Jihad Against Danish Newspaper


Islam is no laughing matter. The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is being protected by security guards and several cartoonists have gone into hiding after the newspaper published a series of twelve cartoons (see  them all here, halfway the article) about the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. Muslim fundamentalists have threatened to bomb the paper’s offices and kill the cartoonists.

The newspaper published the cartoons when a Danish author complained that he could find no-one to illustrate his book about Muhammad. Jyllands-Posten wondered whether there were more cases of self-censorship regarding Islam in Denmark and asked twelve illustrators to draw the prophet for them. Carsten Juste, the paper’s editor, said the cartoons were a test of whether the threat of Islamic terrorism had limited the freedom of expression in Denmark.

The publication led to outrage among the Muslim immigrants living in Denmark. 5,000 of them took to the streets to protest. Muslim organisations have demanded an apology, but Juste rejects this idea: “We live in a democracy. That’s why we can use all the journalistic methods we want to. Satire is accepted in this country, and you can make caricatures,” he said. The Danish imam Raed Hlayhel reacted with the statement: “This type of democracy is worthless for Muslims. Muslims will never accept this kind of humiliation. The article has insulted every Muslim in the world.”

Flemming Rose, the cultural editor at the newspaper, denied that the purpose had been to provoke Muslims. It was simply a reaction to the rising number of situations where artists and writers censored themselves out of fear of radical Islamists, he said. “Religious feelings cannot demand special treatment in a secular society,” he added. “In a democracy one must from time to time accept criticism or becoming a laughingstock.”

The affair, however, has also led to a diplomatic incident. On Thursday the ambassadors of eleven Muslim countries, including Indonesia, a number of Arab states, Pakistan, Iran, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, complained about the cartoons in a letter to Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. They say the publication of the cartoons is a “provocation” and demand apologies from the newspaper.

Jyllands-Posten was also included on an al-Qaeda website listing possible terrorist targets. An organisation which calls itself “The Glorious Brigades in Northern Europe” is circulating pictures on the internet which show bombs exploding over pictures of the newspaper and blood flowing over the national flag of Denmark. “The Mujahedeen have numerous targets in Denmark – very soon you all will regret this,” the website says.

Meanwhile in Brussels a young Muslim immigrant published a poster depicting the Virgin Mary with naked breasts. Though the picture has drawn some protest from Catholics (though not from Western embassies, nor from the bishops), this artist need not fear being murdered in the street. On the contrary, he is being subsidised by the Ministry for Culture.


Cartoon Case Escalates into International Crisis,  27 October 2005

Out of the Iranian Frying Pan into the Danish Fire, 29 October 2005

Pigs Do Not Fly, 17 November 2005

Bounty Offered for Murdering Cartoonists, 4 December 2005

UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists, 7 December 2005

Dispatch from the Eurabian Front, 9 December 2005

Europe Criticises Copenhagen over Cartoons, 21 December 2005

Cartoon Case: EU and UN Call Denmark to Account, 28 December 2005

Danish Cartoon Affair: Letter from a Muslim, 31 December 2005

Danish Muslims Divided over Cartoon Affair
, 8 January 2006

Danish Prime Minister Shocked at Lies, 11 January 2006

Scandinavian Update: Israeli Boycott, Muslim Cartoons, 14 January 2006

Denmark: Moderate Muslims Oppose Imams, 19 January 2006

Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Case, 22 January 2006

European Appeasement Reinforces Muslim Extremism, 24 January 2006

Norway Apologizes over Muhammad Cartoons, 27 January 2006

Cartoon Paper Justifies Itself to Saudis, 29 January 2006

Cartoon Rage: Vikings Warned to Leave Palestine, 30 January 2006

Buy Danish. Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark, 30 January 2006

Danish Paper Apologizes. Dutch Cartoon on Its Way, 31 January 2006

Take Note Cardiff: We Are All Danes Now, 1 February 2006

France Soir Backs Down. Others Stand Firm, 2 February 2006

"The War Is On", 3 February 2006

British Appease While Moderate Muslims Speak Out, 4 February 2006

Cartoon War Leads to Role Reversal, Makes First Victim, 4 February 2006

Danish Muslims Rebel Against Imams, 5 February 2006

Appeasing Oslo Strikes at Press, Al-Guardian Strikes at Danes, 7 February 2006

The Cartoon Hoax, 7 February 2006

BBC Admits Fatal Negligence, 7 February 2006

Cartoons in Egypt Last October, 9 February 2006

Some Light in the Darkness, 10 February 2006

More and More Moderate Muslims Speak Out in Denmark, 13 February 2006

Muslims Create Islamophobes, Then Want Islamophobes Punished, 14 February 2006

Dutch Vexed with Solana. Europeans Quarrel over Cartoons, 16 February 2006

Jesus Christ Sacks Minister over Muhammad, 18 February 2006

Dairy Producer Who Boycotted Israel Gets Boycotted by Muslims, 19 February 2006

Turkey on Collision Course with Europe, Demands Danish Apologies, 24 February 2006

Turkey Denies Demanding Danish Apologies. Finns Fire Editor, 25 February 2006

Danish Cartoons International, 2 March 2006

Cartoon Case: Denmark Will Not Prosecute, 16 March 2006

Muslims Take Cartoon Case to UN's "Allah" Commission, 18 March 2006

“Danish Queen Masterminded Muhammad Cartoon Affair”, 2 October 2006

Danish Victory: Radical Imam Leaves! 10 November 2006

Let the “House of War” Prepare for War, 14 February 2008



Open mind

I advice uropean to have an open-mind and they should read their history.

I advise Abdoon to do the same.

Bob Doney


Deport Muslims and your problems are solved. It's the only way. They can't change, the quran calls for their horrible behaviour. They are following Mohammad. Violence is Islam. It says so in the Quran.

you would benefit if you read

just wanna tell u a tiny fact, having some muslims acting agressively doesnt mean that all muslims are intolerant & bloody.....this is not a way to talk about a religion...among christians too there are saints and murderers,,,we re all humans, being a muslim doesnt mean being made fun of & u didnt make fun of one of us, u made fun of our most important symbol, muhamed-salla allah 3aleih w salem- told us treat you christians, or whatever u are, tolerantly, if a minority does against this, its not all muslims fault, by the way MARIA if you only read one line of our quraan, you ll see its not ''HORRIBLE'' as you said, its gods words just like your bible, if you are a real christian at all,,,read about our prophet & what he said & then talk, acting like a fools is not a way of expressing your opinion

Islam a sensitive religion

Islam and Muslim is synonimous with intolerant and narrow world view, they will argue all the goodnes of the faith but forgot to mention the bloody murderous conquest and force submission in the past.I am not saying that Christianity is too good either as history has shown but we cant also dismiss the contribution of world civilisation by Western culture either, so then one would have to ask, what is/has Islam and Muslim contributed to the world until today.Muslim will argue that Islam is not what you seems to be, well anyone can argue the same for thier native religion too, so i am asking why there are negative outlook upon non Muslim in the Quran with some sense of hate in it, aren't we named as "kafir" who is just better than animals? And if Islam is a real peaceful religion, then why it all end up what we see today, fact is facts, and in the universal protocol of emblem and logo, we can also see a pair of cross sword in the Arabian flag today, still a "peaceful" religion? It seems to me Islam is more an ideology than a spiritual path.


Islam is not a "religion of peace". Who said this?

Said the Ayatollah Khomeini, "All those who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the world . . . Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. [They] are witless!"

Andrew Bostom: The Legacy of Jihad.

to adrian

khomaini said also if i can biuld a big wall between my nation and teh west i will do
to stop this rotten west society..


They can't change, the quran calls for their horrible behaviour. They are following Mohammad. Violence is Islam.

This ignores the slightly inconvenient fact that most Muslims live peaceful and peaceable lives.

Bob Doney


When the U.S. freed France from Nazi occupation

I think it would be politer to say "the U.S. and her allies", or even (let's stretch a point), just "the Allies".

Bob Doney

democracy does not mean to insult others ?

Democracy is exactly the right to insult others !!

Only if you are able to have different opinions, even when they are contrasting opinions - and yes, insulting opinions ! - and find a way to deal with that in a civilized manner, are you able to speak of a democracy !!!


Yes, Muslim countries are such bastions of freedom and tolerance, aren't they? I'm sure I could walk down the street in Riyadh with a bible, no problem. I'm also sure that the elderly female Coptic nun who was stabbed recently in Egypt would also agree with you. Sarc on/

I also suggest that you look around the world, 99% of the conflicts on Planet Earth today are Muslims who can't get along with their neighbors.

Oh, that's right. It's always someone else's fault! It couldn't be anything that that Muslims have done, like beheading peaceful elderly buddhist monks, murdering farmers working peacefully in their fields, cutting the throats of an Indian family in Kashmir (including the children), and so on.

BTW, if you can't deal with living in a society that is free to question, mock, ridicule, discuss, criticize, open to multiple ways of living, and so on, maybe you're not tough enough to live in western society.

Maybe you should think about why nobody likes you.

islam is neither arabic nor belong to arab-dont hurt others

what was the problem in this matter for Muslims follower is that their religion has used as propaganda in making generalization toward islamic society. I can understand that when we talk about islam people in western countries always imagine to Middle East. No, islam everywhere in the world, even in china like me, and like christian you also can still find islamic countries where there is a respect among religion. Malaysia, brunai and Indonesia are among the countries that majority are muslims but they managed to live in peace despite terrorism groups are trying to disrupt the peace. We know that arabic countries have their own stuff going on, but it can't be applied to other muslim society in many parts of the world.

Is that ok to blame catholic if IRA involve in terrorism? is it ok to blame protestant if George W.Bush decided the war on iraq that caused the death of civillians? is that ok to blame the entire jews when the israel attacks palestine's civillian ? or is it ok to blame islam when a stupid guy killed Van Gohg, suicide bombers and other forms of terror? Religion never told that why unless you are using your own way interpretation to be cruel that you try to justify your action with the word of the holybook. As same as when you try to justify the act of free speech and freedom of the press but ignore the journalism ethic and code of conduct for the press to not involve in the description of racism, hate message, streotype etc. Can someone one in the name of free speech says "f##k you muslims or christian or Hindu" in the newspaper? yeah they can especially in their on paper, but form the ecthical perspective it's wrongdoing.

There was the guy name kumar said that islam is not a religion, it's a cruel platform of belief. well, isn't he also cruel by judging a certain religion without even trying to explore the other sides of religion and trying to know the truth about islam. What happend in India when Hindu orthodoc destroyed mosques in India? what happened when spain force muslim to convert or kill them in andalusia?

there were tragedy, there are occuring and it will be more in the future if we are not trying to solve the problem together with understanding and respect to all beliefs and think without emotional, then try to spread democracy world wide.

cheng ho


Im jawad 27 years old
Im christian living in Jordan(beside israel)
My country is islamic country,i feel sick of islam and before a couple of months the terrorists explode three hotels in the capital Amman for the name of the big lier Mohammad..
there are many christians living in Jordan , about 2% of the all people in Jordan..
For me Im sick of islam , they are liers liers liers liers, they must wake up ...i dont hate people,but this relegion will lead them to terror and hell..
Jesus Bless you all..

poor jawad

hi jawad, i just wondering..how can your jesus save and bless you, if he can save and bless him self???

so strange jawad!!!!!

you said that you are living in jordon! right. why are so prejudiced over muslims and why are u so sick of them? if someone from the west said so i wouldnt be astonished. but you r living with muslims and u certinly know that all these bombing and killings that some misguided muslims did are not out of the core of islam. you r living their and you know how all muslims all over the world condemn these mistaken deeds. so be respectable and dont abuse islam and the prohet muhammad cause he is God's messenger like the prophet jesus peace be upon them all. finally, could u please read about islam from its reliable sources and then come to write your comment! just be fair.

Coward Jawad in Jordan

To Mr. Jawad it is realy shame on you to see so about muslims and prophet mohammad.
In Jordan Christians live in avery good conditions. They even have rights and high positions in the governement. You need to be sick of your sick mind. You should be thankful to prophet mohammad that you live in peace with all muslims rights in a muslim country.
Your comments shows how much your are selfish hatered and coward.

wala jawad first remember

wala jawad first remember you are a christian you should not hate i hit you on you on the right sheek you should give me the left do not hate isnt what your jesus told you.......do not hate islam besides why you do not leave jordan to denmark maybe because you hate islam they might give you a free entran a the danish nationality bur be carefull they might coonfuse you witha barbarian muslim from jordan becuase if you are not quiete enough blond forget it for them you are also terorist e try my dear non muslim friend

allah akbar aleik wa ala koul wahed mouthlak


In all these conflicts that you have written about, both Muslims and non Muslims are being killed , so why don't you see the whole picture. The only explanation for this is that you are really a " DEMOCRATIC " person.
Individuals make mistakes, and sometimes crimes, but religions like Islam decrease the numbers of these bad thing among their followers, and not the opposite

let look at the all

let look at the all :conflictong" moslem countres:
Afganistan:hmmm war there was started by chrsitna countries .soviets and usa,before their political game there was a great peace in afgansitan.
Look at to Irak,if i am not mistaken USA recently had invaded it and turn it to second afganistan,(stange that afganistan was not enough for americans). Look ak to palestine,its israilis who invaded them and since there is no peace,what about barbaric christian crasuaders form middle ages who had slaugtered thousands of moslems and jews?

hey let's just get a couple

hey let's just get a couple a nukes together and clear that whole area between Israel and India .... then we will have world peace...

Let's Talk...

Actually you would be wrong to assume that people in the middle east approve of all the beheadings. It is rather ignorant of you to assume so..simply for the mere fact that a large proportion of these people that were killed in these terrorist acts were BOTH muslim AND arab, and that they only reason they were beheaded was because a bunch of psycopaths sentenced them to death because they were trying to make a living by working for the U.S. armed forces in Iraq.

No I do not know what the fuss is with all these cartoons, but I totally understand why muslims would feel offended by the cartoons; the one depicting the prophet with a bomb on his turban. Now come on you guys..that WAS offensive anyway you put it!
Now I've personally seen a lot of cartoon and tv shows ridiculing the christ and jewish people, and I also DO find them rather offensive. Was the muslim reaction exaggerated? most probably..but you cannot ignore the fact that eventhough jyllands-posten excercised their law-protected right of freedom of expression, they DID exercise it rather too freely. As I am quite sure that it was never their intention to offend anyone.

To be honest I am quite appalled at the anti-islamic comments going around here. We westerners pride ourselves in being tolerant and non-discriminating..yet somehow reading through all these comments I saw a recurring pattern of phrases such as "muslim psychopaths", "pedophile prophet", "terrorist moslems", ..etc. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. As should all of you who referred to westerners as evil colonists or whatever.

Seriously...GROW UP! And instead of tossing disgusting racial statements here and there..let's try and actually DISCUSS the matter like civilized people.

Peace out!

Up Yours Clown!

Look at the history of Israel before you come with at comment like this.
The Jews started by bying up most of the bad-lands, aka swamps and deserts, before there was even talk about Israel, and even here they was robbed by the lokals, who several times came back and fucked up thair farms and stole thair crobs.
Then in 1948, when the state of Israel was born, Ben Gurion said: "...And to all you arabs, living within the borders of the new Israel: Stay and be equal citisens...", but the arab leaders said: "Do and die", so they ran.
As the initial war was over, Israel had beaten all your sorry asses, anfd was not interested in having all the palistinians back, so they locked them out. The refugee-camps was build, but why didn't YOU, THE NABOURING ARAB NATIONS just absorb them? They are your "brothers" ain't they? Or are you not interested in getting a bunch of suicidal maniacks absorbed in YOUR society? "Brother"? Get a life!!

prophet mohammed

who ever was so stupid to draw those drawings and put the tittle as prophet mohammed, then he doesnt know how to draw very well firstly because prophet mohammeds face is shining light not a normal face like ours secondly u dont know how his beard looks like and thirdly the pictures look just like th drawer izactly like uve copied it and pasted it


I am surprised at the notion this is free speach it is not acceptable for me to insult everybody in your family and say it is free speach so the profit is more important to us than our own family so I think it is rude and It is nauseating that the danish govt. doesn't want to apologize for the mistakes its citizens commits sometimes it is the right thing when you make a mistake to say I am sorry ....

im a muslim. i know what the

im a muslim. i know what the islamic bible states. anyway, islam is and arabic word for peace. islam is not a vilionce religion it clearly states to workship 1 god and know his messenger muhomad. islam was never an attacking religion. islam has nothing to do with what is going around in this world.
bush (american president) and sharon (isreai prime minsiter) have changed it by attacking islam in order to capture the middleeast. islam is the fastest growing religion which is killing isreal and is affecting it. isreals enmies syria and iran are stragetic for conqureing the arab world. if the have the war on them. i think jewish have changed this world and so did fucken bush. la elah haelah la peace be upon the prophet muhomad.

r u jews

i think u r so poor personnes and i think ur jewish whos ur mom was fucked by an arab man ;;;;if not by christian
u r^poor and even have no idea about what u talk ,,,,,just blah blah ,,,anyway i hope one day u will be immigrant Mr civilised man :)))))))))))
fuck u r and ur poor country

The Real Histroy of Israel

The history of Israel isn't as it was mentioned in "up your clown" comment
In 1916 the Jews were just 5% of the population in Palestine, but after the British occupation of the country, England helped the Jews to immigrate from Europe and all over the world to take the lands of the Palestinians, and in 1948 they declared Israel on 78% of occupied Palestine, and killed or fired hundreds of thousands of Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their lands. But that was not enough for them, in 1967, Israel attacked and occupied parts from: Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and the rest of Palestine, and again there were new Palestinian refugees. The ugly history of Israel continued by invading Lebanon in 1982, which allowed Israel to occupy the southern part of Lebanon.
Why should the Palestinian refugees be absorbed by other Arab countries? Their land is Palestine, and they want to go back to their property. There is a resolution of the UN Security Council "Resolution number 194" which says that Israel must allow the Palestinian refugees to come and live in their original land, but Israel refused to implement all of the UN resolutions.
Is it fair that a citizen of any country of the world can live, and take a land and a house in Israel just because of his Jewish belief "although he has a home in his original country, France, Canada, USA, Ethiopia,.. or whatever " while the Palestinian refugees can not live in their home country? Please think about this neutrally.

Freedom of Speak?

For those who believe that it is just freedom of speach to insult muslims in this was, I make a simple request. I suggest the Danish paper run a similar cartoon mocking a Jewish Rabi by asking his wife to shave her head, while he curls his locks? That is funny too...

Why would this never happen, because freedom of speach is only exercised on the weak. Similarly, human rights are only given to the rich.

Budding cartoonist

Freedom of Speak?
Submitted by Freedom fighter (not verified) on Fri, 2006-01-13 21:43.
For those who believe that it is just freedom of speach to insult muslims in this was, I make a simple request. I suggest the Danish paper run a similar cartoon mocking a Jewish Rabi by asking his wife to shave her head, while he curls his locks? That is funny too..

Hehehe, you're right - that is kinda funny... You my friend have a future as a satirical cartoonist ahead of you. Please come to Denmark where you have the right to exercise that talent.

i liked this comments please the editor of this paper

the brussels journal please do as in this comments publish the following read that

Freedom of Speak?
For those who believe that it is just freedom of speach to insult muslims in this was, I make a simple request. I suggest the Danish paper run a similar cartoon mocking a Jewish Rabi by asking his wife to shave her head, while he curls his locks? That is funny too..

Hehehe, you're right - that is kinda funny... You my friend have a future as a satirical cartoonist ahead of you. Please come to Denmark where you have the right to exercise that talent.

Hmm notits

Have anybody noted, that whereever problemes in the world have come up, for the last 15-20 years, muslims have been on one of the guilty side??

hmm quiet wrong

i don't believe in any faith but you are dead wrong man! christianity is the worst in guilt followed by judaism and lastly islam. remember Hitler is not a muslim, isrealis are not muslims too! so take note, research before conclusion!

The Christian crusaders.

The Christian crusaders. What you don't realize is that they Crusades happened after many years of invasion of the Christian world by the supposedly 'peaceful' Muslims.

'Peace' in Afghanistan. Yeah. Right. A bunch of brutal dictators in the form of the Taliban, supporting international terrorism (as did SoDamn Insane).

When was the last time a Baptist (for example) blew up some Methodists? How often do Lutherans go out to kill a few Presbeterians? How often do even the most fundamentalist Christian parents murder their own daughter for getting pregnant? Would ANY Christian demand that little girls be forced back into a burning building because they weren't covered head to toe? Do Christians demand the execution of anyone not going to their church? Yet this kind of thing happens in the Islamic world, and on a fairly regular basis.

Yeah. REAL peaceful religion there...

Talk about peace loving

Talk about peace loving christians, what about abortion clinic bombings and the olympic bombings in the usa, timmothy mcvay ya dont forget him and also catholics and protestants going at it in Ireland.
lets not forget there are bad people in every religion and we should not blame the religon for their acts.
Allah bless AMERICA for with out it
Denmark and Norway will be speaking german and german rule.

Muslims in Spain

Muslims occupied Spain, that's right, but then nobody was forced to convert to Islam. Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived peacefully together for eight centuries, but what happened when Spanish people recaptured the country? They killed every single Muslim who refused to become a Christian, and this explains why Islam disappeared from Spain.
all what you have mentioned about Islam, don't have any link to the truth of Islam, I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about.


The only one who invade others is the West and the only countries which are invaded are muslims. The only one who humilate others is the Westners and the only people are humiliated are muslims.

Not really quite true, is it? Just to give one small example: did not Iraq invade Iran in living memory?

And the wicked West did lend a hand to Bosnia and Kosovo.

Question: are Russia and Japan part of the West? Just wondered...

Bob Doney

...i hav sumthin i wanna

...i hav sumthin i wanna tell you...it was kuwait tht was invaded by iraq and it wasnt iran....this shows how "smart" u ppl are to tok abt others....n u no wat the west who "helped" bosnia and kosovo went n invaded iraq saying tht there wre "weapons of mass destruction"!! i wonder where the hell r the weapons?? and look at the state of iraq now??? its hell out there n they say tht they helped muslims??????...well if thts helping ppl y dont they detroy the whole world??? tht wud b the best "help" to humanity!!

Bob,You're right Iraq

You're right Iraq invaded Iran, but what was the attitude of the westerns, they were either supporting Saddam or trying to keep this dirty war forever, and nobody at that time was criticizing Saddam for the use of chemical and biological weapons, but after Saddam became against their interests, they suddenly discovered that he is a criminal!!!
America interfered in Bosnia because they wanted to get rid of Milosevic, but at the same time, they let the Serbian army to kill as much Muslims as possible.
and what about the Serbs? aren't they Christians, and what about the Dutch peacekeepers who watched the killing of civilian Muslims in Bosnia.

Wake Up Europe!

Kudos to the editor for not backing down and caving-in to these Islamist psychopaths. Perhaps this will help Europe to awaken from its slide into Dhimmitude and help put an end to its craven "multi-culti" Islamo-philia and kow-towing to every Muslim claim of being "offended".

When will our political and media leaders have the courage to point out the rank absurdity and hypocrisy of a so-called "religion of peace" whose followers continually threaten to blow-up critics?

Islamists are always claiming to be "offended" about something. So, wanna talk about being "offened"? I'm offended by Muslims using Western freedoms to undermine those freedoms. I'm offended by strapping bombs to oneself and blowing up innocent people in pizzerias and nightclubs. I'm offended by hi-jacking planes to fly into buildings and slaughter civilians. I'm offende by forcing women to dress in draperies. I'm offended by fatwas against novelists. The list could go on and on and on....

Wake up Europe! Or else thy future is Dhimmitude.

get your facts right

first of all Islam condones terrorism and suicide bombers and these people that are strapping bombs to their bodies do not represent all of islam and all us muslim i am avery practicing muslim and i live in the west and i love the country that i live in and respect it and its rules and i have non muslim friends and respect them as they respect me and never would i think of harming them because they are not muslim, dont judge the majority because of a few minorities islam is peace but unfortunately there are people out there that have done nothing but destroy the beauty of this religion and terrorism is not the answer if anything it has just caused such hatred towards us muslim but i gaurantee you we are not all like that and we condone this kind of act we all need to respect each others religion and beliefs

islam and the civilized west

I happen to be a non-practising hindu citizen of India, as you might know we have our troubles with extremist islam and hinduism and so I quite understand the peaceloving Europeans' reaction to the recent furore over cartoons of the prophet. But for christ's sake don't talk to us ( hindus and muslims and other untermensch'es ) about hypocrisy .
you talk about being civilised right ? How about the genocides carried out by the Oh-so kosher nazis and the fascist collaborators in Europe ? How about the systematic campaigns of murder and loot all over Africa ,Asia and America carried out over centuries for the sake of profit ? Where exactly did Europe get the resources from to build its own infrastructure ? And how exactly was that acquired ? Why should we just look at the events of last 50/ 60 / 70 years while neglecting what happened before ?
So that it serves your selfish worldview ?
If you are proud of the western civilisation then be honest enough to admit the wrongs it had wrought on the non western populace of the world as well !
I am not talking from the moral highground as the educated elite of my country persists in exhibiting a similar shortsighted view much to their peril ,

Freedom of choice in democracy.

You sound like a disgruntled African American who blames all of their woes to the slavery... Wake up!!! At some point in time in history, you will find a group of people having wronged another.


I'm not sure that "kosher" is the best word to use to describe "nazis".

Bob Doney


So non-Muslims drawing depictions of Muhammad is insulting but Muslims insisting that non-Muslims follow all of their traditions in this matter isn't?

This is hypocrisy, plain and simple. As you point out, where Muslim sensibilities are offended, there seem to be no shortage of vile, loathsome thugs ready to threaten violence. Where are the moderates and Muslims who seek peace? Why will they not stand up and condemn these barbaric threats?

The answer to that question is simple. Because they themselves would become even bigger targets for the repellent radicals who have hijacked their culture and religion.

Tackling the Bully

At school when an induvidual chooses to make fun of his fellow class mate, to indult him and throw stuff at him, all this can seem so funny. Its totally 'democratic', a freedom of choice, the kid must learn to laugh it off and deal with it.
What if the kid wants to be left alone. He has his own sense of respect. His own space. But the bully keeps comming at him. Day after day. With new jokes and smart alek comments. Then preaching the 'democratic way', the way of freely insulting others and then commanding them to smile.

Now how do you expect the kid to deal with this bully. Talk it over! Really, has that EVER worked for you at school. I would like to ask you 'democratic' folk: how can one get some personal space here? How can the bully just let the kid be? How can the kid gain some respect? How can he get a piece of mind? How?

well if you are muslim, you

well if you are muslim, you obviously go suicide bomb some innocent children.

Tackling the Bully

No system is perfect, but when you say that democracy does not protect its citizens from bullying one another, you are obviously not familiar with how things operate in the United States.
Here, if someone has some silly, whiny complaint, there are whole armies of lawyers and organizations who are eager to take up your cause. This is why formerly commonplace events like Christmas celebrations have become difficult to have become someone always has a complaint.
Remember, in non-democratic, totalitarian places... communist regimes like Vietnam, Cuba, or China, the government is not going to protect you. Example: if you are a gay Cuban teen being teased, you have no recourse, because homosexuality there is a crime. At least in a democracy, everyone has basic human rights.

Raza: You are so very right!


You are so very right! Bullies are terrible people to deal with.

You do mean the Islamic bullies that shouted "Allah Akbar" as they ganged raped 14 year old girls in Australia, don't you?

You do mean the Muslim bullies that murdered a Frenchman who asked that his daughter's stolen bicycle be returned, don't you?

You do mean the Islamic bullies that stabbed a Coptic Christian nun and burned Christian shops to force a political candidate to withdraw from the Egyptian election, don't you?

You do mean the Muslim bullies that locked Nigerian Christians in their church and set it on fire, don't you?

You're right, you're right, you are so right. How can we talk things over with bullies like these?

How can we have any peace of mind when we know that over 1000 years ago, the leader of the Muslims told his followers "Make war upon the Christians and Jews unless they convert or pay the extortion. (Sura 9)" and for the last 1000 years Muslims have been doing just that and don't intend to stop any time soon?

do its crime stats now

come on people. Your example of rape of 14 year old girl all people have there sickos. I mean look at Mike Jackson. Is that the fault of bible and christian teaching that he did that . America 90 % child molesters locked up in are Christian men. Should I blame Jesus and bible for that. Stop blaming Islam for the worlds problems its people not religion that is at fault.

hey STOP! did i hear you

hey STOP! did i hear you mention Nigeria? you really dont kno what happened, you dont know how many mosques were burnt down in Jos and kaduna. yea right! as i can see Hitler is a muslim right? muslims conducted the crusade right? anyways arguing with people of little knoledge is wasting my time so im off.

hey u pic examples from

hey u pic examples from different parts of the globe..so sad..i can give u a bunch of examples from iraq its-self..do u know how people are bullies in palestine border..if u dont understand quran..keep urself away from it..prophet was against harming even animals..first solve all the scientific errors in bible and then speak about quran.

who is Hetlar? who is Heroshima?

In the name of Allah
Peace on our messenger Mohamed.

i think Hetler was a christian and Usa which killed more than 100.000 japanis people is a christian (religion) ... so ur history not empty.. who killed the messengers? read the history again.

would it be possible to

would it be possible to return to a civil tone in this debate please ?

As a faith islam is above reproach, and like any religion contains its good and bad sides.

That being said, those of you who are FOLLOWERS of islam must admit that you have an image problem.
This may in part be due to the medias portrayal of events, but nonetheless the general conception of muslims are as being hottempered, prone to violence and uncompromising.
And these current events are not improving that image.

We now have fullblown international events taking place over something that most people, muslims and christians alike, simply would go "pphhtt, whatever" or "how ridiculous" over.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Just look at this chaotic mess of an argument. Why do so many people have so little control over their emotions?

Aha! Well there it is then.

This is about freedom, isn't it? That is the core issue here.
It may be offensive, ill-contrived, and tactless for the Danish newspaper to publish those cartoons.

But you know what? It is ethically right and just for them to be free to do so, and furthermore, SAFE in doing so.

What is it to be "free"? Are the people within the philosophy/religion of Islam free?

No. Because it is not built on freedom.

Why do they assume that it's unquestionably ethical to lash out at someone's opinion in ANOTHER country where the philosophy and governing ways are totally different, and afford much more freedom of speech?

Because they can't accept the world we live in being tolerant where they are not.
Because They can't accept that they keep on fueling the fire with needless debates on historical he said/she said rhetoric.


Try some ideals that set you and your people free, not ones that declare more war and more intolerance.

And for F*ck sake, find strength in your ideals by standing up to criticism and communicating objectively. Being ultra-sensitive gets you nowhere.

Adriane : Why didn't you

Adriane :
Why didn't you mention the Egyptian Christian candidate who was supported by the Muslim party to win the elections in Egypt.
Have you heard about how thousands of Australians attacked few Muslims on the beach.
In Nigeria the followers of Christianity and Islam are fighting each other in a very bad way, but that doesn't mean that they are obeying their religions, and by the way, the Muslims were also killed by Christians in that country; according to your smart analysis, Christianity is a religion that supports terror

I don't know where you get

I don't know where you get your information about Australia but it is completely incorrect - after many years of intimidation, approximately 5,000 "Australians" from many different countries of origin formed a peaceful protest which was disrupted by less than 100 people who took it out on people of "middle eastern appearance". No one was seriously injured on this occasion.

However, the following evening "men of middle-eastern appearance" went on a "retaliatory" rampage through the beachside suburbs smashing up cars and knifing someone in the back, amongst other atrocities.

Very Peaceful

It was obvious, how peaceful were your cute 5 thousand drunk men "of European origin", they attacked not only some people of "mid-eastern appearances ", but also the Australian policemen.
I'm not astonished, they are just like their ancestors" the brave invaders of Australia", who killed and tortured the original people of Australia, but yeah… they did made some museums for them!!!

In response to Ayman

assalamu alaikum bro ayman i agree with u %100 , im an australian and i cope too much racism in this country just cuz i wear a veil n u r right abt the 500 drunk criminals n illegitimate another words “bastards” coming from the criminal origin beated n abused many non muslims n muslims thinking they were muslims just cuz they looked dark , arrogant fools they think muslims r dark n muslms r all arabs accourding to them
anyways the thing is most ppl r scared of islaam due to the media n its lies n politics n so on n most r iqnorant n have no idea when it comes to islaam just like some idiots in this website.My advise to these ppl r please look in to islaam from Islamic sources n if u find islaam to be a religion of violence of barbarism than talk , otherwise don’t talk from ur guts thanks


I'm thankful this story takes place in Denmark. In some other countries in Europe the paper would have been fined for incitement to hate and forced to make an apology.

I agree with my fellow reader above: this is nothing but one more example of the Religion of Peace being less than peaceful. *Do as we say or we will take a fatwa on your head*. Beautiful.

By the way, I seem to remember glorious mujaheedin wiping their asses with pages of the bible when they were holed up in the Church of the Nativity. Christians didn't riot or threatened to bomb, kill and beahad for this afront.

Are we starting to notice a pattern here?

If this doesn't show the

If this doesn't show the barbarity of the Islamist movement, I don't know what does.

by saying what you are not

by saying what you are not sure of is babaric! muslims are obviously not babaric by protesting against what they dont want, kevin dear dont run your mouth like a tap, be a critical thinker first. may Allah guide you.

Well Kevin, I wish to see

Well Kevin, I wish to see how civilized you would be when a civilized newspaper tries to have a sense of humor about your religion....

Dear Sir,I suggest you read

Dear Sir,

I suggest you read and learn about Islam before you accuse Muslims of being barbarians. Try to get an authentic book about Islam from the nearest library near you and read it!! Try to get a historical one, not a book that projects a personal opinion of anyone. There are a lot of articles and books published that contradicts the very core of Christianity and many other religions, so try to get an English translation of the holly Quran. After that you can call Muslims what ever you want!!


the newspaper is barbaric

the newspaper is barbaric for showing those cartoons but it's acceptable to fly passenger aircraft into buildings?

If drawing Muhammed is barbaric then I am a proud barbarian

Islam is obviously a ridiculous religion. (Of course, all religion is.) However it is worse that its followers have no sense of humour.

Here is a picture of Muhammed for your consideration; I suppose by doing this, henceforth any use of the smiley face will be considered blasphemous by muslims - but then it probably is already.

Here is Muhammed for you:

-Lasse Hillerøe Petersen

accept or refuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my sweet poor Lasse Hillerøe Petersen,,,
first of all i should begin with a nice word such as Hi,,
secondly,,i want to introduce myself to you my darling,,
I`m a PROUDE MUSLIM GIRL who should be angry from the things you said against our great prophit (MAY PEACE BE UPON HIM NOW AND EVER)
but you know what??????????
we"people" normaly do reactions to people just like us,,and may give them some of our time to express our feelings to them,,which may be anger,,love,,sympathy,,,etc
but in your case i think it is really nonsense from all muslims to give attetions to such animals like you.(am sorry for the word, but unfortunately i couldn`t find any other word that really reflects you)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope you enjoy your useless life and get what you desearve anfter death sweety..

iam very disappointed ..you

iam very disappointed ..you glad becuase the targeted the prophet ..a man you know nothing about him .. please take afew minuts and read about his life ..if some of his followers made a mistakes this dosent mean that becuase of him..
what a democracy ?????
what a shame???

everybody is talking about

everybody is talking about the prophet and the quraan ...how many of them have read about them ???
friends ... you are democratic peaple so please show some of respect to our belives and prophet ...you are not fully wrong but you are not fully right too ..so keep searching for the truth ...read some of quraan ...and read about the man that you targted just becuase you hate him or somebody told you to hate him ..
if he was right you lose ..if you was rihgt i lose ..
just be honest and examin your belives!!!