test of whether the threat of Islamic terrorism had limited the freedom of expression in Denmark.

The publication led to outrage among the Muslim immigrants living in Denmark. 5,000 of them took to the streets to protest. Muslim organisations have demanded an apology, but Juste rejects this idea: “We live in a democracy. That’s why we can use all the journalistic methods we want to. Satire is accepted in this country, and you can make caricatures,” he said. The Danish imam Raed Hlayhel reacted with the statement: “This type of democracy is worthless for Muslims. Muslims will never accept this kind of humiliation. The article has insulted every Muslim in the world.”

Flemming Rose, the cultural editor at the newspaper, denied that the purpose had been to provoke Muslims. It was simply a reaction to the rising number of situations where artists and writers censored themselves out of fear of radical Islamists, he said. “Religious feelings cannot demand special treatment in a secular society,” he added. “In a democracy one must from time to time accept criticism or becoming a laughingstock.”

The affair, however, has also led to a diplomatic incident. On Thursday the ambassadors of eleven Muslim countries, including Indonesia, a number of Arab states, Pakistan, Iran, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, complained about the cartoons in a letter to Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. They say the publication of the cartoons is a “provocation” and demand apologies from the newspaper.

Jyllands-Posten was also included on an al-Qaeda website listing possible terrorist targets. An organisation which calls itself “The Glorious Brigades in Northern Europe” is circulating pictures on the internet which show bombs exploding over pictures of the newspaper and blood flowing over the national flag of Denmark. “The Mujahedeen have numerous targets in Denmark – very soon you all will regret this,” the website says.

Meanwhile in Brussels a young Muslim immigrant published a poster depicting the Virgin Mary with naked breasts. Though the picture has drawn some protest from Catholics (though not from Western embassies, nor from the bishops), this artist need not fear being murdered in the street. On the contrary, he is being subsidised by the Ministry for Culture.


Cartoon Case Escalates into International Crisis,  27 October 2005

Out of the Iranian Frying Pan into the Danish Fire, 29 October 2005

Pigs Do Not Fly, 17 November 2005

Bounty Offered for Murdering Cartoonists, 4 December 2005

UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists, 7 December 2005

Dispatch from the Eurabian Front, 9 December 2005

Europe Criticises Copenhagen over Cartoons, 21 December 2005

Cartoon Case: EU and UN Call Denmark to Account, 28 December 2005

Danish Cartoon Affair: Letter from a Muslim, 31 December 2005

Danish Muslims Divided over Cartoon Affair
, 8 January 2006

Danish Prime Minister Shocked at Lies, 11 January 2006

Scandinavian Update: Israeli Boycott, Muslim Cartoons, 14 January 2006

Denmark: Moderate Muslims Oppose Imams, 19 January 2006

Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Case, 22 January 2006

European Appeasement Reinforces Muslim Extremism, 24 January 2006

Norway Apologizes over Muhammad Cartoons, 27 January 2006

Cartoon Paper Justifies Itself to Saudis, 29 January 2006

Cartoon Rage: Vikings Warned to Leave Palestine, 30 January 2006

Buy Danish. Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark, 30 January 2006

Danish Paper Apologizes. Dutch Cartoon on Its Way, 31 January 2006

Take Note Cardiff: We Are All Danes Now, 1 February 2006

France Soir Backs Down. Others Stand Firm, 2 February 2006

"The War Is On", 3 February 2006

British Appease While Moderate Muslims Speak Out, 4 February 2006

Cartoon War Leads to Role Reversal, Makes First Victim, 4 February 2006

Danish Muslims Rebel Against Imams, 5 February 2006

Appeasing Oslo Strikes at Press, Al-Guardian Strikes at Danes, 7 February 2006

The Cartoon Hoax, 7 February 2006

BBC Admits Fatal Negligence, 7 February 2006

Cartoons in Egypt Last October, 9 February 2006

Some Light in the Darkness, 10 February 2006

More and More Moderate Muslims Speak Out in Denmark, 13 February 2006

Muslims Create Islamophobes, Then Want Islamophobes Punished, 14 February 2006

Dutch Vexed with Solana. Europeans Quarrel over Cartoons, 16 February 2006

Jesus Christ Sacks Minister over Muhammad, 18 February 2006

Dairy Producer Who Boycotted Israel Gets Boycotted by Muslims, 19 February 2006

Turkey on Collision Course with Europe, Demands Danish Apologies, 24 February 2006

Turkey Denies Demanding Danish Apologies. Finns Fire Editor, 25 February 2006

Danish Cartoons International, 2 March 2006

Cartoon Case: Denmark Will Not Prosecute, 16 March 2006

Muslims Take Cartoon Case to UN's "Allah" Commission, 18 March 2006

“Danish Queen Masterminded Muhammad Cartoon Affair”, 2 October 2006

Danish Victory: Radical Imam Leaves! 10 November 2006

Let the “House of War” Prepare for War, 14 February 2008



Re: Why do You think...........

"...because in turkey we learnt to live together....muslims,christians and jewishs"

You did! You do! Hmm! Then why do the Armenians (christians mind you)keep complaining about the genocide. You know
if not ask some older Turkish people. April 24th 1915 is memorialzed as Genocide Memorial Day by Armenians everywhere. ( And no I am not Armenian, but I do know a lot about the Middle East, and my father was amilitary attache.

"Armenians were known as the "loyal millet". During these times, although Armenians were not equal and had to put up with certain special hardships, taxes and second class citizenship, they were pretty well accepted and there was relatively little violent conflict. Things began to change for a number of reasons. Nationalism, a new force in the world, reared its head and made ethnic groupings self-conscious, and the Ottoman Empire began to crumble. It became known as "the sick man of Europe" and the only thing holding it together was the European powers' lack of agreement on how to split it up. " *1

"The now leaderless Armenian people were to follow. Across the Ottoman Empire (with the exception of Constantinople, presumably due to a large foreign presence), the same events transpired from village to village, from province to province. As other Christian minorities gained their independence one by one, the Armenians became more isolated as the only major Christian minority. Armenians and Turks began to have conflicting dreams of the future. Some Armenians began to call for independence like the Greeks and others had already received, while some Turks began to envision a new Pan-Turkic empire spreading all the way to Turkic speaking parts of Central Asia. Armenians were the only ethnic group in between these two major pockets of Turkish speakers and the nationalist Turks wanted to get rid of them altogether. *2

As European powers began to ask for assurances that Armenians receive better treatment, the government began to treat the Armenians worse and worse. From 1894-6 hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in the Hamidian Massacres ordered by Sultan Abdul Hamid II. *3

A coup by 'progressive' Young Turks in 1908 replacing the Sultans government was supported by Armenians. Unfortunately, promised reforms never came, and in fact a triumvirate of extreme Turkish nationalists took complete dictatorial control, Enver, Jemal and Talat. It was they who masterminded the plan to completely eradicate the Armenian race in a step towards fulfilling their pan-Turkic dreams. *4

The remarkable thing about the following events is the virtually complete cooperation of the Armenians. For a number of reasons they did not know what was planned for them and went along with "their" government's plan to "relocate them for their own good." First, the Armenians were asked to turn in hunting weapons for the war effort. Communities were often given quotas and would have to buy additional weapons from Turks to meet their quota. Later, the government would claim these weapons were proof that Armenians were about to rebel. The able bodied men were then "drafted" to help in the wartime effort. These men were either immediately killed or were worked to death. Now the villages and towns, with only women, children, and elderly left were systematically emptied. The remaining residents would be told to gather for a temporary relocation and to only bring what they could carry. The Armenians again obediently followed instructions and were "escorted" by Turkish Gendarmes in death marches. *5

The death marches led across Anatolia, and the purpose was clear. The Armenians were raped, starved, dehydrated, murdered, and kidnapped along the way. The Turkish Gendarmes either led these atrocities or turned a blind eye. Their eventual destination for resettlement was just as telling in revealing the Turkish governments goal: the Syrian Desert, Der Zor. Those who miraculously survived the march would arrive to this bleak desert only to be killed upon arrival or to somehow survive until a way to escape the empire was found. Usually those that survived and escaped received assistance from those who have come to be known as "good Turks," from foreign missionaries who recorded much of these events and from Arabs. " *6

You of course have let that slip your mind it seems. No matter I have helped you remember. You know the genocide that came to be after Ataturk came to power. They fled everywhere to Palestine, to America, to Great Britain, to Germany.. everywhere.

That is alright then. Now you remember. Glad to have helped you.

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!


I just saw the petition http://www.petitiononline.com/DENMUS/petition.html and I think we should all sign it. We need to express that it is not proper for ppl in a far-away country to publish mild cartoons commenting political islam and self-censorship, because they have to take into account that there are others who cannot stomach mild criticism, and have no concept of satire nor irony.

yea sure jawad is a coward!

if you are sick of muslims you should probably migrate to space because for your info you will meet them everywhere.islam is the fastest growing religion right now. you are just been a coward by being intolerant to islam,the muslims too condenmed the terrorist attack and muslim extremist are different from muslims. just as hitler doesnt represent christianity anywayz who needs you in Jordan u beta GET OUT!

Western arrogance with a jigger of stupidity

I can see you'll smug smirks as you write your ignorant comments. I think the arrogance and the egotistical superiority complex of the west is most evident when showing their ass. Why can’t we respect the worship of others that differ from ourselves? Are we not civilized? Don’t we want to live in peace with different cultures? Does everyone have to be cloned in our image to be acceptable? Is this world going crazy?

God cartoons

I am a Christian and I love Jesus. When I see something on TV or in print that portrays Him in a disrespectful way it is hurtful to me. But my Jesus teaches to "love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who despitefully use and persecute you", so that's what I do.

to M Little from nermin about god cartoons

so here you are the only christian n this world..tell me how many christian apply what you ..oh there is even more of what you said there if someone has beaten you on yyour righ cheek turn th eleft to him too...where i sthat...christianty history is bloody and dark .never mercy ,never love, no compassion.where is christianty?


You always do this. First make people get aggessive against you and then point them and cry "They are attacking me". Now, who will be responsible for possible further reactions or maybe attacks? Not only the journalists or cartoon artists, but also the european so called "democrats" should learn how to respect to one's rights. Anyone's freedom is "limited" by the others'. You can not blame anyone for his reaction after you hurt him. Even physically or emotionally.
That is not a matter of how to be developed or how rich a country (or a person) is. It is the matter of maturation. And not anyone can be called a "mature" person unless he protects the rights of others.
Be sure that Muslims protect the rights of the believers of Jesus, Moses, Budha and even non-believers better than all they do for each other. There was not an expression as "islamic terrorism" before the USA planned to attack Afghanistan and Iraq to settle between Russia and China and get oil from middle east. Now muppets are trying to make a baseline to attract the european countries to the alliance that will attack to Iran, maybe in a couple season. First step is to make Laden angry (or make people believe this. Laden is a pawn of Bush) and make him commit suicide attacks in anywhere in europe. So common sense and peace voices will settle down.
Europe !
Do not harm yourself. Do not let people make you scared of others by stupid things like "islam terror" or "Jihad screams". In fact there is no "others".
We all have 46 chromosomes. We are all homo saphiences. We all eat, drink, walk, laugh, cry, believe, love, live and die. Do not let muppets and pawns represent you.
Be respectful ! Fulfill the meaning !


u know

there is something good..
this Danish hatred toward our prophet
gathers us and remind us of the greatness of Mohammed..now we love Him more and more,,
do not apologize for us..we do not need that..
u present a big gift showing us how much do u hate islam..
now it is clear who is our enemy..
violene comes from ur hearts ..

laughing at Muslims
showing ur hatred..
very very poor people..
very kind.deeds need more kind reactions

To Bano... Ahhh!

Bano Ahhh! I see.. and between India and what became Pakistan ( Pure Land) there was love, delights and solace, no incitements, no atrocities.. nothing untoward during partition .. yes! No trouble later on with the Bangladeshi... also what was then East Pakistan. Every thing was fine.. and you shared your togetherness with the little internecine war you held ..yes! Then....then all is well!

Khuda Hafiz!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us

I've had enough... I'm

I've had enough...

I'm danish and frankly I'm a bit pissed! Last night I watched the news and saw muslims burning our flag, in an effort to scare us into apologizing! I watched today, seeing muslims burning pictures of our Prime Minister, calling for jihad on Denmark. Obviously the apology from "Jyllands Posten" (the newspaper that brought the pictures) wasn't enough. Some muslims are demanding that our Prime Minister and King (eventhough we only have a Queen!) apologizes too. Oh yeah, they wan't our government to punish the newspaper too.

WHY can't they understand that our society doesn't work that way? We have freedom of speech and the newspaper can say what they want (in the confines of other legislation of course!). The Prime Minister has no such power!

Now some muslim countries are boycotting danish products. Well... They didn't eat and drink that much bacon and beer ;-)

i had enough seeing our

i had enough seeing our prophit been treated like that i had enough that the dan do not want to accept our boycott thay do not understand our way of living the dan with double standard they can make fun but feel upset about other ...and guess what live with this boycott it will hirt you dear dany dan

to u >>Mohammed is our lover

To you ..
to the star..
shining in the midst of night..
to the everlasting light..
to that brave knight..
to Him

I love you
Sorry for this small "I"
Indeed I mean a very large "we"..
Our love for you will never end
It is something bigger than words can tell
Not even the wide skies
Nor the big seas
Nothing can tell how we love
You, our great love..

We loved you when you were alone
Saying to the fathers stop this nonsense
That stone will never become a God!!
No one makes his lord!!
Look at the earth,the sky,
Look at the sun or the moon..
Look at yourselves and your lives
Everything is screaming:
There is no God but Allah
And I am His last prophet…

I am Human like you, like my previous brothers
Abraham, Jesus, and others..
But God has honored me to be His last prophet..

Oh, our prophet
Our candle..
Many, many thanks..
That never stands before your noble deeds..
You cure old ills by your kind will
By love and wisdom, some cases strength, too
..who could build a new nation as you do..
Allah is with you..
Even your worst enemy..
Knows and says
Mohammed is honest and truthful..
He promises:
Have money..
Have lordship..
Have sons .. have us..
Be a king, rich, be whatever you wish..
And stop..stop saying..
((there is no one but Allah))..
Since our fathers say there is..!!
Allah created us and if he wish he would guide us all!!
Abu-Lahab forgot
God shows the way leading to Him..
You refused the temptations
And chose pure

Our lover..
It was very hard to change black to white
Health...wealth...life, might be a high price
Janah-paradise-is the prize!!
Love is for you..
Peace be upon you..
Our souls are ready to leave for the sake of you..

cartoons----the real face of islam revealed

now now finally the whole muslim world(sic) has seen what the prophet looks like they must reconsider if they are still his followers,, maybe this will be a acceptable image of your god. I think it will be a good mode of publicity for the new face of islam

Who Told you?

Who told you that muslims are terrorists and they are violent,All of you know who said that?

The media and jweish media..!!

I want all of you to remmember before 11 September 2001 where was the word "Terror" ? Violent..!!?

It's now on every media /Ads /News..

Really The best way to punish the Danish.. is to stop dealing with them at all..

We have the top hand .. they need our money & hit our ISLAM so we will not going to support any of their thinking, Here's the answer "We'll stop dealing with them (or any one acts the same) and ISLAM will be ours FOREVER...)

This is completly surreal

As a Dane I must say that I’m watching how this case is developing with absolutely disbelief as it now has reached a completely surreal level.

How can some stupid caricatures cause such an outcry? They aren’t even particularly well made.

Born and bred and living in a modern well-functioning prosperous democracy with a free and open press, it is really hard to understand the hysteria these twelve ludicrous caricatures have caused.

I can assure any Muslims out there, that none of these caricatures were meant as an insult to Islam or Mohammed.
I read the newspaper the day they were published and didn’t even really notice them and neither did most Danes.
In the public debate in this country satire, irony, sarcasm and humour are all legal means and widely used and accepted to get the message across. In the past I’ve seen many way harsher caricatures of e.g. authorities, politician and the Queen.
In 1984 an artist even did a huge mural of Jesus with an erect penis. This caused a bit of a stir and some heated debate about the artistic right to freedom of expression for some time. As the mural was done in a train station it was eventually painted over, but the artist wasn’t fined or jailed or anything – the public simply found it to be a bit too much.

In this light the caricatures should be seen and were they meant – as a mean to facilitate debate and NOT to insult Muslims and their faith.

I think this ongoing free and open debate has helped strengthening both our society, democracy and Christian faith immensely.


Insulting peoples religion is "FREEDOM", use it !!!!

If someone is laughing at me,I won't be happy but I think I can handle it, if someone is laughing at my father or brother, I'll be more angry and I don't know if I can handle it or not. But for sure, when someone is laughing at a religious symbol that is the pillar of what I belive that's the very reason of my existence, then my reaction won't be calm and I will not consider it as freedom of speech, YOU'RE NOT FREE TO INSULT , You're free to talk , to criticise, to show your anger but not to insult.
You've the right to Criticise my religion, the same way I have the right to Criticise yours, but we both don't have the right to insult each other. I'm not considering this freedom....

From a danish guys point of view

12 cartoons, the whole f*cking world is on it's toes! Sh**t!!

If there where no freedom of speech in Denmark, there would be far less moslems - after all thats mostly the reason for them living here!

If there was no moslems in Denmark - Whom would a newspaper in Denmark offend? I don't believe the Arabian Countries have Jyllands-posten dumped in their mailbox, or do they??

The cartoon was meaningless some say, hmm, maybe they're right... But then again in my believe so is - terrorattacks, fanatism, circumcision, holy or religious wars, and dictatory regimes!

Peace out...

was it really for fun???!

well..ofcoz i shall start with my disappointment over the whole drawing thingy....as my title says....wat it really for fun???
..i still cant get it....if they needed to draw somethin.....there are lots of funny things that could drawn..but no.... they wanna draw the Prophet's face...i'm not gonna start swearing around coz i find it even hard to abtain my anger right now... they were doin it purposely...they wanna start a war with the muslims.. but i warn them to think twice before the start...coz they might be suprised at what muslims could....it was a really sick thing to do....what if the muslims draw a sick picture of the "the father"... or what-ever the name is??....i'm sure it would wipe out the smile on your faces,wouldnt it????!!....so... the better they mind there bussiness the safer they are...

Well you are free to say

Well you are free to say what you want but i support the arab boycott for all the danish products ... after all you have offended every muslim on this planet and everyone is free to react for wat may offend him.

Let everyone take the responsibility for his actions ... denmark will lose billions after 10 or more major wealthy arab countries stopped importing danish products :)

Re: Delusional muslim Dreams for Germany

You are so far off the mark on many things, One who has no son and probably never will. As for the Germany Fellowship, they are nice people and after WWII bend over backwards to be nice to everyone. Lest cretins like you run up and down the street yelling NAZI at the top of their lungs wildy gesticulating. Well ,actually One who will never have a son, according the census figures of the German Government.
The population is 82,500,000 million strong. 34% are Protestant, that comes to 28,050,000 million people. 34% are Roman Catholic, that comes to 28,050,000 million people. 3.7% are muslims that comes to 3,052,500 million people. (you are off a few hundred thousand there...no problem). 28.3% of the people are "UNAFFILIATED OR OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS" which means there are 23,347,500 million of the people, that are Hindu, Bhuddist, Jain, Zoroastrian, Norse religionist, Agnostics, Atheists etc.
Of that 82,500,000 million people 91.5 % of the population is German, comes to 75,497,500 million people. 6.1% of the population is comprised largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, a few Chinese, some Japanese, some few Tibetans and Nepalese, which makes 3,950,000 million people which added to the previous population count accounts for 79,447,500 million people. Which leaves us with a grand total of 3,052,000 million muslims for the population ( 1,980,000 - almost 2 million alone come from Turkey)comprising 2.4% of the 3.7% of the population of the muslims, being Turkish, Which leaves the remaining 1.3% of the muslim population coming from various islamic countires around the world and what miniscule amount of germans, etc. you could bullshit into becoming muslims. Well there you have it. That fastest growing religion being imported mostly from their own homelands. The Internet portal Qantara.de promotes dialogue with the Islamic world. The project is funded by the German Foreign Office. Good relations are promoted all around because after all there are all those disenfranchised muslims doing day laborer and other really crappy jobs, in Germany today. Guest workers if I remember correctly is what many of them are called. Yes, there are many muslims that come from decent families there, opening restaurants and shops living peacefully. Policemen, doktors, accountants. Good people. One of the men who was on the planes that crashed into the World Trade center in New York, had been a student in Germany, his brother and uncle owning a restuarant and shop, he left a wife in a hospital all so he could get to his 72 virgins. He had a very pretty wife, whom he lied to. Relatives he lied to. Muslims are such liars. The German government promotes such events to ease tensions. If you think you will make vast inroads into the German population converting and becoming muslims in droves then you have about as much chance of getting elected President of the United States, One who will never have a son. That is so not going to happen. They are being polite you dim bulb. When Israeli officials show up for important meetings, they are very polite with them also. They cooperate and share information etc. German officials have attended sensitivity training sessions before. There is about as much chance that they will convert to judaism as there is to islam. They are trying to explain to the people why some of you look so strange and freaky walking around all smothered up from head to toe. German women are way too fashionable to go out looking like that. And in the land of weiner scniztel, good german beer, bratwurst, knockwurst, westphalian ham, liebfraumilch and rhone, much less the delightful mai wein. They are going to give that up for your religion..Ohhhh! Get a life! So not happening. Now they will read the pamphlets and listen and ask some questions. They will nod their heads and talk of unity, brotherhood yadada yada yakety smakety blah blah blah. Burgermeisters are great at speeches! Very uplifting! Some make look closer at the booklets. But the majority will toss it in the trash cans before they leave. Germans can be very neat you see. Some will toss them in the trash cans at home, some will toss them in the glove compartments and then toss them out after they clean out their automobile. Some will use them to help light the fires in the fireplaces, good paper always a help to burn, a good fire. I never throw away anything that can burn nicely in my fireplace. So cozy a good fire in the fireplace. Sitting there enjoyin anice glass of cognac or schnapps before the fire!. Some will write papers for school, after submitting them and the report toss them in the trash. After is all over and done with. Oh ja, you will make loads of converts there by god! SNAP OUT OF IT! Delusional damned muslim!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Loki and Fenris he is yours!

Submitted by Shero (not

Submitted by Shero (not verified) on Sun, 2006-01-29 22:33.
Well you are free to say what you want but i support the arab boycott for all the danish products ... after all you have offended every muslim on this planet and everyone is free to react for wat may offend him.

Let everyone take the responsibility for his actions ... denmark will lose billions after 10 or more major wealthy arab countries stopped importing danish products :)

thats quite interesting, muslims continually make a point of arguing that it is wrong to generalise and say ,for example, that all muslims are terrorists, simply because some fanatics are.

and yet everyone finds it to be totally acceptable that an entire nation is being sanctioned because of what a single newspaper har printed.
several organisations have even filed with the UN hoping to inflict further sanctions.

talk about generalising.

of course they weren't

of course they weren't muslims. a muslim would never do a thing like that. Or if he did it it must be a good thing. In other words, he is always right, always good, always insulted, always in a position of self-defense, always exploited, always discriminated against, always tolerant, always open .... you go on for me ...


I have reviewed what some of the news agencies dealt with concerning the Danish news agency Jyllands-Posten had published, which I believe it to be a heinous mistake and dreadful deviation from the path of justice, reverence and equality. The said agency published 12 cartoon caricatures on the 30th of September, 2005, ridiculing Mohammed , the messenger of Islam. One of these cartoons pictures Allah's Messenger PBUH, wearing a turban that resembles a bomb wrapped around his head. What a pathetic projection!

I was extremely saddened to read such news.
I personally visited the site of the agency on the net.
I examined the size of the blundering scandal it was. On Sept 29th, 2005 issue of , Jyllands-Posten, I saw and read dreadful news and cartoons.
The news and the cartoons were horrifying and extremely disturbing to me.

I believe al Muslims who read, viewed or learned about this news were equally saddened, disappointed and disturbed. All criticized such work and felt awful and dismayed about it. Similarly, I do believe that all sane and wise people, I believe, would feel the same about it.

The contemporary world is witnessing today great much confusion all over. Innocent blood is being shed. Innocent lives are being harvested by oppression and transgression. We are in utmost need to spread peace, justice and love all over the world. We need to call for the respect and reverence of all Divine and heavenly Messages and Scriptures. By doing so, we would be able to preserve the divine messages and demonstrate love, appreciation and reverence to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the Almighty to this world.
We would further help to preserve the souls, honor and belongings of all mankind all-over-the-world. We would further demonstrate the respect and honor of the human rights all over the world.

The claim of Jyllands-Posten newspaper that they allow, promote and practice freedom-of-speech, by publishing cartoons ridiculing Mohammed the Prophet of Islam, is a non-convincing claim. All worlds' constitutions and international organizations insist on and demand to respect all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the Almighty. Moreover, they confirm the necessity to respect the Divine Messages, respect others and do not attack the privacy, dignity and honor and principles of others.

In the International World Federation Council of media and press people, it is stated:

) Media people must be alert of risks that may arise as a result of prejudice and discrimination implied by the media. The Council would exert every possible effort to avoid being involved in such calls, which are based on prejudice and religion, sex or other social differences discrimination.
A media man may commit a dangerous professional deviation such as: claiming other's work, ill-interpretation of facts, false accusations of others, condemning others for no basis, accusing others with their integrity and honor for no sound basis or accepting bribes to either publish or prevent the publishing of specific materials.
A noteworthy media-person should believe that it is their duty to give an honest attention to the aforementioned items, and through the general framework of the law in each country.)
Therefore, we also base our opinion and/or statements herein on an honest and sound media proclamation requesting the Danish newspaper to apologize for what they did. The proclamations states: "The media person would exert every possible effort to correct, modify any published information that he/she noticed that they are inaccurate and/or harmful to others."

Undoubtedly, what the Danish newspaper; Jyllands-Posten published is harmful not only for more than two hundred thousand Danish citizen, but also to more than one-billion-three-hundred-million Muslims along with others who are fair and just people. All these hurt people honor, respect and love Mohammed the Prophet. This action will continue to hurt and harm all Muslims so long we live on the face-of-this-earth. Denmark, if does not deal with this problem on a fair ground, will also continue to be a source of harm and convulsion to many Muslims. This is because of the mentality of some Danish individuals who are anti-prophets, messengers and divine messages.

We would like to remind also with the decree which the Human Rights Agency in the United Nations adopted on the 12th of April, 2005. This decree insisted on the ban of distortions and vicious attacks against religions and especially Islam; which had been strongly attacked in the last few years.

Finally, I would like to inform you that all Muslims will certainly stop their commercial business dealing with Denmark until they openly and officially apologize for the shameful attack to the person of Allah's Messenger SAAW by Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

Don't get it

I would like to inform you that all Muslims will certainly stop their commercial business dealing with Denmark until they openly and officially apologize for the shameful attack to the person of Allah's Messenger SAAW by Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

You don't get it, do you? Denmark isn't ONE thing. It's a society made up of millions of INDIVIDUALS. Some will agree with the newspaper. Some won't. To boycott companies just because they are located in Denmark the country is ludicrous. Boycotts rarely work anyway and usually end up hurting innocent people who had nothing to do with the quarrel anyway. Like Muslim traders and shopkeepers. Very compassionate policy, to be sure!

Bob Doney

I agree the reaction was a bit ludicrous

I do believe some of the cartoons were offensive - the one featuring the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban comes to mind. Having said that, to conceive of this incident as an all-out war against Islam seems to me an overstatement. Similarly, to imagine that the government was responsible, and therefore had to issue a public apology - that too was ridiculous. Remember, this is not a government-run newspaper. So yes, I'd agree the reaction was a over the top, but at the same time I think it's important that we exercise a bit of restraint in our judgement of Muslims (and Islam) in this comment thread, lest we be accused of the same lack of nuance that we denounce in others.

I agree the reaction was a bit ludicrous

I do believe some of the cartoons were offensive - the one featuring the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban comes to mind. Having said that, to conceive of this incident as an all-out war against Islam seems to me an overstatement. Similarly, to imagine that the government was responsible, and therefore had to issue a public apology - that too was ridiculous. Remember, this is not a government-run newspaper. So yes, I'd agree the reaction was a over the top, but at the same time I think it's important that we exercise a bit of restraint in our judgement of Muslims (and Islam) in this comment thread, lest we be accused of the same lack of nuance that we denounce in others.

I'm a muslim and I've read

I'm a muslim and I've read the cartoon.The more i read anti islamic materials the more i become religious and my faith in islam become stronger.I can see how the non muslim interpret islam withought understandin the quranic verses.I would make to make some comments on prophet marriage and some quranic verses.Prophet's marriage was with Khadeza who was 40 years old and prophet was 25 years old.He didnn't get married while Khadeja was alive.Infact,prophet was offered most beautiful ladies to give up his preaching.But he didn't accept that offer.He also married to widow women.He never married Ayesha for sexual desires.Marrying young girls at that time was common.He might have married Ayesha because of her intelligent and memorising quran and prophet sayings.If any chrisitan or jews accused prophet of doing such thing, i think they should open their holy books and find out about it.(Bible 31:17-18) "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

About drinking camels urine. Do you know where the Panadole or paracetamole comes from ? Search in google.

we muslim are the peaceful .We fight for justice. One reader said, we are the troublemaker. Yes we are, as long as you interfere with us. leave us alone,stop stealing our resources and don't try to make us english. We don't like your so called educated cultures where adultry,prositution,satanism,corruption are legal.In your cultures, you don't even bother when your daughter,sisters and wives sleeps around. Because you do the same thing.you people live like an animal.So,before you speak out against muslim please clean your animal habit.

Most of the Quranic verse mentioned in the cartoons are misinterpreted and answered can be found here

Why not get a Quran from your local library and read it yourself ? Islam is the fastest growing religion and it will be.
Because it is the truth .


In your cultures, you don't even bother when your daughter,sisters and wives sleeps around.

Now this is an interesting remark. Are you assuming that everyone you're addressing on here is a man? This gender bias is what will undo Islam. It seems that you assume that decision-makers and opinion-formers are male, that the men are in charge. Frankly, Muslim women are not going to put up with this for much longer. And then Islam will change in all sorts of positive ways.

Bob Doney

to Bob

let you from muslim women. iam one of them and proud of being so. islam gave women their right to inherit and to own and to divorce more than 1400 years ago while your churchs and countries still shaken and still putting their laws.

it is impossible to tach a

it is impossible to tach a proud persn. That is why there is no hope for Islam.

Islam doesnt need hope , coz

Islam doesnt need hope , coz it gives hope and peace to us . By the way, it instructs us to respect other religions and all prophets. This is invitation to you all to read reliable translation about Islam, just to improve your general information.

Christian in middle east

Christian in middle east don't have the freedom you have in the west, true or not true. They can hardly find a job, they are kidnapped, butchered, raped, their churches burnt by your terrorist coming from the heart of Saudia Arabia, from the where Islam started and spread by slaughtering nations and taxing their people if they want to stay alive.

Are there any lies at this web side, I don't think so. Current events are proving it.


Idiotic at its best...

So you western people think that every one has the right to INSULT anybody no matter what he is? i mean, can i insult your mothers and sisters? isn't this what you call *freedom of speech*? do you accept your family to be insulted because of freedom of speech? YOU WOULDNT ECCEPT IT.

hell yeah, I'm a muslim

hell yeah, I'm a muslim living in Jordan, and i cant wait to get to norway in order to convert

Improve your general information.

To all my non muslim friends..
please read about islam,prophet (peace be upon him and all other prophets)and quraan..you will not lose anything ..just afew minuits one time..
if not..
please stop hearting our feelings.

this is not a freedom of expression, this is rude.

i`m a muslim. i want to ask you in the name of "freedom of expression" if we printed the same drawings about the prophet Jesus, won`t it hurt the christian ppl feelings??
MUHAMMED lightened up the way for humanity. it`s IGNORANCE of you to draw such a great man in this rediculus rude way, IGNORANTS.

To Mostafa

You wrote : >>..i want to ask you in the name of "freedom of expression" if we printed the same drawings about the prophet Jesus, won`t it hurt the christian ppl feelings??<<

Answer: No. But it it´s kinda annoying watching our flag burn. That´s a new one for us danes.
But hey. First time for everything.

THEN You wrote: >>MUHAMMED lightened up the way for humanity. it`s IGNORANCE of you to draw such a great man in this rediculus rude way, IGNORANTS.<<

Answer to that MUST be : Holy crap.

Peace on earth. No really. Peace on earth.

to hansen

it hurt you seeing your flag burn it hurt us badly see our prophet been treated like that
period accept it and begin to see other market for your product

To all muslims, Here is some

To all muslims,

Here is some news for you, the whole 5.2 billion non-Muslim population of the world hates you...i mean really from US to Japan...they hate ur hopelessly uncivilized and backward culture..well not many people tell you on ur face in order to be politically correct, but make no mistake inside their homes everybody is having at a good laugh at your 'beheading-peadophilic-burqaclad-polygamos' culture...and ohh..the fastest growing religion - well we all know the reason, reproducing at the rates similar to virus

I say we start a real crusade

I say we start a real crusade, and Hindu-sade and Buddhist-ade--protecting our ways of life and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION-- the likes of which haven't been seen for hundreds of years. We should give this "peaceful religion" a reason to call a jihad.

That or just go with an alternate fuel source and leave you jack-asses to rot in your baron, desert "countries".

what i dont understand is

what i dont understand is how come those muslim nations NEVER raged when innocent hostages were held and beheaded?? where is your sensitivity? apparently selfishness has ruled....

Let's Talk...

Actually you would be wrong to assume that people in the middle east approve of all the beheadings. It is rather ignorant of you to assume so..simply for the mere fact that a large proportion of these people that were killed in these terrorist acts were BOTH muslim AND arab, and that the only reason they were beheaded was because a bunch of psycopaths sentenced them to death because they were trying to make a living by working for the U.S. armed forces in Iraq.

Now I do not know what the fuss is with all these cartoons, but I totally understand why muslims would feel offended by the cartoons; the one depicting the prophet with a bomb on his turban in particular. Now come on you guys..that WAS offensive anyway you put it!
Now I've personally seen a lot of cartoons and tv shows ridiculing the christ and jewish people, and I also DO find them rather offensive. Was the muslim reaction exaggerated? most probably..but you cannot ignore the fact that eventhough jyllands-posten excercised their law-protected right of freedom of expression, they DID exercise it rather too freely. As I am quite sure that it was never their intention to offend anyone.

To be honest I am quite appalled at the anti-islamic comments going around here. We westerners pride ourselves in being tolerant and non-discriminating..yet somehow reading through all these comments I saw a recurring pattern of phrases such as "muslim psychopaths", "pedophile prophet", "terrorist moslems", ..etc. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. As should all of you who referred to westerners as evil colonists or whatever.

Seriously...GROW UP! And instead of tossing disgusting racial statements here and there..let's try and actually DISCUSS the matter like civilized people.

Peace out!

Freedom or Racism?

This whole episode shows the type of feelings harbored by alot of westerners towards Islam and moslims. Let's face it, you guys hate us and you hate Islam.
Why do you hate us so much? personally, I'm sure that this hatred is born out of ignorance and media brain washing. I have to admit that there are a few of us that give a bad name to the religion, but that does not release you from the responsibility of seeking the truth for yourselves and making your own unbiased opinion.
Islam has always been the religion of peace, and the majority of moslims around the world do not condone violence. Islam also stands for so many other values that are treasured in the so called “civilized world”.
So please, stop stereo casting moslims, and try to learn more about the religion before you go around judging and hating some wonderful people.

Jesus and Mary and Mohamad peace be upon them all

People should know that in our religion it is not allowed to make fun of any prophet and anything against Jesus peace be upon him or his mother Mary also makes muslims sad as we worship Allah who sent all the prophets from Adam to Noah to Moses to Jesus to Mohamad peace be upon them all and thus our religion is being portrayed negativley...the stereotypes you are saying about Islam are NOT TRUE!

this is it

fuck all of you in denmark and fuck your artists they suck where is the art in those pictures?

Have some respect and manners we are in 2006!!
Respect prophits.All of them.

And keep your art for your fucking family if your not gay anyways!

Draw your fuckin dad fucking his dog and your fuckin mom sucking a donkeys dik and call it a dannish art or whatever you fuckin assholes

Get a life

it is much more effective,

Consider this...It may be much more effective, when demanding Respect and Manners...to actually portray them. Perhaps that is the whole point.

why muslim blame jews for all?

is incredible how muslim blame jews for all,
the cartoon guy is not jew and dont work for jews
they are obsess.
any religion is backward and islam the most,
dont have anything of peaceful and
i hope be banned from europe.
we have had enought of fascims in the past century
vive democracy ,down with islamic fascim

the norwegian they can

the norwegian they can boycott the israil products and that is normal they are white blond hair blue eyes that is ok but we muslim tatarian in their eyes if we protest and speak this bad remember this is freedom of speech yes or press we can protest it is our right and by teh way it is in your constituition o i am wrong about that? the only issue i am opposed is teh killing remember radical neither me or you can stop the same with the chrsitian serbes radical who killed a lot of muslims in bosnia why you guys did not do anything about and the israel forces allowed a masscare in beirut against teh palestinian ohhhh yeahh they can do that they are the jew....no one did anything any europpean....this is our way how to show our effect to our religion and our beloved messenger MOHAMED peace be upon him...if you guys are sleepy about your religion issue thats is your problem remeber we have the rightto protest.......the irish they made teh life of the british hell why they are not barberian terorist ohhhhh yeahhhhh they are like you blonde hair blue eyes europpean arian type...ohh excuse me i forgot......a norwigian or danish company is going to help a rebel group called FARC in colombia with the sale of T-SHIRT with the logo of this group they are the worst terorist organizacion i knew in colombia killing inocent people kidnapping innocent people traffiking drugs....ask the colombian in europe no one said anything but if it was a muslim organizacion thsi company will be shut down...oh yeahhhhhh they are white europpena arian son of the bitches you know what the german nazi blood they left in you when you were all of you accupied by them is fucking ticking....

what islam says about picture making from our holy books

Hadith 7.844

God's Apostle said, "The makers of these pictures will be punished (severely) on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, 'Make alive what you have created.' " He added, "Angels do not enter a house in which there are pictures."

Hadith 8.130

The Prophet entered upon me while there was a curtain having pictures (of animals) in the house. His face got red with anger, and then he got hold of the curtain and tore it into pieces. The Prophet said, "Such people as paint these pictures will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection ."


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006-01-27 22:59.

A. Yusuf Ali Quran Translation

Surah(CHAPTER) At-Tahrim Ruku 2 Surah(CHAPTER) 66

Madina (107) 12 Ayahs

Ayah(verse) 12

Yusuf Ali translation

And Mary the daughter of `Imran who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into her (body) of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His Revelations and was one of the devout (Servants).

Pickthall translation

And Mary, daughter of Imran, whose body was chaste, therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His Scriptures, and was of the obedient.


Wa maryamab nata imra_nal latu ahsanat farjaha_ fanafahna_ fihi mir ru_hina_ wa sad daqat bikalima_ti rab iha_ wa kutubihi wa ka_nat minal qa_nitin

'Imran was traditionally the name of the father of Mary the mother of Jesus: see n. 375 to iii. 35. She was one of the purest of women, though the Jews accused her falsely of unchastity: cf. xix. 27-28. (66.12)

Cf. xxi. 91. As a virgin she gave birth to Jesus: xix. 16-29. In xxxii. 9, it is said of Adam's progeny, man, that Allah "fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit".

In xv. 29, similar words are used with reference to Adam. The virgin birth should not therefore be supposed to imply that Allah was the father of Jesus in the sense in which Greek mythology makes Zeus the father of Apollo by Latona or of Minos by Europa.

And yet that is the doctrine to which the Christian idea of "the only begotten Son of God" leads. (66.12)

Mary had true faith and testified her faith in the prophet Jesus and in his revelation as well as in the revelations which he came to confirm (and to foreshadow). She was of the company of the Devout of all ages.

The fifth thing that has been explicitly mentioned in this Surah(chapter in quran) is that God's Religion is absolutely fair and just.

It has for every person just that of which he becomes worthy on the basis of his faith and works. No relationship or connection even with the most righteous person can be beneficial for him in any way and no relationship or connection with the most evil and wicked person can be harmful for him in any way.

In this connection three kinds of women have been cited as examples before the holy wives in particular. One example is of the wives of the Prophets Noah and Lot, who, if they had believed and cooperated with their illustrious husbands, would have occupied the same rank and position in the Muslim community which is enjoyed by the wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be God's peace and blessings).

But since they were disbelievers, their being the wives of the Prophets did not help them and they fell into Hell. The second example is of the wife of Pharaoh, who in spite of being the wife of a staunch enemy of God believed and chose a path of action separate from that followed by the Pharaoh's people, and her being the wife of a staunch disbeliever did not cause her any harm, and God made her worthy of Paradise.

The third example is of Hadrat Maryam (Mary) (peace be upon her), who attained to the high rank because she submitted to the severe test to which God had decided to put her.

Apart from Mary no other chaste and righteous girl in the world ever has been put to such a hard test that in spite of being unmarried, she might have been made pregnant miraculously by God's command and informed what service her Lord willed to take from her.

When Hadrat Maryam accepted this decision, and agreed to bear, like a true believer, everything that she inevitably had to bear in order to fulfil Allah's will, then did God exalt her to the noble rank of Sayyidatu an-nisa' fil-Jannah: "Leader of the women in Paradise" (Musnad Ahmad).

Al-Muwatta Hadith
Hadith 54.8

Pictures and Images

Malik related to me from Nafi from al-Qasim ibn Muhammad from A'isha, the wife of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that she bought a cushion which had pictures on it.

When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saw it, he stopped at the door and did not enter. She recognised disapproval on his face and said, "Messenger of God, I turn in repentance to God and His Messenger. What have I done wrong?" The Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "What is the meaning of this cushion?" She said, "I bought it for you to sit and recline on."

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "Those who make such pictures will be punished on the Day of Rising. It will be said to them, 'Bring to life what you have created'. Then he said, 'The angels do not enter a house in which there are pictures.' "

All the same

Just because you eropeans dont respect Jesus enough to riot against any insult against him, dont blame us for considering Our Prophet Mohamed (May peace be upon him) the most respected human ever lived, and cant be in no way visiualized or drawn ... you insulted us, but no one is gonna kill anyone, we are just saying that those cartoonist crossed the line.
Let us all live in peace and leave religious figures out of touch.

Are you sure?

but no one is gonna kill anyone

You sure about that? Phew, what a relief!

Bob Doney

dear muslims god said treat

dear muslims god said treat them the way they treat you as pero tomorow let all catonist muslim all over the islamic world to make also fun about the croos jesus the virgin mary the fucking holy pop uppppps can i say so???? i hope you publish this comment let us see how are you serouis about press freedom and by the way make also fun how hitler was murdering the jew adn see how the reaction will be?????? talking about the jew??? um let us do the same and on the way make fun of that whore royal danish family uuppsss again sorry publissh this please



Media is said to have

Media is said to have freedom of speech, ok check this out, "911 the greatest lie ever sold" is a film documentary that questions the legality and truth about this incident.

Muhammed Cartoons Link Missing

Some (self?) Censorship has taken place. The link to all 12 cartoons is now MISSING!


Why are the links for the Photos of Muhammad Missing
Meanwhile the link to Holy Mary Working

What a democracy point of view!!!!!!
This is a pure JEW Work JOB , to show how a guy injured a soldier by bombing himself
ISLAMIC TERROR , and to hide how they rape and kill millions of children and old people
Is this to raise up the points against islam?
Or this to make all christians and jews talk and muslims have no world

Disgusting pictures?

And just what is so "disgusting" about that picture? Many of the other artists, I agree, were making statements about the penalty for making a picture of Muhammad, but this first one was simply answering the request of an illustration for a children's book about Muhammad. Of course, if just making a picture of any sort should be "blasphemy" and punishable by law, well, then...

Well, what we call disgracefull.

With the respect to above posted comment by the brother, I humbly state that I consider such images not only against social ethics but also as a fuel to social disagreement and blasphemy. Each and every ideology exists in this world has couple of people as ideals and those ideologies submit all the regards that they could muster to those ideals, if we all want to survive with peace and love, we should avoid hitting each other's ideals, most of us, almost all of us are idealistic to some extent and consider a person or a group of persons as totems, and do not want to listen, see or observe any disgrace subjected to our totems. Thence, I believe, in the name of peace and love, we should avoid such literature, and one whose so ever fuels such blasphemy, may be critisized and may be rejected in society.

Democracy does not mean

Democracy does not mean printing cartoons just for the sole reason to inflaming people of a certain relgious background. It is clear that the cartoonist main aim was to insult the muslim population. Those cartoons are insulting, and the Danish government should apologize. Shame on those of you who are for intolerance. Democracy does not mean being anti muslim, which these cartoons are.

I am impressed!

Well Bob, laws and punishments are made by social agreement, and I am not the one to decide what maximum punishment should be for such acts, but whatever, I submit to that guy Invisible Silence, I think that he is right and so logical at his words, we human beings should learn to respect each other's viewpoint even if we hold a contradictive or paradoxial viewpoint. We should keep our contradictive viewpoint at home with us instead of throwing it on the others face. I encourage Invisible Silence to voice his views, because I think that if such social thinking gets established, then we all will be able to live with peace, and love.


Should we have applied this "don't interfere and insult totemic leaders who inspire adulation" principle to Hitler, Stalin and Mao, for example?

One person's ideal is another's nightmare.

Bob Doney

Respectable Bob Doney.

My humble regards may be granted acceptance, sorry to address you directly in this comment area, as well as sorry to state that this humble neophyte believes learned respectable haven't considered the scenario of sentences, This naive one has used the term "Ideology", and the context was "religious". Please consider, if you be so kind enough.

Respectably speaking

This naive one has used the term "Ideology", and the context was "religious". Please consider, if you be so kind enough.

To me it's irrelevant whether I'm being tortured, starved or killed in the name of religion, ideology or party politics. A bad idea is a bad idea, and a wicked leader is a wicked leader. And some good leaders are followed by a lot of wicked people.

Thanks for calling me "respectable". It's the nicest thing anyone's said about me for a while now!

May peace and blessings be showered upon you.

Bob Doney

I am agreed.

Certianly, a lot of wicked people claim to follow some good leaders, and they bring no good for humanity but jinx; I agree dear learned respectable, yet is it moral to make a joke of those good leaders instead of those deserving wicked people? Please enlighten this poor naivete.

The Cartoons, why accept them as Muhamamd ?

Simple, whatever the facts are or whatever muslims, jews, hindus or christians are doing out there, isn't related to these cartoons. I think that if any one makes a disgusting picture and names it Jesus, I am not going to accept that this is the image of Jesus, because in my religious point of view, Jesus is most respected person and that disgusting image has nothing to do with him, similarly, muslims should understand, and those disgusting images has nothing to do with Muhamamd nor they are actual images of Muhammad, whereas Muhammad as a prophet holds much respect and he can never be compared or defined by such disgusting people. Yet, anyways, I hate those people who pull jinx upon others by disgusting their respected persons or deities, they shouldn't do that, and if they do, it won't be called democracy but blasphemy.

Nice viewpoint, Invisible Silence

I am feeling great by reading your comment, alas if only all the human beings could be that logical and think like you. I believe that you are so right in here, and I also state the same that if anyone disgraces others religious feeling, or bring such output as these cartoons, that person could never be called a democratic but blasphemer, should be panalized and sentenced to maximum punishment possible under the law.

Maximum sentence

sentenced to maximum punishment possible under the law.

What did you have in mind? Three years' probation? Five thousand lashes? Or perhaps beheading with a sword?

Bob Doney

Actually , the main problem

Actually , the main problem seems that this Journal/artists/employees doesn't know about prophit Mohammad .
As moslems , we do respect all prophits .
This is real shame on Danish media to allow such material .

The Cartoonists - sorry for the spelling i'm Dane

Well, for starts, I would like to tell you, that the initial invitation went out to 40 cartoonists, to draw a picture of Muhammed, but only 12 dared to reply.
Why is the European socity so willing to kissup to the muslims whom lives here? What have they done to justefy this?
Look at the jews: They have fit thair religion into the socity, in wich they live, and keeps most of thair religious acts at home, and mainly only on fridays you see them wearing religious cloathing in public. In the meentime the muslims demand special treatment and favours so that our countrys must fit thair belifs and waluenorms.
I am in the meaning, that if they can't fit into OUR socitys, they should not have left thair own, and that ALL that can go to the home-region, on hollyday or "re-education", should be expelled from Europe, as they pose a large thread to OUR way of life.

C Møller - Århus - Denmark

Your email showed other

Your email showed other people how ignorate we are regarding other culture and reliogon. We should respect other people traditions, reliogon and culture. The Jews you are talking about were disceminated and tortured in Europe exactly the same as what is happening to Muslims right now. Respect and acceptance of other people is the KEY.
Ignorant !!!


C Møller - Århus
If I were living in the same country with racialists and Nazis like you , I would certainly think about moving to any other part of the earth as quickly as possible.
Read what you have written, to see how ugly it is.

It shows how intolerant

It shows how intolerant Europeans are. That is disgusting. And after all of this they wonder why muslims do not respect westners and their culture. When your culture is to mock other's belief why do you expect respect and tolarance towards you? You speak about democracy: democracy does not mean to insult others. Yo speak about Islamic terrorism: terrorism is to invade others land and kill them, humilate them. The only one who invade others is the West and the only countries which are invaded are muslims. The only one who humilate others is the Westners and the only people are humiliated are muslims. You are just a bunch of hypocrits.
Do I hope that Europeans will understand me? No, dumb can never understand others, because he is blind by his dumbness and can not see anything except his nose.

Europe is tolerant

These pictures were not published in a muslim country. You can publish comic drawings on god aswell.

Muslims think their religion is a peaceful one, but yet the first response to all conflict situations is to use force and violence (Palestinian gunmen invading EU office for example).
I know muslims are very religious, but would it be the time to loosen up a bit, it's 2005 afterall. This kind of fanaticism is the main destabilising force in the middle-east and one of the main reasons why the living conditions in some areas there are as bad as they are.

Muslims, like Palestinians for example, seem eager to make generalisations aswell. The west is allways blamed for generalising, but muslims are even more eager to do so. Here they instantly blamed whole EU for intolerance. Europe has been allmost the only western block, which has shown respect and tried to help the muslims by resisting wars like we have now in Iraq. Europe has also accepted muslim immigrants and funded the Palestinian government for a long time.

Palestinians, however, throw that kind of friendship into the waste bin just like that when there's a problem tho. That must indicate how much they appreciate friends in general.

Have you every stopped and tought about how many people have been slaughtered in the name of religion by both christians and muslims. Religion has been the main destabilising and violence causing factor in the world, even tho it is supposed to give people security and endorse peace and co-existance.

Most christians seems to have gotten over this ultra-fanatic thinking and that has come with the general raise in the level of education, altho there are some still around.

My main point here is: Lighten Up! Using violence as first means of "diplomacy" just shows how civilized you really are.

Cartoons are funny... not reasons to kill

How is it that its ok to say you want to kill people because made some cartoons? Westerners are supposed to be so barbaric but yet you have savage idiots cutting off people's heads while screaming priase to Allah??? I can't believe any God would want his followers to murder and kill. Wait come to think of it I can... Is Allah really the code name for Satan???

You say we are hypocrites...

You say we are hypocrites... What would you call the people who are offended by the cartoons, but still does the excact same to the danish people? I can understand you are offended, but does that make it right to burn our flag and pictures of our prime minister?

Do as we say or... <**BOOM**>

What non-Muslims Say About Him

What non-Muslims Say About Him (2)

During the centuries of the crusades, all sorts of slanders were invented against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). But with the birth of the modern age, marked with religious tolerance and freedom of thought, there has been a great change in the approach of Western authors in their delineation of his life and character. The views of some non-Muslim scholars regarding Prophet Muhammad, given at the end, justify this opinion.

But the West has still to go a step forward to discover the greatest reality about Muhammad and that is his being the true and the last Prophet of God for the whole humanity. In spite of all its objectivity and enlightenment there has been no sincere and objective attempt by the West to understand the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh). It is so strange that very glowing tributes are paid to him for his integrity and achievement but his claim of being the Prophet of God has been rejected explicitly or implicitly. It is here that a searching of the heart is required, and a review of the so-called objectivity is needed. The following glaring facts from the life of Muhammad (pbuh) have been furnished to facilitate an unbiased, logical and objective decision regarding his Prophethood.
Up to the age of forty, Muhammad was not known as a statesman, a preacher or an orator. He was never seen discussing the principles of metaphysics, ethics, law, politics, economics or sociology. No doubt he possessed an excellent character, charming manners and was highly cultured. Yet there was nothing so deeply striking and so radically extraordinary in him that would make men expect something great and revolutionary from him in the future. But when he came out of the Cave (HIRA) with a new message, he was completely transformed. Is it possible for such a person of the above qualities to turn all of a sudden into 'an impostor' and claim to be the Prophet of Allah and invite all the rage of his people? One might ask: for what reason did he suffer all those hardships? His people offered to accept him as their King and he would leave the preaching of his religion. But he chose to refuse their tempting offers and go on preaching his religion single-handedly in face of all kinds of insults, social boycott and even physical assault by his own people. Was it not only God's support and his firm will to disseminate the message of Allah and his deep-rooted belief that ultimately Islam would emerge as the only way of life for humanity, that he stood like a mountain in the face of all opposition and conspiracies to eliminate him? Furthermore, had he come with a design of rivalry with the Christians and the Jews, why should he have made belief in Jesus Christ and Moses and other Prophets of God (peace be upon them), a basic requirement of faith without which no one could be a Muslim?
Is it not an incontrovertible proof of his Prophethood that in spite of being unlettered and having led a very normal and quiet life for forty years, when he began preaching his message, all of Arabia stood in awe and wonder and was bewitched by his wonderful eloquence and oratory? It was so matchless that the whole legion of Arab poets, preachers and orators of the highest calibre failed to bring forth its equivalent. And above all, how could he then pronounce truths of a scientific nature contained in the Qur'an that no other human being could possible have developed at that time?
Last but not least, why did he lead a hard life even after gaining power and authority? Just ponder over the words he uttered while dying: "We the community of the Prophets are not inherited. Whatever we leave is for charity."
As a matter of fact, Muhammad (pbuh) is the last link of the chain of Prophets sent in different lands and times since the very beginning of the human life on this planet. Read the following writings of the Western authors:

"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls. . . his forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold, the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words.
"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277.
"It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Mecca and Medina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran. . . The Mahometans have uniformly withstood the temptation of reducing the object of their faith an devotion to a level with the senses and imagination of man. 'I believe in One God and Mahomet the Apostle of God' is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honours of the prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue, and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion."
Edward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay, HISTORY OF THE SARACEN EMPIRE, London, 1870, p. 54.
"He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports."
Bosworth Smith, MOHAMMAD AND MOHAMMADANISM, London, 1874, p. 92.
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."
Annie Besant, THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD, Madras,1932, p. 4.
"His readiness to undergo persecutions for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement - all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad."
W. Montgomery Watt, MOHAMMAD AT MECCA, Oxford, 1953, p. 52.
"Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about A.D. 570 into an Arabian tribe that worshipped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. At twenty, he was already a successful businessman, and soon became director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow. When he reached twenty-five, his employer, recognizing his merit, proposed marriage. Even though she was fifteen years older, he married her, and as long as she lived, remained a devoted husband.
"Like almost every major prophet before him, Muhammad fought shy of serving as the transmitter of God's word, sensing his own inadequacy. But the angel commanded "Read." So far as we know, Muhammad was unable to read or write, but he began to dictate those inspired words which would soon revolutionize a large segment of the earth: "There is one God."
"In all things Muhammad was profoundly practical. When his beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse occurred, and rumours of God's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad is said to have announced, "An eclipse is a phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the death or birth of a human being." "At Muhammad's own death an attempt was made to deify him, but the man who was to become his administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: "If there are any among you who worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is God you worshipped, He lives forever."
James A. Michener, "ISLAM: THE MISUNDERSTOOD RELIGION," in READER'S DIGEST (American edition), May 1955, pp. 68-70.
"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level."
Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.

Sir George Bernard Shaw says about islam

Sir George Bernard Shaw in 'The Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936

"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam."
"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity."
"I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today."

The West is NOT intolerant

Let's agree to exchange our ideas instead of just arguing. That would be pointess, and non-productive.
You say that the West invades other lands and humiliates them.
When the U.S. freed France from Nazi occupation, did the French feel "humiliated"? No. Of course not. Why should you?
What should embarrass Muslims is the fact that all these Middle Eastern governments never say a word while evil dictators like Saddam kill millions of his fellow Muslims. Where is your outrage at that?
The U.S. saved millions of Muslim lives by intervening in places where Muslims were being killed by their own governments, places like Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Face the facts: the U.S. has saved millions of Muslims!
Let me know what you think. Can you agree with what I have said?

The States and Muslims saved.

I just want you to consider other people beliefs and visions. Do not allow that brain wash by the west media lead you towards fony ideas. In fact America have slaughtered millions of muslim people JUST to
"liberate Baghdad" and never been able to restore peace or order. have you ever seen or read about what is happenning in Abo Ghareib prison or in Guantanamo?.. How could you ignore this? God, such blind and biased vision that really shock me when read your line.
Just need some one sane here to feel the truth not to repeat what the TV has told him. Those in the prisons, are not they Muslims?
I believe that you refused to argue, I feel the same. There is no enough space to discuss that now. Any way, I do not believe in what you have written or In America's intetions whatsoever.
Esam Shaat

No,I do not agree.First off

No,I do not agree.First off the US bombed Iraq indiscriminatly and killed millions more than Saddam did.Also,the US financed Saddam's war against Iran thus killing more Muslims.How about the Muslims be killed in Isreal.The US did not bomb France it only liberated it.As for Bosnia, the US purposely waited until a large majority of Muslim were murdered before it acted.There are more incidents of the West killing Muslims than saving them.

I advice uropean to have an

I advice uropean to have an open-mind and they should read their history. This will be usefull for them to understand the hidden hands of Jewish. Let them read, also, Protocols Of Zion، which jewish applied on both Cristian Uropeans and Muslims. The fact is much terrible than what BLIND people (rabble) can see. Saddam, as any evil wicked citizen among good people, was lead by US and the hidden hands (like most of the middle-east leaders) to insult their nations. DON'T TAKE IT AN EXECUSE TO INSULT INNOCENT PEOPLE MORE! PLEASE!

"The U.S. saved millions of Muslim lives"??

It is not a truth! Go back to the very recent very near history (from Yesterday back-to the invasion day) to see what happened in Abu-Ghareeb and what is happening now!
See Afghanistan also!

U.S. did not came to save, IT CAME TO STEAL!

Abu Ghraib facts....

A total of TWO Iraqi's were killed in Abu Ghraib by US forces in three years. In comparison, 140 Iraqi's were killed on January 5th of this year by insurgents.

that proves that in iraq, muslims are killing more muslims than the US and all its allies are.

How many iraqi's were killed at Abu Ghraib by saddam who is also a muslim?